9. Alone... with him?

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Hana poked my shoulder several times. "Hey, wake up". I ignored her and tried to get back to sleep, but she wasn't giving up. "Wake up sis, Pein wants to see you", she repeated. I groaned and forced myself up. I had seen him angry and I didn't want to see it again. Once Deidara was chasing Tobi around the base throwing bombs and Pein came out and almighty pushed them into the wall. There is still a Tobi and Deidara shaped dent in the wall and I don't want to add to the collection. I quickly got changed and headed for Pein's office. I knocked on the door and came in when I heard his deep voice. I walked in and stood before his desk, waiting for instructions. "(Y/n) you will be going on an assassination mission filling in for Kakuzu", he says. I nod. "That means that you are going to be going with Hidan". "OK sure thing", you reply with a smile. He raises an eyebrow and gives me a questioning look. "Aren't you angry or disappointed?", he asks. "Um no why would I be?". "Well Hidan is incredibly annoying and inappropriate", Pein states in his usual monotone voice. "Really? He never seems to annoy me and he hasn't hit on me at all". Pein's eyes widen and he nods. "You are dismissed". I nod at him with a raised eyebrow. What's up with him?

I close Pein's door and walk out into the hall. I see Konan and run over to her, grabbing her arm and dragging her into my room. "We're not dancing again, are we?", she asks. I shake my head and giggle remembering our little party. "No I was just going to ask you about Hidan". She raises an eyebrow. "What? Why?". "Pein looked confused when I didn't complain about going on a mission with Hidan", I say. "Well Hidan is really annoying always talking about Jashin and threatening to sacrifice people to him, he is egotistical and doesn't care about anyone except himself and Jashin, he is really annoying and never knows when to shut up, he is always swearing and he is alwa-". "Yeah yeah yeah I get it", you interrupt. "But when I see him he doesn't act like that at all". "Well maybe he likes you", Konan coos, battering her eyelashes. I roll my eyes and giggle. "Yeah how about no". She smirks and starts to walk over to the door. "Well you can tell me about your boyfriend when you get back", she winks. I growl and swear under my breath.  I don't like him, it could just be a coincidence that I never hear him swear or brag or annoy the others. Could it?

I was packing my bag for the mission when I hear a knock on the door. "Come in", I call. Hidan walks in and sits on the bed next to me. "We can leave once your finished", he says. I smile and nod at him. Hana sat in the corner of the room reading and stared at him when he came in. He frowned at the small girl. Hana made a love heart with her hands fitting both (Y/n) and Hidan inside it. He gritted his teeth and turned his head trying to ignore her. I finished packing and walked over to Hana with a big smile on my face. I gently kiss her forehead and hug her. "Stay safe Hana, don't gamble all your money or spend it all on dangos, if anyone one hurts you just tell me and I will sacrifice them to Jashin-sama", I giggle. "Make sure that you come back to me", she says. "I promise that I will never leave you, as long as you want me to be there I will be". She blushes and looks to the side. I kiss her on the cheek and walk out the door, gently waving to her.

Hidan and I walked in comfortable silence. I saw a butterfly flying around me, its blue wings were beautiful. It landed in my hair and I giggled. Hidan looked over and smiled at me. "Its a blue morpho", he says. "What is?", you ask. "The butterfly, its a blue morpho". You smile at the butterfly that was walking through your (h/c) locks. "It is a symbol of joy and change of luck". "How did you know that?", you ask. He stares forward, a far away look in his eyes. "There used to be a few that hung around my house when I was younger, my mother told me that they meant joy and change of luck". He looked back at me, his eyes locking on to mine. I smiled and nodded. "Never really learnt anything like that from my mother, she left me when I was 6 and my father wasn't a intelligent man". He gave me a sympathetic look as I looked down at the palms of my hands where there was a scar, one on the center of each. "What happened?", he asked. "My father pinned by hands above my head and stabbed a kunai into them". "Uh I'm sorry about that". "No its fine, but please don't ask again... I don't like to talk about it".

Soon we reached a small village. We took off our Akatsuki cloaks and sealed them in a scroll. I felt the eyes of the villagers burning a hole in the back of my skull. Hungry eyes wandered my body causing me to shiver uncomfortably. "Hey are you OK?", Hidan asks, noticing how uncomfortable I am. I nod and follow him into an inn. "Hey can we have two rooms?". The guy behind the desk shakes his head. "Sorry there is only one room available". He looks over at you and smirks. "How about you take the room and the girl sleeps with me", he winks. I step back and hide behind Hidan. "We'll take the room", Hidan growls, gritting his teeth. The guy frowns and hands Hidan the key. I walk up the stairs behind him, ignoring the guy. We get to the room and see that there is only is double bed. "You can can take the bed", you say. "No, where will you sleep?", he asks. "On the ground". "What no don't sleep on the fucking ground", he says. "Hidan calm down its OK I'm used to it, don't worry about me", I smile. He sighs and sits back on the bed. "Whatever, drop off your stuff and we will go and have something to eat". I put my bag in the corner of the room and follow him out the door, then into a restaurant. You sat in a booth and looked through the menu. A man around your age came over and took your order. I was starting to have fun talking and laughing except when he came over with the food his eyes were glued to my chest. My dress didn't even show my chest but it was impossible for me to hide its size. I folded my arms and glared up at the man. He blushed and ran off. I sigh and rest my cheek in my palm slowly eating my food. When we finished the same waiter came over to our table with the bill. Or so we thought.

"How much?", Hidan asks reaching into his pocket. "Its on the house", he said smirking at me. I looked away and tightly gripped the padding of the seat, digging my nails into it. "Maybe you and I could go out sometime", he said. I looked up at him with an emotionless face. Just before I could speak Hidan cut in. "Shut up asshole shes already with someone", Hidan barked. "Yeah and who's that?", the guy questioned. "Me". I felt Hidan's arm wrap around his waist, pulling me closer to him. "Yeah right, a girl like that could do way better then you".  Hidan smirked and gently kissed your forehead. You felt your cheeks heat up. You decided to play along and rest your head on his shoulder. The waiter rolled his eyes and left, Hidan and I did the same.

Hidan and I were walking back to the inn in silence. "You didn't have to do that", you say, looking up at him. He looked down at me and sighed. "Yeah I did". "But why?". He sighed again. "I hated seeing those guys hitting on you, I could see how uncomfortable it made you feel so I wanted to stop it". I looked down at my feet. "T-thank you", I whisper. He smiles down at me, then ruffles my hair. I giggle and give him a playful shove which he gladly returns.

Once back at the inn I sat next to my bag and looked through it. I pulled out a oversized shirt and walked into the bathroom to change. I came out with it on, it stopped just above my knee. I hadn't even noticed Hidan yet. You looked over and saw him sitting on the bed... shirtless. THAT'S RIGHT THERE IS A SHIRTLESS HIDAN SITTING ON YOUR BED! I walk over and sit next to him trying not to stare at his muscular form. Emphasis on trying. You got a blanket and pillow and lay down on the floor. "Your taking the bed", he says. "No I'm not". "Yes you are". "Nope". "Well its yours, I'm sleeping on the ground", he says. I roll over and see Hidan on the other side on the room, laying on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. I giggle and roll over, falling asleep.

Hidan's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of crying. I roll over and see (Y/n) tossing and turning with tears running down her face. I crawl over to her and begin to listen to her sobs. "Please daddy stop it hurts, please stop". I felt a pain in my stomach. I picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed, then pulled the blankets over her. I lay back on the ground and try to get back to sleep but I can still hear her crying. I get up and get into the bed beside her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me, she snuggled into my chest. I gently stroked her hair, stopping her cries and calming her breathing. "You're safe with me".

Aww so cute. Let me know what you think. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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