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"Hazza, babe, 'm home!"

No response. Louis frowns and sets down the grocery bag full of Harry's current cravings on the floor, furrowing his eyebrows. "Hazza?"

He's getting a bit nervous. Usually Harry will come to Louis when he gets home. He checks the guest room Harry uses to paint in first, but he's not there. He turns to the bedroom, and he doesn't see Harry until he walks around the bed.

Harry is on his hands and knees on the floor, facial expression pained as he takes slow, deep breaths. "Hazza, what's the matter?" Louis asks quickly, dropping to the floor next to Harry. "Does it hurt, are you in pain?"

Harry nods weakly, and Louis puts his hand on Harry's back. "Uh, oh my God, should I call an ambulance? How much does it hurt? Harry, holy shit."

Harry just shakes his head, bending his arms a bit. "Harry, I need to know what is going on," Louis says, a bit sterner this time. Harry just shakes his head to try and tell Louis that he's fine. It's only a few moments after he feels Louis remove his hand from his back, standing up and walking to the other side of the bedroom.

Harry slowly sits up on his knees, watching as Louis stands there and stares at the floor for a few seconds. "This is about the baby," Louis says softly. Harry furrows his eyebrows. "Your number one job, your number one priority is to take care of the baby, and you won't even communicate to me what's going on. I thought, genuinely, that there was something wrong. If there was, would you even try and do anything about it?"

Harry's lips part. Obviously he's offended. He nods, hands becoming a bit shaky as he looks at Louis glaring at him and sees his mother with the same look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, no," Louis sighs. "I just. You not being able to talk to me about the baby, how she's doing, it makes me nervous."

Harry frowns and looks down at his stomach. Louis walks over and helps Harry stand up, frowning anxiously. "You're okay, right? Baby's good?"

Harry nods solemnly, wincing when another pain hits his stomach. Louis twists his mouth, leading Harry towards the bed and helping him sit down. "If it gets any worse, you have to let me know somehow, okay?"

Harry nods again. Louis walks out of the room. What he's doing, Harry's unsure. He slowly pulls back the covers and slides under them, burying himself up to his nose. He feels terrible, and shaky, and like a bad boyfriend.

Louis' getting irritated at him for not speaking. That's his worst fear. He can feel the anxiety blooming inside of him as he closes his eyes, burying his face in his pillow. He can't help it. Doesn't Louis know that? If he could speak, he would.

He has to do something about this soon.

Louis walks back into the bedroom, sitting at the edge of the bed and looking down at Harry. "I'm sorry," He says, voice barely even a whisper. It's then Harry notices how tired Louis looks. "I'm sorry, I'm just–I'm really tired. I didn't mean to snap at you."

Harry slowly sits up, and Louis is quick to help him. Louis notices how much his hands are shaking, and he frowns. "I-I didn't mean to–" He stops himself, sighing softly and burying his face in his own hands. "I know you can't help it, I know it's hard for you. It just hurts to not know what's going on in your brain."

Harry slowly grabs Louis' hand, bringing it up to his mouth and pressing his lips to the back of it. The worry lines in Louis' forehead disappear. He leans forward and leaves a kiss on Harry's temple.

"You got fucking mad at him?"

"Niall," Louis snaps. He knows Niall, knows he's almost as protective of Harry as he is. But he's tired. And stressed. And doesn't need someone telling him how to act around his boyfriend. "I'm allowed to be annoyed with him sometimes."

"Did you yell?" Niall asks, eyes wide in bewilderment. Zayn stays low-key, sipping his coffee and watching Niall get all worked up with a raised eyebrow. "You can't yell at him, Louis, he gets fucking freaked out. He's pregnant, and hormonal, and his parents were–"

"Niall," Louis says again. "I didn't even raise my voice at him. I apologised after I got upset, made sure he was okay, and left him alone."

Niall looks over to Zayn for help. Zayn gives his input. "We can't treat Harry like he's not a person, Ni," He reminds. "He's fragile, and we all know that, and we take care of him, but that doesn't mean we can't get upset with him at all. Louis' allowed to be angry at him. Healthy relationships are not all sweet and happy and sunshine-y. Healthy relationships need a bit of conflict."

Niall crosses his arms and looks down at the floor, not saying anything else. Louis takes a sip of his tea and closes his eyes, picturing the look on Harry's face when he snapped at him.

The door opens and closes, and Liam walks in with Harry. "Hey, Harry woke up," He says. Harry's sipping on a blue slushy. Liam walks over and kisses the top of Zayn's head before whispering not-so-subtly. "He's a little grumpy."

Harry pouts. Niall pulls a chair out for Harry next to him, away from Louis, and Harry sits down. He looks over to Louis and gives him a weary smile, one that Louis returns.

"He almost fell asleep on the ride here," Liam mentions, plopping down in a seat in-between Zayn and Louis. "I think he's narcoleptic."

Harry giggles, and Niall leans over and sneaks a sip of his slushy. Harry gapes at him before flicking him right next to his ear, making him flinch and whine. They're close, Louis is aware of how close they've always been.

Harry's laughing before his face twists into a pained expression, nose scrunching up. "Wassit, Harry?" Liam asks before Louis even gets the chance. Harry waves him off and shakes his head, and Zayn gets up to get him some water.

"Braxton Hicks," Louis speaks for the first time in a while. Everyone looks at him. He looks into his tea. "He's getting his first round of Braxton Hicks. He gets them when he's sleeping sometimes, but I don't think he realises."

Unnecessary information, Louis realises. Harry's smiling sheepishly though, and Zayn sets a glass of water down in front of him.

"I think you should name the baby Niall," Niall mentions. Harry rolls his eyes while Louis scoffs. "What? It's a cute name. Niall Tomlinson."

"Maybe the next one, Ni," Louis says sarcastically. Harry's cheeks become rosy at the mention of a second one. "We need a name, we've only got, like, two months."

"Niall is a quick, easy, and respectable choice," Niall points out. Harry shushes him. It's audible–he's never done that before. Louis smiles.

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