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"My favourite Liam story is when he tried to set me up with my own sister when we all went out to a club," Louis says, holding out his drink for cheers. Liam winces like he knows what's coming. "When I both had a boyfriend and introduced her to him before we left."

Zayn and Niall laugh. Liam pouts. "In my defence," He says. "I was clapped."

"Uh, I was too," Louis says. "And I still knew she was my sister."

"I think I was too," Niall twists his mouth. "I don't remember."

"That probably means you were," Liam points out. Harry laughs, and Louis looks down at him fondly. He could never get sick of that laugh. "We all smoked at Louis' flat before we went out. Except Zayn. Designated Driver."

"Not by choice," Zayn grumbles.

"Poor baby," Liam coos mockingly. Zayn pouts, crossing his arms. Harry reaches up to grab Louis' free hand, and when Louis looks down at him, his nose is scrunched up in pain. Louis sits back down, putting his drink on the table and squeezing Harry's hand.

"Should we go?" Louis whispers, so quiet Harry barely even hears it. Harry bites his bottom lip, shrugging slightly. Louis brings Harry's hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it. "I think we should, love."

"'S everything alright, lads?" Niall asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Louis looks over to the rest of the boys, twisting his mouth.

"Um," He clears his throat. "We think Harry's in labour."

"Wait," Liam starts to grin. "Wait, really?"

"'M sorry, Li," Harry frowns, soft-spoken as always.

"No! No," Liam stands up. "Don't worry about it, guys. Do you want me to drive you to the hospital? I can take you right now."

"Could you?" Louis asks sheepishly.

"I can swing by your flat and grab the overnight bag," Niall stands up, grabbing his keys off the table. "'S in your room, right?"

"By the door," Louis nods. Usually in these situations he would take control, but he's so nervous. His hands are trembling. Slowly he gets up, helping Harry stand up as well.

"Do you want some water, Harry?" Zayn asks from the passenger seat. Harry is sitting in the back between Louis' legs, his back leaning against Louis' torso.

"Yeah, he'd like some," Louis takes the bottle from Zayn. Harry doesn't look like he wants to speak right now. "Thanks, Z."

Harry has his eyes closed, Louis' arms wrapped around his chest. Louis opens the water bottle and hands it to Harry, who takes it sheepishly. Louis kisses his cheek as he takes a few sips of the water, handing it back to Zayn once he's done.

Harry winces when a contraction starts, grabbing onto Louis' hands. "Start the timer, Z," Louis says as Harry whimpers. Louis kisses his cheek again. "Just breathe, H."

Harry squeezes Louis' hands, his whole body shaky. He didn't think it would hurt this much. "I know, pet," Louis soothes as Harry sniffles. "I'm so sorry."

Harry exhales slowly, the contraction coming to a stop. "How much time was that?" Louis asks Zayn, who stops the timer.

"Around thirty-three seconds," Zayn reports.

"Good," Louis grins, giving both of Harry's hands a gentle squeeze. "We're gettin' somewhere."

They arrive at the hospital soon enough, with Louis lifting Harry bridal style so he doesn't have to walk. He's a little heavier than Louis anticipated, but he'd never say that out loud (unless he would like to have his dick sliced off).

"M-My boyfriend's in labour," Louis announces to the receptionist, voice trembling as Harry sniffles into his neck. The receptionist's face softens at how scared both boys look.

"Let me get you boys a wheel chair and a room," She says gently, picking up the phone on her desk and saying how she needs both. Liam and Zayn stand behind Louis and Harry, looking clueless. Once she's done on the phone, she looks up at Harry and frowns sympathetically. "What's your name, honey?"

Harry just sniffles, ignoring her. "His names Harry," Louis says for him. "Harry Styles."

"And what's your name?" She smiles at Louis warmly.

"L-Louis Tomlinson," Louis blushes. He sounds just about three years old. He's so nervous, he doesn't think he's ever been this nervous about something. For the past nine months, he's kind of been like yeah, whatever, bring it on. Now he's not so sure of himself.

A nurse comes out into the lobby with a wheelchair. Louis slowly lowers Harry into it, running his fingers through Harry's hair soothingly. "I'm assuming you're the father?" The nurse asks. She's older, maybe a few years older than Louis' mum.

"Yes, ma'am," Louis says. "Th-Those two are just our friends."

"Okay, gang, everyone follow me," The nurse turns Harry around and starts towards the lift, with Louis, Zayn and Liam following behind her.

Once they're in the lift, Harry reaches out for Louis' hand. Louis smiles, so so fond of Harry and how much they need each other, and takes Harry's hand in his own.

"How old are you, love?" The nurse asks Harry gently. Louis prepares to answer for him, but Harry speaks up.

"Twenty," Harry whimpers. "'M turning twenty-one in February."

"Oh, you're just a baby," The nurse teases gently, clearly trying to calm Harry down. Harry smiles weakly. "And what about you, dad?"

It takes Louis a few moments to realise that he's dad. He's dad. What the fuck. "I'm twenty-three," Louis says politely.

"Oh, you lads are just little," She grins. "I didn't have my first baby until I was thirty-three. That's very admirable of you two. Are you excited?"

"Very," Louis nods, smiling sheepishly and squeezing Harry's hand.

The nurse wheels Harry down the corridor after getting off the lift, Louis, Liam and Zayn following behind, all looking a bit lost. They pass the NICU on the way, and Louis' chest clenches. He doesn't even want to imagine Sophie being in there.

The nurse brings them into a big room, a huge window overlooking the street below. Louis likes it. He helps Harry out of the chair and into the bed rather than the nurse.

"Okay, game plan," The nurse claps her hands together. Liam and Zayn stand against the wall while Louis holds Harry's hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "We're going to get you into one of those super flattering hospital gowns, and then we're going to give you a quick check-up–look at the baby, see how much you're dilated, all that jazz. We can get you a snack after all of that, if you'd like. Any questions?"

Harry shakes his head, eyebrows furrowed with stress. The nurse smiles sympathetically. "You're going to be fine, babes," She assures, making Harry give her a small smile. "I'll be right back to get you into your gown and check how everything is, okay?"

"Thank you," Louis says softly. The nurse smiles warmly before turning around and walking out, leaving the four of them alone in that big room.

Almost as soon as she's gone, Harry winces. He grabs onto Louis' shirt, and Louis is quick to wrap his arms around him. "I know, baby," Louis soothes as Harry hisses in pain. He glances up at Liam and Zayn. Liam looks lost, while Zayn just looks like he feels terrible. "I'm so sorry."

"L-Lou." Harry grunts.

"What's up, pet?" Louis asks.

"I-I wanna stand," Harry sounds like he's struggling to speak, and not just because of the pain. Louis doesn't even question it, he just helps Harry stand up. Harry immediately leans into Louis, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Is this a little better?" Louis asks, and Harry nods. Louis kisses the top of Harry's head, sighing into his hair. He hopes this goes quickly, he just wants to meet his little girl already.

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