7. Slow dance

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I smiled down at Hana who had a large box of dangos in her arms. "What are you gonna do with all of those?", I ask. "Well I thought we could have a little party". I giggle. "Is that so". "Mmhmm". "And where did you get all of those from?", I ask. "I bought them in town when you were on your mission". "How much did you spend?". "$150". My scream echoed though out the entire base, lucky it was the middle mod the afternoon. A few seconds later Hidan kicked the door open. "What's wrong?!", he asked looking around the room. "Hana spent $150 on dangos". Hidan raised an eyebrow and Kakuzu almost fainted. They both left my room, Hidan because he was embarrassed and Kakuzu because he was feeling light headed. I sighed and closed the door. "Don't be so careless with your money", I say. "And where did you even get it from?". "I was playing poker with that blonde woman", she says. I giggle a bit but calm myself. "Deidara is a man, don't go saying he's a woman around that hothead". She nods and sits on my bed with the box of dangos. "So can we have a party?", she asks, breaking the silence. I nod and she bites her thumb and summons Tsume. He had a stereo in his jaws and he dropped it on the bed. Hana picked it up and turned it on, it played a really upbeat song. Tsume transformed into a human and danced alongside Hana, both of them giggling at how silly they looked. I sighed and joined them, spinning and waving my arms around wildly. There was a sudden knock on the door, it startled us all. I walked over to the door and opened the door. Konan was standing in the hall in front of my room with raised eyebrows. "What are you guys doing in there?", she asks. Hana pushed past me before I could say anything. "Come and dance with us Konan-chan!", she giggles. "Why are you- ah!". Before Konan could finish her sentence she was pulled into the room. I laughed when I saw Hana trying to get Konan to dance, her body was so stiff. But eventually she gave in and danced. Tsume pulled me up and we danced together, he spun me and I walked right into the wall. "Ow", you giggled. There was another knock at the door, I pulled myself up and answered it. Tobi stood in front of my door and tackled me in a hug when he saw me. "(Y/n)-chan!!", he squealed. "Ah Tobi what are you doing?", you ask, struggling from his embrace. "Tobi wants to come and dance with you", he giggles. I sigh and pull him inside. Hana jumps at him and begins dancing wildly with him. I raise an eyebrow but shrug it off. The next song was quite slow and I was very startled when Tobi grabbed my hand. "What are you doing?", you ask. "Tobi is a good boy, Tobi wants to slow dance with (Y/n)-chan". I blush but give in. He places his hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

Meanwhile the rest of the Akatsuki sat in their living room. "What are they doing in there?", Kisame asks. The rest shrug. "If it involves Tobi I want nothing to do with it, un", Deidara adds. "If your curious then why don't you go and find out for yourselves", Sasori sighs. The rest of the Akatsuki nodded in agreement and walked towards (y/n)'s bedroom door.

Inside Tobi and I were still slow dancing, Konan, Tsume and Hana slow danced but in a circle. "Tobi why do always wear a mask?", I ask, looking up at him. "Tobi has a very ugly face". I gently stroke the mask, running my fingers along the groves. "I think that your face would be handsome", you smile. Tobi blushes behind his mask. I rest my forehead on his chest, he was taller then. A few seconds later the door was kicked open. The Akatsuki looked in and gasped when they saw the position Tobi and I were in. The fright had caused him to move his hand down to my ass and squeeze it. "Uh Tobi can you let go of my ass?", you giggle. "Oh sorry (y/n)-chan", he removes his hand and places it back on my waist. I look over at the door. "How can I help you?", I ask. Kisame ran away and the rest just stood there. "What was that?", Hidan questions looking at you and Tobi. "Oh we were just dancing". He raises an eyebrow. "Now please leave my room before I have to force you", you smirk. They close the door and I go back to dancing with Tobi. "I think they're jealous of you Tobi", I giggle. "Tobi got to dance with a pretty girl". I blushed and looked down at the ground. He hugged me. "Tobi is sorry for touching you", he says. I hug him back and smile into his chest. "It's ok Tobi".

Ten minutes later Konan and Tobi left my room. Konan went straight to Pein's office and Tobi went into the living room and sat down next to Deidara. "Did Tobi do something wrong?", he asks. "What were you doing to (y/n), un?". "Tobi got to dance with the pretty girl", he giggled. Deidara swore under his breath. "Is Deidara-senpai jealous that Tobi got to dance with the pretty girl?". "No why would I be jealous of you", Deidara growled. "Because Tobi got a hand full of her ass and you didn't", Hidan smirked. Deidara walked off to his room, leaving the others in silence. "Do you like her Tobi?", Itachi asks. "Tobi doesn't know, but (y/n)-chan is very nice to him". "Anything else?". "She smells like dangos". Itachi's ears perked up.

Thank you for reading this chapter. It has nothing to do with the main story but I put the idea in my plan so here it is. Love writing this story btw. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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