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Communication is hard when you're in a relationship with a boy who doesn't speak.

Louis pulls through, though, because he loves Harry very much. Since secondary school, in fact, when he insisted to his mother that he knew what love was, to which she rolled her eyes to. Little did she know that they'd be together until uni, and they were still going strong.

Now, Harry has never spoken a single word to Louis. Louis can only imagine what Harry's voice sounds like. Harry had a horrific childhood, to say the least, and he's chosen to be mute. There have been so many times Louis has begged him to talk when he was younger, because he knows he can. Louis' grown now, and he knows better than to try and get Harry to do something he's uncomfortable doing. He just hopes Harry finds the courage to talk someday.

But, anyways, things are good now. Harry and Louis live in a little flat in Manchester with a cat named Millie and too many potted plants in their windows.

"Haz, darlin', I'm home!" Louis comes home from his last class of the day to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band blasting from the spare room that Harry sometimes uses to paint in. Louis just hums along to the song and sets his rucksack down before walking to the room. Harry is painting with warm colours. "Hey, baby, how were your classes?"

Harry turns and smiles at Louis, giving him a thumbs up. Louis now realises he's not painting with all warm colours–just pink. He smiles and walks over to kiss the top of Harry's head as Harry turns and continues to paint. Louis looks closer to see he's painting a bunch of roses.

"I like it," He mumbles. "Very pretty, like someone else I know."

Harry's cheeks turn as rosy as his painting, and Louis smiles at the fact. "Chinese for dinner?" He asks, and Harry shrugs, still bashful as he nods his head slightly to the song that's playing, and Louis leaves singing "I get high with a little help from my friends" under his breath.

They order their food and Louis picks it up, coming back to Harry sprawled out on the couch with pink paint all over his skin. Louis smiles fondly and sets the brown paper bags down on the coffee table, leaning down and pressing his lips to Harry's. Harry's eyes flutter open and he smiles against Louis' lips, closing his eyes again and kissing back.

"Hi, lovey," Louis practically coos against Harry's lips, feeling Harry's butterfly kisses against his cheeks. "Got your food, babes, you hungry?"

Harry shrugs slightly, and Louis furrows his eyebrows in a soft sort of way. "You okay, pet? You seem a bit off today," Louis points out, and Harry bites his lip. "I think you've got something to tell me, huh?"

Harry lets out a soft, wistful sigh and nods slowly. Louis stands up straight as Harry leans up, looking up at him with teary eyes. Louis' face softens. "Oh, babes, what's wrong? I hate to see you so upset. Did something happen in one of your classes today? Did a professor say something again?" Harry shakes his head. "What happened, Harry? I won't be mad."

Harry stands up and walks toward the washroom, and Louis furrows his eyebrows. He comes back with the box for a pregnancy test, and Louis' eyes widen. He can feel his stomach turn as Harry just blinks at him. "You think you're...?" Harry just nods shakily. Louis can see the fear written all over his face as he exhales shakily. "Okay, deep breaths, H, I'm not mad. I'm not mad, I promise, I'm happy! If you think you are you should take the test, though, yeah?"

Harry sniffles, and Louis practically attacks him in a hug as soon as he hears it. "Shh, love, it's okay," He says softly, shaking his head. "You're not your parents, Hazza, you'll be amazing, if you are...pregnant. I promise. You're so full of love, H, and I love you so much, and we'll get through it."

Harry just squeezes Louis' shoulders, burying his face in the crook of his neck. "My pretty boy," Louis coos under his breath, kissing his cheek. "I love you. We'll be okay. Why don't you go take the test, okay? We don't even know if it's positive."

Louis can feel Harry exhale against his neck before standing up straight and looking at Louis with watery eyes. "We'll be okay, pet," Louis whispers, giving Harry's upper arm a squeeze.

Harry walks to the washroom and shuts the door, and Louis waits on the couch. He sighs shakily and wipes his forehead, trying not to get worked up so he doesn't scare Harry. Harry, he's learned over the past decade and a fifth, is very sensitive. It could be from his past, but Louis thinks sometimes that's just who he is. A boy born with a very big heart.

Harry walks out of the washroom and he's full on sobbing now, wiping his eyes and staring at a white little stick and Louis stands up. Harry just looks up at him and nods, and Louis' entire body numbs. He watches as Harry covers his mouth and he thinks he sees the smallest hint of a smile behind the boy's hand.

"I love you, Harry," Louis mumbles as he pulls Harry into a very tight hug, extra delicate around the stomach area but fierce and loving around his shoulders. He can feel Harry's tears seeping through the fabric of his t-shirt, and he kisses his cheek again. "Don't cry, babes, it'll be okay. We'll be fine, we're just a bit young, darling."

Harry sniffles and doesn't say anything, of course, and it's moments like these where Louis wishes his boy would just burst out with a short string of words, because Louis needs someone to calm his nerves too.

"Oh, H, love, you're getting yourself worked up," Louis guides Harry to the couch and sits him in his lap only for his boy to wrap himself around him. "I'm not angry, I'm not upset with you. I'm getting upset now because you're crying, babes, please calm down."

Harry just whimpers and sits up straight, searching Louis' face for some kind of concrete emotion, but he can't find anything. Louis smiles wearily and leans up to peck Harry's lips, watching as the boy's blotchy cheeks turn a solid rosy pink. "You'll be amazing, Hazza," Louis assures under his breath, leaving a trail of kisses down Harry's neck. "Coolest dad I've ever seen."

Harry smiles wide and sniffles at the prospect, watching as Louis fusses over him, kissing every inch of skin. "I love you, I love you, I love you," Louis whispers, always itching to hear it back but knowing he verbally won't. "I love you so much, H, you're everything."

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