Chapter 20

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"Badgers are attacking camp!" Rileypaw panted, and Thistlestar could hear the badgers crashing through the bramble barrier.

"How many?" He hissed, leaping to his paws.

"Too many to count, and they keep coming." He meowed, running out the den. Thistlestar followed, watching as Daisy and Flosswhisker defended the nursery fiercely against the a badger that loomed. Rainwhisker leaped on it's back. He ran down, leaping beside Sandstorm and Graystripe. They fought off a female badger, whos beaty eyes gleamed with hatred.

She swiped a lumbering paw at the cats. Instantly he leaped, gripping the badger's thick mangy fur. He scratched and scratched at its ears. It growled menacingly, rearing on it's haunches. He gripped its fur tight, latching onto its ear until it screeched. He leaped off as it headed for the trampled camp entrance.

He looked around his camp to see who needed help. Everyone was locked in battle, but they were severely outnumbered. It takes three cats to take down one badger, and there were so many that barely one cat could take one on.

He saw the queens taking their kits up a hidden path up the sandy walls. Longtail and Mousefur were there as well, going one step at a time. Dovekit was dangling from Coralflower's jaws while Lionkit road on her back. He turned as something crashed into him. It stormed passed, heading straight for the nursery were many groans could be heard. His eyes widened as he realized there was one queen who wasnt among the kits and elders.

"Sorreltail!" He screeched, "Defend the nursery with your lives, Sorreltail is inside!"

At his order Hawkflight, Sapleaf, Rileypaw and Bumbleclaw raced to the nursery. Bellapaw clinged to a badger with Whiteheart and Birchpaw as Dawnpaw swipes rapidly at its muzzle. No matter how hard they all worked, there were too many badgers.

"Sandstorm, make sure all kits are out of camp. I am going to get help." He ordered, forcing his way through the badgers and out of the camp. The closest clan was Windclan, despite the aggression from their last meeting he knew they would help. They had to.

Pushing himself as hard as he could, he burst through the forest with a trail of disturbed leaf litter and dust behind him. His lungs clenched tight and he fought for breath, but he had to keep going. His clan was in jeopardy. Thistlestar pushed hard, until almost everything was a blurr beside him. A sudden movement made him turn.

As he ran, he saw a brown tabby she-cat pushing hard as she ran towards  the camp.

Leafpool! He thought with relief. The she-cat had finaly returned. Turning back to the moor, he ran across the border without a second thought. He could smell their scent growing strong, so he must be close. He slowed down, just enough to catch his breath but keep moving.

A couple of gorse bushes and heather came into sight, and he slammed himself through the scrawny camp entrance. He ignored the thorns scratching through his pelt, and stood centered in the clearing besides Crowfeather. Onestar sat on his rock, enraged. The clan around him was bristling.

"Thistlestar! How dare you barge straight into our camp. You may have saved the clans, but that time is over. I rule the moor." He snapped, his fur fluffed to make him look larger.

"Thunderclan is in trouble..." He panted, "Badgers.. Attacking camp. Sorreltail is kitting.." He tried to explain as best as he could, but his lungs were too tight. He was fightibg to breathe when Crowfeather spoke up for him.

"See? I was trying to tell you that the badgers who Midnight was with were going to attack. I was right, and niw Thunderclan needs are help!" He insisted, Thistlestar casting a side glance towards the nursery where he could see a black she-cat passing Breezekit to Tunnelwhisker.  He looked away quickly, focusing on Onestar.

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