17. She will be mine

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I woke up very early. I mean really really early. The sun wasn't even up yet, I sat in a tree staring up at the starry sky. My lips still tingled from last nights kiss. I still couldn't believe that we kissed, Hidan kissed me. I wanted to tell him exactly how I felt but I couldn't. What if he was just using me like all the other women he has been with. I don't want to make a fool of myself and confess only to have it thrown back in my face. I sigh and rest my cheek in my palm.

"What is a beautiful woman like yourself doing out here by yourself?", came a familiar voice. I looked down and saw the crazy yandere guy. "What do you want?", you spit. "Like I said I would come back for you". "Why do you want me for again?". "I want you to be my wife". I sigh and jump down from the branch I sat on. "The answer is no". He gives me a small smile and comes closer. "Why is that? I have money and power, what else would you want?". "Look just leave me alone". "Or maybe there is someone else? A one sided romance? Darling I can give you all of the love and attention you deserve", he said, undressing you with his eyes. You glared at him. "I will kill you". He smirked and shook his head, crossing his arms. Suddenly around thirty to forty ninja appeared. "Now submit yourself to me or I will have to take you by force". I poked my tongue out at him and took my scythe from my back, preparing to slaughter them all.

It took about forty minutes to kill them all. "So strong and so beautiful", the yandere smirked. "Who even are you?". "My name is Yuko but you will call me master". I rolled my eyes in disgust, wiping blood off of my face. "I won't ever be calling you master, now leave forever or I will kill you". "What ever you say darling, but don't think this is over. I always get what I want". He turned and walked away giving me one last smirk before leaving. I grit my teeth and began walking back to the hide out, next time I was definitely going to kill that asshole.

I walked back into the hideout and saw that everyone was awake. My eyes met with Hidan's but he quickly looked away. I sigh and walk to my bedroom. "What happened to you?", Kisame asked. I looked down at myself and shrugged my shoulders. I was covered in blood and had a big rip in my dress, exposing my stomach. "Stupid yandere trying to get me to marry him, I'll kill that bastard". You then disappeared into your room, falling asleep as soon as your head hit your pillow.

Yuko's POV

That woman was something else. I was drawn to her beauty and grace. Her pretty face called to me, she was the most exquisite human I had ever seen. A goddess living among mortals, an elegant flower growing taller than everything else. I slammed my hand down on my table. "I must have her!", I yell. I hear a swish and turn my head. One of my ninja kneels beside me. "What do you want?". "I have an idea my lord". "What's it for?". "On how to get that woman to become your wife". He holds a scroll in front of me. I take it and unroll it, reading its contents. I smile tugs at my lips, this plan was genius. "This is amazing, lets prepare for it". The ninja nods and disappears out a nearby window. Now I will have her, she will be mine.

Your POV

I woke up and stretched out my tired body. "Hana can you come here?", I ask. No response. "Hana?". Still no response. I sit up and look around the room, she wasn't in there. I got up and went into the living room. "Has anyone seen Hana?", I ask. Itachi shakes his head, but Sasori nods. "She went out with that tiger boy", he says. I thank him and leave the hideout looking for Hana. "Hana?! Hana?! Where are you?!", I call. I still got no response, something didn't feel right. "Hana?! Tsume?! Are you here?!". "(Y/n) help!!!!". My eyes widen and I run, further and further into the forest.

"Hana?! Tsume?!". "(Y/n) over here!!". I turn to the left and find myself in a clearing. My eyes widen when I see that Tsume is tied to a tree. I use a kunai and cut the rope. He hugs me, crying into my shoulder. "Where is Hana?", I ask. "T-they took her, I-I'm sorry I c-couldn't protect her", he sobbed. "Its fine". I rubbed his back but let go of him when I saw something attached to the tree. It was a piece of paper with a kunai attaching it to the tree. I pulled the paper off the tree and read the message written on it.

Hello my dearest (Y/n)
I told you I would get you
Now you have no choice but to become my wife
I have your sister and will kill her if you don't give yourself up
Your body and soul will belong to me
Now will you accept my proposal or will you be responsible for your sisters death
Give up now
Before its too late
Love your fiance

I felt the tear sting my eyes, Hana was all that I have left. What am I going to do? Well there is only one choice. I must give myself up, but first I have to send Kuro to the base. I pulled a pen from my kunai pouch and began writing on the back of the paper. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to make this sacrifice.

Oh no the crazy yandere has you now. What are you going to do now? I know but you don't. You will find out soon enough just be patient. I am so happy with this story but so sad that it is almost over. Sadness. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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