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Things move quickly.

Harry hits three months along before they know it, and there's a tiny raise to his stomach that you can see when he wears tight t-shirts. Still no talking. But that's okay. Louis is patient with him.

"Hazza, love, 'm home!" Louis calls out as he sets his laptop bag down near the door. He can hear something coming from the kitchen, and he furrows his eyebrows before walking in to find Harry with a container or strawberries. "Harry, babe, you hate strawberries."

Harry shrugs and points to his stomach, and Louis' heart swells. He practically beams before walking over and pressing a kiss to the tip of Harry's nose. "I missed you," He sighs contently, burying his face in the crook of Harry's neck. His hand slowly travels down to the small swell of Harry's stomach, and he can't help but smile more. "Both of you."

Harry puts his hand against Louis' cheek, setting the strawberries down and leaning into him more. They stay like that for a bit, Louis' thumb rubbing Harry's stomach as Harry preens under the attention.

"Are you ready to tell everyone?" Louis asks softly. Harry frowns and shakes his head, and Louis raises his eyebrows. "You don't even have to say anything. And it's not like they'll be mad. The boys will be so excited, and so will my Mum."

Harry exhales deeply and nods, biting his bottom lip as he picks up the strawberries again, biting into one nervously. His lips are stained red and they look even more delicious than usual, so Louis leans forward and presses his lips to Harry's. He can feel Harry smile against his lips, and he rests his hands on his hips.

"I love you," Louis whispers once they're done, giving Harry a quick eskimo kiss as the doorbell rings. "Must be the boys. I'll get it, okay? You should put a sweater on to hide your tummy, otherwise Liam will know right away. He's too smart."

Harry pouts, but he walks to the coat closet as Louis goes to answer the door. Niall is standing there, Liam and Zayn standing behind him. "Do you have the good beer?" He asks, pushing passed Louis. Louis sighs and shakes his head.

"We're not drinking until Harry and I tell you what we have to tell you," Louis replies, pointing toward the couch as Harry walks in with a lavender sweater hanging loose around his torso. "There you are, love."

"Can we hurry this along?" Niall whines. "I want beer."

"Niall," Liam sighs, shaking his head. Louis sits down in one of the armchairs across from the sofa, and Harry opts to sit on Louis' lap. He buries his face into Louis' neck and wraps his arms around it, and Louis just frowns and rubs Harry's back.

"Is everything alright, lads?" Zayn asks cautiously, noticing Harry's sullen actions.

"He's just a bit nervous," Louis assures, kissing right below Harry's ear. "It's good news, I promise, right, love?"

Harry nods, but he keeps his face hidden. Louis sighs and adjusts Harry in his lap. "Um, lads, Harry is pregnant."

All three boys are silent. "What?" Niall coughs, eyes wide. "You're serious?"

Louis nods. "Three months along now, right, H?" Harry nods again.

"Holy shit, I'm gonna be an uncle!" Niall stands up and pulls Harry off of Louis' lap, attacking him in a hug. "Congratulations, mate!"

"That's great, guys," Zayn adds on, giving Louis a hug once he's stood up. "I call godfather!"

"You can't call godfather!"

"Um, I think I just did?"

"Fuck you!"

"Boys, boys," Louis laughs, keeping his arm around Harry's waist as Harry beams. "You can all be godfathers."

"We can't all be godfathers!" Liam points out with a pout.

"How about none of you, then?" Louis raises his eyebrows. "I'm sure Tommy would be up for the job."

"Nooo," Niall huffs. He walks over to Harry. "Harry, don't you agree I should be godfather?" Harry just raises his eyebrows. Niall huffs. "Well, what do you know?"

"Leave him alone," Louis huffs.

"I've known him longer!" Niall argues before glaring at him. "Do anything to hurt him and your family will watch your body be scooped out of a river on the news."

Harry rolls his eyes and smacks Niall's shoulder, but he's smiling.

"Hi, Mum!" Louis says as Jay's face lights up.

"Oh, boys, what a lovely surprise!" She says, adjusting the screen before beaming at the two. "What's up, loves?"

"Harry and I have something to tell you," Louis says as Harry leans into him. "Unless you're busy?"

"Never too busy for my boys," She replies, and both Harry and Louis smile. "What is it?"

"Um, we're expecting," Louis reveals quickly, giving Jay a small smile. "Harry's pregnant."

"Are you serious?!" Jay practically shrieks, and Harry beams and nods. "Oh, boys, that's wonderful! How far along are you, Harry, love?" Harry holds up three fingers. "Three months?" He nods. "Oh, that's so wonderful! You look amazing, darling, and I know you'll be a wonderful parent!"

Harry's cheeks turn pink as he smiles. "Promise me you'll come and visit soon, loves?"

"We will," Louis assures with a loving grin he only reserves for his mum and Harry. "We should get going, though. We have class tomorrow morning."

"Of course, of course," Jay nods. "Harry, text me if you need anything, okay?" Harry nods and gives Jay a thumbs up. "Alright, goodnight, darlings! Call me when you're free to visit, Lou."

"I will," Louis assures. Jay blows them a kiss, they exchange I love you's, and then Harry and Louis are alone.

"I told you everything would be fine," Louis hums, nuzzling his face into Harry's neck as Harry rolls his eyes and smiles.

Say Something (Larry AU) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now