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"Are you sure you're okay?" Louis asks nervously, both hands gripping the wheel as he glances over at Harry. Harry's wearing this lovely white maternity shirt, black stretchy jeans on his legs. Louis can't believe it's just about August already. The baby's coming so soon.

"'M okay," Harry responds after a few seconds, voice soft. He doesn't talk often, but that's okay with Louis. He's still very soft spoken and shy with his words, only speaking when it's important. Even if it's a one word reply, he becomes bashful, cheeks turning pink.

"We don't have to stay at my mum's for too long, darling," Louis assures. "I know you get tired."

Harry smiles wearily, putting his hand on Louis' thigh. Cautiously, Louis takes one hand off the steering wheel and puts his hand over Harry's, entwining their fingers.

They arrive at Louis' family's house soon enough. Louis rushes to get out of the car so he can go over to Harry's side and help him. Harry grins at him, cheeks rosy. It's warm outside, so Harry has his hair pulled out of his face with this headband Louis thinks Lottie gave him. It's got flowers on it. Harry's so lovely, Louis can't believe it.

Louis helps Harry walk up to the door, opening it and seeing it's unlocked. "Helloooo?" Louis calls out, his hand on the small of Harry's back. Jay comes in with Ernest trailing behind her, a huge grin on her face.

"Well, hello, boys," She greets, going to hug Harry first. She leans back and looks at him, smiling wistfully and saying, "How're you, Harry?"

Harry smiles sheepishly. "'M good," He says. Jay stops, eyes widening. Harry giggles at her reaction.

"Harry," She breathes. "Oh my goodness."

"Sounds good, doesn't he?" Louis grins proudly.

"Oh, babe, you sound wonderful," She grabs Harry's face and pulls him down so she can pepper his cheek with kisses. Harry giggles again, just as Lottie and Doris come into the room.

"'Ry!" Doris screams as she always does. Louis can't believe his family loves Harry more than they love him (actually, yeah, he can). She holds her arms up towards him.

"I don't think you'll be getting picked up today, D," Lottie laughs. "Baby's in the way."

"Here you go, love," Louis lifts Doris up himself and steps closer to Harry.

"'Ry say hi?" Doris asks.

"Hi," Harry says. Lottie gasps. Doris opens her mouth in surprise before smiling and squealing out of delight.

"'Ry say hi Dory!" She exclaims.

"Hi, Dory," Harry laughs. Doris squeals again, making both Harry and Louis laugh, Louis sharing a grin with his mother.

"Charlotte is a very respectable name," Lottie argues, crossing her arms and huffing. "And no one ever names their kids after women in their family! It'll be something different!"

"You were literally named after our great grandmother," Daisy points out. Lottie blinks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah," She realises. Louis turns his head and gives Harry a look. They're sitting next to each other at the table, Louis' hand resting on Harry's tummy. Harry tries to keep from laughing.

"We have a little more time to decide," Louis points out, grinning when Harry reaches over and takes his tea to have a sip. "Nothing has really stood out to us, you know?"

"I didn't name you until the day after you were born," Jay mentions.

"Exactly," Louis says. "I don't want to give her just any old name. I want to think about it first, really think it through to make sure it's good enough."

Harry smiles fondly as Louis speaks. "That's such a big responsibility," Phoebe says as she braids Lottie's hair. "What if you give her a name she, like, hates? Or one that you won't like after a while?"

Louis looks panicked. "Why'd you say that?" He mumbles, putting his hand on his forehead. Phoebe rolls her eyes.

"Louis, you'll be fine," She assures. "I was just saying. I'm sure you'll choose a wonderful name."

"Yeah, we already know you've got good taste," Lottie mentions. "You're dating Harry."

Both Harry and Louis grins at that. "You've got a point there," Louis says, and Harry rolls his eyes, cheeks turning pink.

"Wanna sit on your lap," Doris says as she approaches Harry, climbing up onto his legs. Harry chuckles and helps her out as Louis watches her carefully.

"Careful of his belly, D," Louis reminds. Harry waves him off, telling him it's fine.

"Hiii, baby," Doris waves to Harry's bump, making Harry laugh.

While Louis is having one of his bouts of insomnia, Harry sits up quickly, looking over to Louis with tired eyes. Louis didn't think Harry could sit up by himself like that anymore.

"You okay?" Louis laughs. "'S three in the morning, H."

"Sophie," Harry says. Louis furrows his eyebrows.

"Who?" He asks. Harry rolls his eyes, huffing.

"Let's name her Sophie," He says. Louis raises his eyebrows, mulling it over.

"Sophie," He tests. "Sophie Tomlinson." He smiles after a few moments. "I think I like it. How'd you think of that?"

Harry shrugs. Louis' smile widens, and he wraps Harry up in his arms and kisses the top of his head.

sorry this is so short xoxo

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