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Harry is so fucking pregnant.

He's sick of it. He can't even get out of bed by himself, he needs Louis to help him every morning. He can't wait for this baby to be out. Only four days until his due date. He feels like he won't make it.

And Louis, he's so excited. They just finished the nursery a few days ago, and Louis' gushing about all the tiny baby clothes their friends had gotten them and how excited he is for Sophie to finally be here. Harry's just excited to not feel like a whale anymore.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Louis teases as he walks into the bedroom. Harry just pouts, and Louis plops down on the bed and runs his fingers through Harry's hair. "How you feeling?"

"Huge," Harry mumbles. Louis frowns sympathetically, leaning down and pecking Harry's lips.

"You look beautiful," He says. Harry scoffs. "Hey, you do!"

Harry shakes his head. Louis puts his hand on Harry's stomach. It feels hard, and Harry's got stretch marks running across it. Harry hates them, and is quick to pull his shirt down when he realises Louis has pulled it up a bit. Louis frowns. "Haz."

Harry just pouts. Louis sighs. "Do you want some brekkie?" He asks. Harry nods, and starts to try and sit up on his own. Louis is quick to assist him. "You can stay in bed, baby."

Harry shakes his head, suddenly very determined, and slowly swings his legs over to the side of the bed. Louis gets up and walks over to that side, holding his hands out to Harry. He pulls Harry up, smiling at him wearily when he's standing. "Hey, you don't have to go to Liam's if you don't want to," Louis mentions. "I know it's his birthday, but if you'd rather stay home and mope and wait for the baby to come, I'd be fine with that."

Harry pouts at Louis' teasing. Louis chuckles, and Harry shakes his head. "You wanna go?" Harry nods. "Okay, okay."

Louis helps Harry out of the bedroom and to the kitchen, his hand on the small of Harry's back the whole time. Harry winces when Louis helps him sit at the kitchen table, and Louis twists his mouth. "'S it your back?"

Harry nods, and he can't help but whimper when Sophie kicks and it delivers a twinge to his back. He doesn't even know how that happens. Louis puts his hand on Harry's back, and Harry leans into him miserably.

"I know, love," Louis soothes. "You won't have to deal with this for too much longer, pumpkin."

Harry huffs, wrapping his arms around Louis' middle. Louis puts both of his hands on Harry's back, kissing the top of his head. "Want some strawberries?" He asks. "And some toast, maybe?"

Harry nods, giving Louis a small, grateful smile. Louis leans down and pecks Harry's lips before turning around. It only takes a few moments for it to hit Harry.

"Lou," He grunts. Louis turns around, and Harry holds his arms out to him. "Washroom."

Louis smiles lovingly, chuckling as he helps Harry stand up. "You need help in there too?" He teases. Harry sticks his tongue out at him before shuffling out of the kitchen.

"Hey, H, you need to sit down?" Zayn asks as soon as Harry and Louis arrive. Harry nods, almost desperate. Louis is quick to help him to a chair at the kitchen table, sitting him down gently. Harry crosses his arms, miserable. Zayn smiles sympathetically. "How're you feeling?"

"Ginormous," Harry grumbles. Niall raises his eyebrows from where he's sitting across the table.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that voice," He admits. Harry smiles sheepishly. "You look good though, H."

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