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Harry's always had nightmares.

Since Louis has known him, actually. He remembers back in grade school when Harry would sulk into homeroom with bags under his eyes. Louis supposes they sprout from his bad childhood. But, usually they only come once or twice a month. He's had two in the past week.

He's awake when all of a sudden he can feel Harry nuzzle his face into Louis' back and sniffle. Louis slowly turns around and wraps his arm around Harry's waist, the boy's sniffling quickly turning to weeping as he leans his forehead against Louis' chest.

"Oh, baby," Louis coos softly, kissing the top of Harry's head. Harry grips onto Louis' t-shirt, and Louis' heart is aching. Harry really, really doesn't deserve any of this. "Did you have another nightmare, Hazza?"

Harry nods, and his crying has never been noisy until recently, and Louis frowns. He sits up slowly, Harry staying laying down and crying into Louis' pillow while Louis reaches towards the tissue box on his nightstand. He hands a tissue to Harry, who sits up with a little assistance from Louis and wipes his eyes with it.

"You want to text me what the nightmare was about?" Louis asks gently. He's so glad texting was invented. When Harry initially went mute he had no way to learn sign language. His parents obviously weren't going to help him out, and he barely had any access to the internet outside of school.

Harry shakes his head timidly, and Louis frowns. "Why? Was I in the nightmare?" He asks, and Harry nods. "You can tell me, Haz, I won't get offended or anything."

Harry sniffles and shrugs, but he unplugs his mobile from the charger and starts to text Louis. Louis is patient, leaning into Harry and pressing kisses to his jawline as he types quickly. Louis' phone goes off a few moments later, and he picks it up and unlocks it.

In my dream the baby had been born, and they were a little girl but they looked like my sister, and you were hitting her and calling her mean names :(

Louis' stomach turns. "Oh, Hazza," Louis sighs, turning his phone off and wrapping Harry up in a hug. "Did...did your parents do that to your sister? When she was little?"

Louis knew Harry's sister had passed away when he was a kid, but he didn't know how. Harry nods, shaky hands gripping onto Louis as Louis kisses the top of Harry's head. "I promise I am nothing like your parents," He mutters into Harry's hair. "And I don't intend on becoming like them, okay? You've got nothing to worry about, babe."

Harry nods, sniffling before letting out a soft sigh. Before Louis can ask what's wrong, Harry leans back from him and takes one of his hands, pressing it to his belly. Their little girl is kicking like mad, and Louis practically beams.

"That's sick," Louis grins, excitement bubbling up in him as Harry sniffles and grins. "She's gonna be a little footballer, that's so cool."

Harry's smiling before she gives a hard kick that makes him huff, sticking his bottom lip out. "Hey, let's let Papa get some sleep, yeah?" Louis laughs, and soon Harry's smiling again. Harry looks at Louis and taps his index finger against his lips, trying to tell Louis something. "You've got to give me something else besides that, love."

Harry twists his mouth before picking his phone up and typing something. Louis' phone goes off and he picks it up, furrowing his eyebrows.

You should sing to her, bet it'll calm her down :)

"You know I'm shit at singing, Haz," Louis laughs. Harry rolls his eyes, and Louis sighs and flops back onto the bed so his face is near Harry's belly. "What do I sing?"

Harry shrugs. Louis twists his mouth before crossing his arms in front of him and inhaling softly. "Ah, ah, when I was younger, I, I, should've known better, and I can't feel no remorse," He glances up at Harry, who's grinning sleepily. "And you don't feel nothing back."

Say Something (Larry AU) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now