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"Well, good morning, sleepy head," Louis greets as Harry trudges into the kitchen, sleepy-eyed and yawning into his hand. Harry's so soft and warm in the mornings, Morning Harry is probably Louis' favourite Harry (besides, of course, Sexy Harry).

Harry gives Louis a sleepy smile that reminds Louis of a kitten. He makes his way to Louis, who's just finished plugging in the electric kettle to make his third cup of tea of the morning. He needs to start sleeping more. Harry leans his forehead against Louis' shoulder, sighing wearily. Louis smiles to himself and kisses the top of Harry's head. "Tired?"

Harry nods, standing up straight and leaning his back against the counter. Louis puts his hand on Harry's bump, splaying his fingers out and grinning. "You feel okay?" He asks sweetly, watching as Harry's expression becomes warm. Harry nods, putting his hand on top of Louis'. "We've got to think of a name for her soon, Haz. I'vent got any yet."

Harry shrugs and shakes his head, twisting his mouth. Louis sighs and gives Harry's belly a pat before walking over to one of the cabinets, pulling out some tea. "Fancy some?" Louis looks at Harry over his shoulder, and Harry nods with a grateful smile. He sets the box next to the kettle and waits for it to heat up, smiling when Harry leans into his side. He wants to spend the rest of his life like this.

Harry is at Liam's again, and Louis is bitter about it. Liam has his own boyfriend, why does he have to go and steal Louis' like three times a week? It's not fair.

Louis is pouting and playing Fifa, his favourite thing to do when he's jealous. He knows Liam would never try to make a move on Harry, especially now, but he misses his boy. The end of game screen pops up, and yeah, he lost. Damnit. He might as well go get the mail, since he's apparently shit at Fifa as well.

Louis stands up and scratches his tummy, slipping on some of Harry's shoes that are left by the door. He makes sure to grab his keys (he has locked himself out of the flat too many times) before making his way downstairs to the lobby.

"Hello there, Louis," The elderly woman who lives below Harry and Louis greets him. She made them cookies when she found out about the baby, she's pretty much Louis' favourite person.

"Hi, how're you?" Louis replies, unlocking his mailbox and peering into it.

"Just fine, love, how's Harry and the little one?" She asks, holding a stack of magazines in her hands.

"Oh, they're great, thanks," Usually Louis would be more cordial. Right now he's not in the mood. They say their goodbyes before Louis pulls out the contents of his mailbox.

There's not much in there. A few bills, a catalog, and...a letter? They literally never receive letters, that's strange. It's addressed to Harry, with no return address. Louis has a strange feeling about this letter. He knows it's illegal to open other people's mail, but Harry's carrying his baby, so there has to be some sort of leeway there, right? He slowly rips open the envelope, pulling out the folded up piece of paper.

I'm so glad I've finally found you, love, your father and I have been looking for months. Your father and I have just finished a program in a rehab centre, and one of the steps to healing our therapist recommended was communicating with you again.

We truly hope your life has gotten better since leaving home. I'd imagine you're enrolled in university by now, you were always so bright. Maybe you've even got yourself a girlfriend or boyfriend.

Harry, your father and I should have never used violence as a means of discipline, and I apologise now, and we'd love for you to come to a meeting with us and our therapist so we can both apologise in person. Write back soon, love, we're thinking of you.


Violence. Harry's parents used to abuse him. Louis' stomach turns. He swallows thickly before folding the letter back up and sticking it in his pocket, running his fingers through his hair nervously. He's scared of telling Harry about the letter, but he can't lie to him. He's never really lied to Harry about anything.

Louis slowly starts to walk back towards the stairs, making his way up to their floor on shaky legs. Oh, God, Harry. His poor boy. He can't believe Harry had to go through something like that.

Once he makes it back to the flat he flops down on the sofa, folding his hands together and staring down at the carpet. How does he approach Harry with this? He doesn't want to cause him any stress, especially now that he's pregnant, and Harry seems to spiral whenever someone even mentions his parents.

The door opens, and Harry walks in with his black jeans and white maternity t-shirt. Louis smiles at him, forgetting about the letter for a few moments when Harry gives him a bright smile. "Hi, baby, how was Liam's?"

Harry gives Louis a thumb's up, walking over to the couch and carefully sitting down next to Louis. Louis leans over and kisses Harry's cheek before saying, "Hey, I have to talk to you about something."

Harry furrows his eyebrows, leaning his head on Louis' shoulder and looking up at him. He's so fucking cute, Louis doesn't know if he can do this.

"Um, you got a letter in the mail today," Louis explains, and Harry furrows his eyebrows. "From your mother."

Louis can feel Harry tense. "I-I opened it," Louis admits, pulling it out from his pocket. "Because I wanted to see what it said before I gave it to you."

Harry stands up quicker than he has in months. He crosses his arms over his chest, looking down at Louis with a red face and tears in his eyes. Louis' face softens. "What, what?" He asks, standing up and reaching out towards Harry. Harry steps away from him, and Louis furrows his eyebrows. "Are...Are you mad at me? For opening the letter?"

Harry rolls his eyes and nods, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. "Harry, I was only trying to protect you," Louis explains. Harry opens his mouth like he's about to say something, then closes it and just storms out of the room. There's a pang in Louis' chest as he sighs, flopping back onto the couch with a huff.

[1 hour earlier]

"Hey," Liam puts his hand over Harry's. "'S okay, H, just take a few deep breaths."

Harry looks up at Liam timidly, knowing on his bottom lip. Niall isn't there for once, and neither is Zayn. It's just him and Liam. Liam smiles kindly at him. "You can do whatever you want, H. I'll sit here with you all day and help you work up the courage. All you have to do is say hi."

Harry nods slowly, and Liam entwines their fingers before giving them a squeeze. Harry closes his eyes and opens his mouth, but closes it again quickly. "You got it, mate," Liam encourages. Harry squeezes his eyes shut, feeling the baby kick right above his navel. He exhales deeply, squeezing Liam's hand and clearing his throat.


Harry opens his eyes in shock, looking up at Liam as a huge grin makes its way to Liam's face. "G-Good, very good," Liam says, visibly trying to contain his excitement. Harry can't help but beam, his eyes filling with tears as he continues to hold Liam's hand. "Say something else!"

"Something else," Harry has a shit-eating grin on his face. Liam rolls his eyes before attacking Harry in a hug, tears trickling down Harry's cheeks.

"I'm so proud of you, mate," Liam mumbles into Harry's shoulder. Harry giggles and leans back from Liam, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

Say Something (Larry AU) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now