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It's five in the morning, and Harry is crying.

He just-he really wanted to figure out how to hook up Louis' PlayStation to the telly, okay? It's been sitting in it's box for months, Louis' been too busy catering to Harry and their little one to be able to set it up, and Harry just feels so bad, and he wants to do something nice for him.

But he can't figure it out. Millions of people have PlayStations, and they hooked theirs up okay, so why is he struggling so much? He wishes he talked so he could scream right now. He's so frustrated.

He's just crying pitifully, and he just wants Louis there with him to comfort him, but Louis' sleeping and he needs to let Louis sleep, he had him get up at three in the morning to get him strawberries. He's so fucking annoying, Jesus, why does Louis put up with him? He does so much and doesn't even get a verbal thank you in return.

Harry can hear the bedroom door open, and he just cries harder, because Louis is going to walk in on his pathetic, fat, idiot boyfriend crying on the living room floor and feel as though he has to comfort him instead of having a cuppa like he does first thing every morning.

Louis appears in the doorway, hair messy and eyes sleepy. He frowns as soon as he looks at Harry, who looks up at him with big doe eyes and sniffles. Louis' used to this by now, Harry's fifth month of pregnancy, and calmly walks over to him and sits down.

"You okay, baby?" Louis soothes, rubbing Harry's back as Harry leans into him. "Oh, H, what happened? What're you doing up, love?"

Harry points towards the unhooked PlayStation underneath the telly pitifully, and Louis can't help but smile. Harry's so sweet, holy shit. He can't believe how lucky he is.

"Oh, honey," Louis coos with a smile, kissing the top of Harry's curls sweetly. "It's okay, love, I can do it myself. You want me to cook you some brekkie and then I'll teach you how to play Fifa?"

Harry just nods miserably. Louis' so wonderful. Louis helps him stand up and leans down to kiss his belly before pressing his lips to Harry's tenderly. They both have morning breath, but they've spent so many mornings together that they're used to it by now. Louis walks Harry to the kitchen, helping him sit down at the table before walking over to the counter.

"Do you want more strawberries, your highness?" Louis teases, already opening the refrigerator to grab them. Harry giggles silently and nods, eyes glued to them as soon as Louis pulls them out of the fridge. For the past two months he's been craving nothing but strawberries and Louis.

Louis rinses some before putting them in a bowl and setting the bowl down in front of Harry, dropping a kiss on top of Harry's wild bedhead as well. Harry reaches out to give Louis' hand a squeeze as a thank you, and Louis beams adoringly.

Almost as soon as Louis turns back around Harry feels it. He's not sure it's actually what he thinks it is at first, jumping a little bit in his seat. He waits a few seconds before it comes again. That's definitely a baby foot, their baby's foot, holy shit, the baby is kicking.

Harry looks up at Louis, who's back is turned to him as he prepares his tea. Harry starts to bang his hand on the table to get Louis' attention, and of course his boyfriend turns around quickly.

"What, what is it?" Louis asks quickly, approaching Harry with his eyebrows raised in concern. Harry grabs Louis' hand and brings it to his belly, pressing his palm flat to the spot where he felt the few kicks. Louis' eyes widen as soon as the little feet come back, and Harry's whole face lights up.

"Harry, babe, i-is the baby kicking?" Louis asks in awe, crouching down so his face is level with Harry's belly and putting his other hand right next to his left one. Harry nods excitedly, and the baby kicks again, and Louis lets out a loud laugh. "Holy shit! That's so tiny! They're so little, Haz."

Say Something (Larry AU) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now