18. A promise of eternal love (Final chapter)

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The Akatsuki sat in the base, doing absolutely nothing. "When do you think Hana-chan and (Y/n)-chan will be back?", Tobi asks. The others shrug their shoulders. Suddenly the entrance to the hideout opens. Everyone watches, expecting to see the woman and the girl. They were all surprised when they saw that it was Kuro, (Y/n)'s scythe in his jaws. "Where are Hana and (Y/n)?', Kisame asks. Kuro looks at the ground, a sad look in his eyes. He drops the scythe to the ground. "I'm sorry but (Y/n) and Hana will not be coming back". "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!", Hidan yells. "Something very terrible has happened". "And what the fuck is that?!". Kuro walks over to him and drops a piece of paper on his lap. "Read this and it will all make sense". Hidan picked up the paper and began reading it aloud.

"I'm sorry that I had to leave, I wish that me and Hana could stay but... we can't. Someone has kidnapped Hana and blackmailed me into being their wife. Hana is all that I have left and I would do anything for her. I'm sorry that I can't be there to help complete your goal, but I'm sure that it can be accomplished without me. If you are reading this Hidan then I want you to know that I really care about you. You made me feel something no one else ever had, love. I feel like an idiot saying here but I love you and I understand that you don't feel the same way. The kiss that we shared made me feel complete, but now I realize that it only me feeling this way. I mean no one would fall in love me, I'm just a sexual object. I'm there so everyone can stare and drool, I'm useless to someone like you. I like to think that I don't care about anyone but myself but here I am... giving up my freedom to save my sister. I hope that you find someone who cares for you like I do. I'm sorry for being a burden, I hope that one day in the future we can meet again. We are immortal after all. I hope that you all do well in the remainder of your lives. Sometimes to protect the ones we love... we have to make some sacrifices. Thank you for being so good to a monster like me. Thank you all, I hope this isn't goodbye forever. Love (Y/n)".

Hidan stared down at the note in his hands, his body shaking in rage. "Hidan are you alright?", Konan asks. "That was the last thing she wrote, I will probably won't see her for a long time", Kuro sighs. "But she can summon you whenever she wants, un", Deidara says. "She said it in her note, to others she is just a sexual object, she will be less of a wife and more of a sex slave". Hidan stood up and picked up (Y/n)'s scythe, heading towards the exit. "Hidan where are you going?", Kakuzu asks. "I'm going after her". "Why?". "Because I'm in love with that idiot". "Hidan wait!", Konan called. But he was already gone.

Your POV

I stood in front of a body length mirror, staring at the dress that they had fitted me with. It was long and very beautiful. The top was pink with a white belt wrapping around my waist. The skirt was white and reached the floor in length. The sleeves weren't even connected to the dress, leaving my shoulders bare. My mind couldn't help but drift to thought s of Hana, as soon as I arrived he showed me that she was fine. She was locked in one of the room, chakra cuffs on her wrists stopping her from using any jutsu. I was thankful that she wasn't hurt, yet the words she spoke hurt me.


I followed Yuko up a few flights of stair and over to a large wooden door. He pulled a key from his pocket and pushed it into the lock, turning it and unlocking the door. He pushed it open revealing a large bedroom. A girl sat on the bed, openly crying. "H-Hana", I stutter. She turns her head and runs to me, burying her head in my chest. "I'm sorry", she cries. I pet her head and calm her down. "Hey its ok". She pulls away from me and wipes her tears. "No (Y/n) please get out of here", she begs. "No I can't do that". "Please, go and be happy with Hidan. You don't need me, just let them kill me". "No Hana I'm not going to let that happen". "I should've listened to you, I should've stayed with Umi, I don't want you to be trapped here". I cup her face and force her to look me in the eyes. "I don't care what happens to me, just as long as you are safe I will be happy". I hear someone clear their throat and I know my time is up. "I'm sorry Hana but I have to go now". She nods and watches me as I disappear out the door. She returns to the bed, listening to the click of the lock.

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