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"Hiiiii, Harry!"

Harry just looks at his best friend. He doesn't feel like talking today. Whenever he does talk his Mumma hits him, so why should he even bother?

Niall looks at him confusedly as they both start to walk towards the bus stop. "Are you okay, Harry?" His seven year old friend asks him. Harry just shrugs. Niall twists his mouth and seemingly thinks for a few seconds. "It's okay if you don't want to talk. I'll just talk to you!"

Harry feels so, so grateful for Niall. He's very content with not speaking, but it would just be weird if Niall wasn't talking out of his bum for minutes at a time.

Louis really fucked up this time.

He doesn't even know why Harry is that mad. He still thinks he did the right thing. But now Harry's by himself in the bedroom, and Louis' half-ass playing Fifa in the lounge. It's times like these Louis gets so frustrated about their relationship, because there's such a huge lack of communication, and it can't be solved.

Harry's been alone for a while, Louis' kind of worried. He feels weird going in there and checking on him when he's so upset with him, though. He just wishes they could talk about this, Louis wants to understand how Harry feels.

It's two hours before Louis hears the bedroom door open, and slow footsteps trudging out into the lounge. He pauses his game in preparation, waiting for Harry to walk out and give him a cold look before picking up his phone and texting Louis that he's leaving to go to Niall's. Instead, Harry appears wearing joggers and a soft thermal shirt, half of his hair tied up into a bun. He slowly sits down next to Louis, turning his head to look at him with shiny eyes and blotchy red cheeks.

"Hi," Louis says softly. Harry smiles weakly, his bottom lip trembling, and Louis frowns. "Oh, baby, come here."

Harry lets Louis pull him into his lap, resting his face in the crook of Louis' neck and starting to cry all over again. "It's okay," Louis assures. "It's okay, love, I know. Deep breaths, it's okay."

He kisses Harry's cheek, rocking him back and forth as Harry weeps into his skin. "Here, baby," Louis soothes, leaning forward and grabbing Harry's phone off of the coffee table. "You think you can type what you're thinking right now?"

Harry nods shakily, sniffling and going into his phone. Louis presses a kiss to his forehead as he types shakily into his notes app. He turns his phone around.

I talked today.

Louis pales. He grabs Harry's upper arms, looking into his eyes. "Y-You talked?" Harry nods shyly, wiping the tears from his cheeks as Louis stares at him. "Can I...Can I hear?"

Harry nods slowly. He closes his eyes and inhaled deeply before opening them and saying, "I-I love you, I'm sorry I snapped at you."

Louis physically can't breathe. Harry smiles sheepishly, still teary-eyed. "Baby," Louis breathes before attacking Harry in a hug. Harry giggles, tucking his face into the crook of Louis' neck. "I love you too."

Louis' eyes are wet as he rubs Harry's back, his heart caught in his throat. His voice is so deep, words slow and sweet and shaky. He holds Harry even tighter, still careful of his belly. "I'm so sorry I upset you, love," He whispers.

Harry leans back from Louis, wiping the tears from Louis' cheeks. "I'm o-okay," Harry says slowly, giving Louis a weak smile. Louis fucking loses it right then, closing his eyes and letting out the tears that had been welling up.

"Oh, Harry," Louis exhales. Harry giggles, leaning down and pressing his lips to Louis' forehead. Louis puts his hand on Harry's belly, giving Harry a watery smile. "I'm so proud of you, baby, holy shit. Is this why you've been going to Liam's? Has he been helping you?"

Harry nods, a bit bashful. "Wanted to surprise you," He admits, cheeks becoming darker and darker. His voice is so beautiful, Louis can barely breathe. Harry's so incredibly sweet. "I-I'm not mad. At you. I just got upset."

"It's okay, sweetheart, I understand," Louis assures gently, grabbing Harry's hand and kissing the back of it. "Hazza, oh my God. Sorry, I'm so sorry for freaking out, I just. This is insane. This feels like a dream. Your voice is beautiful."

Harry gives Louis a sappy sort of smile. "Niall's gonna be so psyched to hear this," Louis points out with a laugh. Harry giggles and nods, and Louis swoops up to press their lips together.

It's a few hours later, in bed, when Louis realises. Harry said he wanted to talk to the baby, and how he's able to. An overwhelming sense of pride comes over him. God, his baby has come so far. He's incredible.

Harry's cuddled up to Louis' side, his belly making it hard for him to be comfortable without some support from Louis. Or the pregnancy pillow Jay had bought him. He only uses that when Louis isn't there, or when he starts to feel guilty about hanging all over Louis all the time.

"My mum used to hit me."

Louis looks down at Harry, heart falling to his stomach as soon as Harry speaks. He doesn't think he'll ever get over it. "I figured," Louis nods.

"Her and my dad," Harry nods, his voice raspy. "And it'd be worse when they drank a lot. And they would...they would always...always, um..."

Louis supposes Harry wouldn't just immediately be able to talk perfectly after all this time. "Harry?" Louis questions softly. Harry just closes his eyes and shakes his head, hands trembling as he reaches for Louis'. Louis smiles sadly and takes Harry's hand in his own, giving it a squeeze. "I know, bub. It's okay."

Harry smiles at him weakly, but he doesn't say anything. "I'm so proud of you, H," Louis mumbles into Harry's hair. "You know? You're the strongest person I know. You went through so much shit with your parents, and now you're carrying my baby, which certainly isn't easy. It's just insane to me, how lucky I am to have you."

Harry doesn't say anything, just leans up and presses their lips together. This whole day feels like a dream, if Louis is being honest.

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