4. Just like you

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I woke up and saw Hana strutting around the room in my ninja sandals and wearing one of bras stuffed full of socks. I smirk at the young girl, she giggles as she spins. I get up and poke my head around my bedroom door. "Konan come look at this!", I call. Konan smiles and get up, leaving the boys really confused. Konan comes in and cracks up laughing when she sees Hana. "Hey stop laughing at me!", Hana yells. "Your just too cute sis", I giggle. Konan leaves, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Whats going on in there, un?". Konan laughs again remembering it well. "Hana was wearing one of (Y/n)'s bra and filled it with socks". Konan had to leave the room to calm down. The boys were still a bit confused, but just shrugged it off. Ten minutes later you and Hana emerged from the room. You look back at Hana who is now wearing her own clothes and sandals. "Why were you wearing it?", you ask raising an eyebrow. "Well I um... I wanted to be just like you", she stutters. I stop walking and knelt down to her level. "And why would you want that?". She looks down at the ground hopping from one foot to the other. "Because your so pretty and I want to be pretty as well". My entire body froze, I didn't want her to want to be like me she deserved better. I cupped her cheeks and forced her to look up at me. "You can do better that me, your the only happy thing in my life and I would do anything just to make sure your safe, you don't want to be like me". She nods and hugs me. "Can we train today?", she asks, putting on puppy dog eyes. I roll me eyes then smile. "Sure I might even teach you how to do a summoning". She was jumping joy now, I saw Kakuzu raise an eyebrow. "Shes seven, she won't be able to summon". I smirk. "How much do you wanna bet?".

I made a bet with Kakuzu that I could teach Hana how to summon in one day. Couldn't wait to show the old man how awesome I am as a sensei and how good Hana is for her age. We stood in an empty field outside the base, Kakuzu and some of the others had come to watch this. I faced Hana in the center of the field. "First I want to see how much you have improved in fighting". She nods and gets into fighting position. I did the same and awaited her first move, she charges and tries to land a punch on my stomach. I block it but I could feel the power in it. "Your chakra control is getting better little sister", you smirk. "I know, I've been practicing everyday". She starts doing hand signs and uses a fire jutsu. "Fire style: Hell's gates jutsu". A large fiery gate appears behind her and it opens to reveal several fire creatures that charge at me.

I dodge and extinguish them with a water style jutsu. She pouts and pokes her tongue out at me. "Well lets try this summoning then", you announce. You summon a contract scroll and get Hana to sign it. She bites her thumb and put the blood on all over her fingers, then marks the scroll with it. It poofs away and you teach her the hand signs. She spends a few minute practicing but she eventually gets it. She does the hand signs and then puts her bloody hand on the ground. "Summoning jutsu". Then in a puff of smoke a small tiger appears, looking around with curious eyes. "Who are you?", it asks. Hana smiles at the young cat. "My name is Hana". She holds out her hand and the tiger lick the blood from it making her giggle. "My name is Tsume", the tiger says. I watch as the two bounce around the field playing with each other. I stop and walk over to Kakuzu with a shit eating grin on my face. "Ready to pay up?", you ask. He grumbles, swearing under his breath as her reaches into his pocket and then hands you a wad of cash. "Thank ya", you say, winking at him. You though that you say a blush behind his mask but that could just be your imagination. You called Hana and Tsume over so you could walk back to the hide out. Kakuzu, Hidan, Deidara, Tobi and Kisame had been the ones who came to watch. Kakuzu looks over at Hidan who is walking silently with his hands in his pockets. "Hidan what is wrong with you, you've been so quiet and less annoying since (Y/n) got here?", Kakuzu asks. Hidan shrugs his shoulders and stares at the ground. "Tobi thinks that Hidan-senpai is in love with (Y/n)-chan", he giggles. Hidan's cheeks tint pink and he glares at Tobi. "I'm not in love with her you fucking idiot", he growled. Tobi hid behind Deidara clutching his arm. "Please protect Tobi from Hidan-senpai, Tobi is a good boy". "Get off me, un", Deidara yells shaking off the terrified man-child. "Maybe (Y/n)-chan will protect Tobi, Tobi will ask her ifs he loves Hidan-senpai too", he says running over to you. Hidan growled and swung his scythe at Tobi.

You were walking ahead of the others with Hana and Tsume when you heard lots of yelling coming from behind you. Tobi ran up to you and clutched your arm, shaking with fear. "Will (Y/n)-chan protect Tobi from Hidan-senpai?", he asks. You nod your head giggling. Tobi lets go of you and walks casual beside you. "Tobi wants to know if (Y/n)-chan has a boyfriend". I raise an eye brow laughing at the question. "No I don't have a boyfriend, why do you ask?". "Tobi thinks that Hidan-senp-", Tobi was interrupted by being dragged back to the boys by the cord of Hidan's scythe. I look back at them with a confused look on my face. Hana pulled on the skirt of your dress, trying to get your attention. "Why don't you have a boyfriend?", she asks innocently. I sigh and look up at the sky. "I could have any man I want, but I would never love them".

I finally planned out this story, I think it will turn out fine. I love Hidan so much, he one of my fav Akatsuki but them I love the entire Akatsuki so yeah... I'm going to Australia tomorrow wow can't wait! Will still update my stories over there but I don't think I will do it as often as I would like to. School holidays are the best! Vote and follow me fore more. Thank ya XD

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