The Hybrid - Klaus

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Your hands trembled as you scrolled through the contacts on your phone smearing blood across the screen. You glanced around again as you tried to figure out precisely where you were. Thankfully the dark made it easier to ignore the body at your feet.

The smart thing would be to call the sheriff. It was a clearcut case of self-defense after all. But you hadn't killed any ordinary man. No, he'd been a hybrid. The council didn't need any more ammunition against the town's supernatural citizens than they already had.

Damon or Stefan would come to your rescue, but it would just cause more trouble between them and the Mikaelsons. They'd assume Klaus sent the hybrid after you no matter what you said to the contrary.

Rebekah would complain and make you return the favor later.

Elijah was out of town.

Kol was...well, Kol.

No, there was only one person you could call right now, and truthfully, he was the one you wanted to see at the moment. You pressed his picture and leaned against the trunk of a tree as you waited for him to answer.

Niklaus answered, your name falling happily from his lips. "To what do I owe the pleasure, love?" He always flirted with you, not that it meant anything to him. Not as much as you wanted it to anyway.

Hearing his voice brought you out of your shock enough that you started to cry. Your breathing was uneven and you sucked in mouthfuls of air trying to get enough oxygen in your lungs to speak.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Where are you?" His voice had taken on a panicked edge. "Are you hurt? Talk to me."

"I k-killed him," you managed to stutter out. Your free hand clutched your flannel closer to your chest, needing to make certain you were covered. Protected.

"Who did you kill?" His voice was soft and patient.

"I was on the way to your house. I needed to tell you...I still need to tell you but... I need you, Nik."

"Where are you, sweetheart?"

You closed your eyes and a flood of tears ran down your cheeks. "I don't know. My car. You'll see my car, I'm somewhere near there in the trees."

"Okay, listen to me. We're coming to find you right—"

You cut him off. "We? Who's with you? You can't trust the hybrids, Nik. Don't trust them." You sounded delirious and he probably thought you were insane but you couldn't risk him getting hurt because you hadn't delivered the message.

There was a stretch of silence during which you heard a car start. "All right, love. No hybrids. I promise. Everything's okay."

You heard the engine of a car somewhere nearby and jerked your head in the direction of the sound. "I hear a car." Your eyes moved back and forth trying to see anything in the dark which was impossible. The car stopped and you heard more than one door slam. You were so focused in that on that, you didn't hear the movement behind you.

A hand grasped your shoulder as someone said your name. You jumped, your heart stuttering in your chest as you screamed. You jerked away and fell to the ground in your haste. You scrambled away from the dark figure that kept saying your name with increasing degrees of urgency. Arms wrapped around your torso from behind causing you to scream again. You kicked and struggled to get away.

"It's me, love. It's me. I've got you. Calm down." Nik's lips brushed against your ear as he spoke and you stilled immediately.

You panted as you tried to catch your breath. As soon as he loosened his hold, you turned to throw your arms around his neck and buried your head against his chest.

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