14. A hidden note

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Hidan. Who is that? Oh right... that's the idiot that I fell in love with. Yep I admit it... I love him. I wish I could just tell him how I feel but... I don't want him to reject me. Once when Kakuzu and I were talking he mentioned how Hidan was a bit of a man-whore. But I love that stupid, selfish, egotistical man-whore. Well to me he was none of those things. Well maybe one... he was idiot, because he couldn't tell how I felt about him.

I opened my eyes only to be glared at by Umi. "What the hell! You nearly killed that guy!", she yelled at me. "Yeah I hope I did". She slaps me and I hold my swollen cheek. Next she hugs me and apologizes. "Don't be sorry, you know I hate sympathy". She nods and hugs me tighter. "Umi I may be immortal but I need oxygen too". She lets go and rubs the back of her neck. "oh sorry about that". Hana was still sleeping next to you and the argument had woken her up. "Good morning", she says, smiling sleepily. "Are you gonna admit it?". "Admit what?", I ask. "That you're in love with Hidan", she smirks. I jump back and fall off the bed. "I'm not in love with him", I blush. She rolls her eyes and Umi helps me up. "I'm sorry sweetie but Hana is right". I cross my arms and swear under my breath. "Was that a confession?", Hana smirks. "Fuck off, I do not like him". I stand up and dig through my bag for my black dress. "I'm having a shower", I say. "Ok we will send Hidan in if you want", Umi winks. I grit my teeth and stomp off to the bathroom.

Once I was clean and not feeling like trash I went down stairs and sat at the breakfast table with the others. "You look very pretty today Princess", Hina giggles. I smile and ruffle her hair. "And you look beautiful today Miss Hina". She blushes and looks down at her lap. I can see Hana sitting across the table from me with a cheeky grin on her face. "Hey (Y/n) how's your boyfri-". I threw a bagel at her head before she could finish. "Hey I thought you were supposed to protect me", she pouts. I flip her off. "No I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, however I can do whatever the fuck I want", I smirk. "Princess you shouldn't say those words, they aren't very nice", Hina lectures. "Sorry sweetie and sorry Hana that you're such an asshat". Hana grits her teeth and throws a couple peas at me, all of them landing in the crack of my boobs and getting stuck in my bra. "Do you want to fight me?", I ask. She nods. "Fine then, in the nearby field in 10 minutes, right now I'm gonna get the peas out of my bra", I state while standing up and leaving the room. "Do you wanna go watch?", Dei asks. The others nod and leave.

10 minutes later I had a pea free bra and met with Hana in the field. "Are you ready?", I ask. She shakes her head. "I have some propositions". "What are they?", I ask. She summons Tsume and takes a scroll from his jaws. She unrolled it and began reading it. "You must give me both of your arms and wear a blind fold". I sigh. "Why do you need four arms?", I ask. "Because I do, now don't question your elders!". "I'm older than you". "Shut up!".

"So the first person restrained loses". Hana nods and gestures Aiko over. "Can you cut off her arms?". "Gladly", Aiko smirks. She pulls her katana from her scabbard and slices both of my arms off and then wraps a bandana over my eyes. "Oh no the Princess is going to die!", Hina squealed. Umi comforted her and told her about how you're immortal. Aiko picked up the severed arms and attached them to Hana's sides. Another weird thing about my body is that I can give someone the control over a body part if its attached to them. Hana waved her new pair of arms around like an idiot. "3, 2, 1, GO!", Aiko yelled. "Fire style: Demon tiger jutsu, Fire style: Flame katana jutsu combined!", she yelled doing hand signs with both sets of hands. Hana was transformed into a demon tiger that wielded katana made of fire. "Holy shit Hana", I smirked, I couldn't see it but I could tell that it was a very powerful combined jutsu. She charged at me, swinging her fiery katana. I jumped back and managed to dodge all of the attacks. "Earth style: quicksand!" I yelled, head butting the ground. Suddenly the ground beneath Hana's feet began to swallow her. The tiger just smirked and I turned when I sensed several demon clones.  I Jumped back as one tried to slice me. "Fire style: Phoenix flower jutsu!". I dodged the several fire balls that flew towards me. Next I put my foot in a puddle of water by accident but smirked when I got an idea. "Water style: Tsunami!", I say. I kick my wet foot up and send a huge wave knocking over and extinguishing Hana. She stands up and grits her teeth. "I'm not going to lose!". "Well then you're going to need to try a little harder", I tease.

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