11. A journey

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Pein gathered everyone on the living room for a meeting. You sat on the couch with Hana sitting on your lap. "We are all going on a mission", he says. Everyone nods. He turns and looks at you. "(Y/n) you can bring Hana because no one will be in the base". "OK". "Now are there any questions?". No one says anything. Pein dismisses you and you head to your room to pack. "What are we doing on the mission?", Hana asks. "There is no we in this mission, you may be coming but you must stay out of the way". "But I want to help", she complains. I bend down to her level. "Everyone is very skilled and if you try and help you will get in their way, so promise me you will stay out of the way". She nods and hugs me. "OK now pack some stuff we are going to be away for a few days", I order. She nods and begins filling a small bag with necessary items.

Ten minutes later we leave the room with our bags. "What took you so long, un?", Deidara complained. "Cool it man, I was giving you time for your nail polish to dry", I smirk. He swears under his breath, sending you a death glare. It had only been five minutes and Hana started to moan. "Ugh how much further?". I give her an annoyed look and sigh. "If you ask again I'm going to cut off my hand and attach it to your cheek so I can hold your mouth shut". "You wouldn't", she gasps. I smirk. "Oh yes I would". "Well can we play a game or something?". "Sure what kind of game do you wanna play?", I ask. She thinks for a few minutes before replying. "How about shadow?", she suggest. "Sure why not". Hana and I always played shadow, it was a game where someone would have an object and the other had to try and get it off them without them knowing. I tapped my chin thinking what item I could use. "The item will be my Jashin pendant, you can use any weapons and do whatever it takes, if you get it you can have the lolly pop I have in my bag". "Your on", she laughs. I watch her drop back behind me.

I could sense her behind me, suddenly I felt a shuriken hit me in the back of the neck. It sliced through the string that held my Jashin pendant. It fell from my neck. But what Hana didn't realize was that I had already predicted her actions. I had cut off my hand and attached it to my stomach. When the pendant fell I caught it with my stomach hand and dropped a fake one. Hana picked up the pendant and cheered. "Haha I got it!". "Are you sure about that?", I asked with a grin. Hana looked down at her hand and realized that she wasn't holding the pendant but she was holding a paper bomb. She threw it away just before it exploded. "Ugh what the hell, you could've killed me". "What?! I would never do such a thing", I giggled. She stabbed a kunai into my leg. "Ow what was that for?". "Oh sorry I slipped", she smirked. I rolled my eyes and pulled two lolly pops from my bag, I hand one to Hana and place another in my mouth. "Will (Y/n)-chan give one to Tobi?", he asks hopefully. I sigh and pull another from my bag, handing it him. He hugs me, picking me up off the ground. "Tobi put me down". "No Tobi will carry (Y/n)-chan", he says. I sigh and detach my hand from my stomach, letting it grab onto Tobi's cloak. Eventually Tobi put you down, but you left you hand on him. You made it crawl up his back, gathering laughter from the other Akatsuki. Even Pein was giving it an amused look. Suddenly Tobi screamed. "THERE IS A GIANT SPIDER ON TOBI!", he screamed, throwing my hand. I laughed and picked it up, reattaching it. Tobi gave you a sad look. "Why would (Y/n)-chan do that to Tobi?", he asks. "Next time put me down when I ask", I giggle. He smiles behind his mask.

After another hour Hana was starting to get tired. "Can you carry me?", she asks. "No way". "What! You have to!". "I don't have to do anything". "Why?!". "Your training to be a ninja, I'm going to let you figure this one out", I smile. She growls and throws a few kunai at me, I pull them out and put them in my bag. She walks behind me, thinking of a solution to her problem. Suddenly she runs up to me with a confident look on her face. "Can I ask your boyfriend if he can carry me?", she asks. I blush. "I don't have a boyfriend". "Sure you don't" she winks, walking back to Hidan. "Can you carry me?", she asks him. "Fuck no", he growls. "Damn Sis your boyfriend is an asshole". I glare her. "He's not my boyfriend". "Sure". "I'm telling you if you don't stop I will pull out one of my eyes and force you to look at it", I threaten. "Why don't you show your boyfriend, I'm sure he'd like it". I gritted my teeth and pulled one of my eyes from its socket. "Hey Hana do you wanna have a 'look'?", I laugh. She cringes and tries to look away. I force it in her face. "Iris you would appreciate this". She gags. "Eve love you". She holds her hands over her eyes. "OK OK I give up, I won't say it anymore". "Good and if you do it again I will take my heart out of my chest and force you to look at it". I push my eye back into its socket. I look at Hana and she runs to the side of the road and throws up. I laugh, holding my sides. "Is there something wrong Hana?", I ask. She wipes the sick away from her mouth and glares back at me. "Put your eye back in properly". I smirk and fix my eye.

Hana finally figure out what I meant when I said she would have to figure out how to not walk. She was currently riding on Tsume's back, both of them were casually chatting. I look and see Hidan walking up to me. "Are you in a better mood now?", I ask with a giggle. "Fuck yeah". He smiles at me and we begin talking.

Konan and the others stare at you and Hidan. "They both like each other, why don't they just get together?", Konan complains. "(Y/n) doesn't know what she is feeling and Hidan is too stubborn to admit it", Pein says. Everyone turns to him and nods in agreement. "How are you so sure (Y/n) likes him, un?", Deidara complains. "Yesterday they all most kissed", Itachi said. "They slept in the same bed!", Konan adds. "They slept together?". "Yup and he has been really nice to her, I mean really nice, he hasn't even tried to flirt with her". "But Hidan is always flirting with girls", Kakuzu says. "That means he actually cares about what she thinks and about her, he is usually assertive and takes what he wants but look at him, he is being so patient", she says pointing at him. Hidan was laughing at a joke (Y/n) had told him, their hands occasionally brushing. "Well its obvious that Hidan likes her but how do we know she likes him?", Kisame asks. "She likes him", a small voice says. They all turn and see Hana and Tsume. "How do you know brat?", Sasori asks. "I've known her my entire life, I can tell that she does". "What makes you so sure?", Konan asks. "Look at her, she is smiling and blushing, a blind man can see that they are in love". Konan giggled and ruffled Hana's hair.

It was starting to get dark and they had been walking for hours. "Lets set up camp here", Pein orders. The Akatsuki nod and begin making a campfire. Most of the Akatsuki found their own spot to sit by themselves but (Y/n) and Hana wanted to sit right next to the fire. They enjoyed the warmth and talked. Suddenly Hidan joined them starting a three way conversation. I pull a bag of marshmallows from my bag and find three nearby sticks, handing one to Hidan and another to Hana. We send the night laughing and eating marshmallows. Hana passed out on top of Tsume and I was starting to feel tired. I said goodnight to Hidan and summoned Kuro, resting my head on his soft body. Falling into a deep sleep with thoughts of the silver haired idiot.

Well that chapter didn't have much happening. Sorry about that. I love the ending I have come up with for this story and hope that when it comes that you like it. Let me know what you think, I would love to hear feedback. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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