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"Harry is indeed pregnant. Congratulations Mr. Tomlinson!"

Louis and Harry looked at each other with small smiles, Louis holding out his mobile that was on speaker. "Okay, thank you," He replies before hanging up, looking up at Harry. "You're pregnant."

Harry nods, same small smile on his face as Louis pulls him into a heartfelt embrace, kissing his cheek. "I love you so much, Harry," Louis mumbles into Harry's shoulder.

Harry leans back from Louis and points to his own heart before pointing to Louis'. Louis rolls his eyes, but he's smiling. "You're a dork."

Harry just shrugs and lets Louis kiss his forehead tenderly before going toward the door to slip on his shoes. "Are you ready to go, baby?" He asks. Harry nods, smiling when he realises Louis is wearing a sweater Anne, Harry's mother, got him for his birthday.

Louis drives them both to the university, kissing Harry goodbye before they go their separate ways to their classes. When they meet at Louis' car again Harry is crying, a normal occurrence. Louis doesn't even ask what's wrong. He just kisses his forehead and lets him cry into his shoulder.

The usual reason for Harry's tears is that a teacher made a snarky comment about his lack of speaking. It happens more often than Louis deems necessary.

"It's okay, love," Louis whispers, kissing Harry's forehead again. "I love you, H, it's okay. I know, baby, I know. Lets get you home, okay?"

"Feeling better?" Louis asks, smiling at Harry adoringly. Harry was curled up in an armchair, sipping cocoa wrapped in a large blanket. Louis could tell he felt safe, and it made him happy. Harry smiles and nods, and Louis leans down to kiss the tip of his nose. "Good. Love you, H."

Harry just smiles, nuzzling his nose with Louis' before there's a knock at the door. Louis sighs and goes to answer it.

"I have beer!"

"And I have zero tolerance for you, Niall."

"Oi!" Niall huffs, pushing passed Louis and into the flat. "You love me! And so does Harry, don't ya, H?"

Harry just stares at Niall, and Louis starts to laugh while Niall pouts. "They cut off my cable, lads, I need a place to watch the game!"

"Maybe you'd have cable if you got a job instead of staying home everyday and watching the game," Louis points out, taking his remote from Niall. Niall lets out a whine, throwing his head back as Harry silently giggles from the chair.

"Oi!" Niall says again before Liam walks into the flat.

"Heard the game was on at the Larry household," He says with a cheery smile, plopping down next to Niall. Louis rolls his eyes while Harry giggles, wrapping himself up in the blanket more.

"As long as you don't drink any of my beer," Louis grumbles. It was really Harry's beer, and it was very light and Louis knew Harry didn't like it being drank. Harry also, however, got very anxious when other people drank around him. Louis kept the drinking at home to a minimum, and comforted Harry when other people did drink. Nobody questioned it. Affection between the boys was a common thing.

Harry eyes Niall's case of beer nervously. Louis leans down and gives Harry an eskimo kiss, pressing a quick peck to his lips before sitting on the arm of the chair. "You want anything, pet?" Louis questions softly. Harry smiles at Louis fondly, shaking his head and leaning into Louis instead.

"Fuckin' hell!" Niall whines as Liam laughs wickedly. Louis looks at Harry and rolls his eyes again, making Harry smile wider.

"I want a girl."

Harry just smiles and shakes his head, watching as Louis nuzzles his nose into his flat tummy. "I know you want a girl too," Louis teases, blowing a raspberry into Harry's stomach. Harry jumps, covering his face with one hand and shoving Louis away with the other. Louis starts to laugh, leaning up and pecking Harry's lips.

Harry touches Louis' shoulder, and Louis' face softens. "What?" He asks, biting his bottom lip. Harry takes a deep breath before pointing to his lips. "Talking, something about talking." Harry nods. "Is it something to do with the baby?" Harry nods again. "Um. Talking to the baby?" Nods again. "Do you want me to talk to the baby? Now?" Harry shakes his head. "You want to talk to the baby?"

Harry finally nods, and Louis raises his eyebrows. "Are you going to start trying to talk? Is that what you're saying?" Harry nods shyly, and Louis' jaw drops. "I-Wow. Okay. Okay, um. How are you gonna, uh, do that? Do you want to try now?" Harry shakes his head and points to his stomach. "By the time the baby gets here?" Harry nods. "Okay. Okay, love, I can, uh, I'll help however."

Harry smiles wide and kisses Louis as a thank you.

Say Something (Larry AU) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now