AussieNesia // Keeping Up With The Southeast Asians

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set in the 1960's near Malaycest confrontation yo. warning: Aussie is a bit OOC bc he's really mature and wise here lol
may_syaa 's request

Malaysia slammed the table. He looked at Nesia furiously. "Grow up, Indon!"

The said girl gasped inaudibly. "You dare?"

"Try me," Malon sneered, challenging her. "Why are you denying my existence? Or maybe you're scared I'm gonna be better than you?"

If Australia hadn't been there to hold her back, Indonesia would've lunged at her brother and strangle him. "MALON, BANGKE. SIALAN LO ANJ(censored Indonesian curse words)—"

"Indonesia," Australia whispered against her ear as he held her waist, but she was too angry to care. "C'mon mate, just... Let him be."

Nesia kept struggling. "Why are you supporting him and not me?"

"Every nation has their rights to become valid and free." His breath was warm against her neck as he dragged the rogue girl out of the room. Before they exited, Nesia could see the smug smile her younger brother sported. "Isn't that what you said yourself*?"

Tears almost pricked the corner of her eyes. "But he—"

"—is your brother," in the hall, Australia let her out of his grip and she immediately turned around to face him. His eyes were sad, but her eyes were glassy. "Your sibling. Aren't you glad that he's finally able to stand on his own feet? That you're both finally equal?"

Nesia gritted her teeth, common sense much too clouded with anger. "I don't need you meddling around in my business," she hissed venomously, "especially when it's about my family. You're not who you used to be**."

The Australian didn't know what the last line was supposed to mean, but his expression flashed from being hurt to disappointed and finally bitter.

"Fine. Fine." He spat. "If you think you don't deserve my advice, than so be it."

And with that he marched away from the troubled nation who lost both her friend and her brother.

Some months later, some excruciating months without communication but wars at the borders later, the black haired girl showed up at his door, locks drenched in pouring rain.

His eyes widened upon her arrival, but they were soon changed with something of mild anger.

"Listen," Nesia's lips trembled as she spoke. It took him a moment to realize she was shivering. He should probably get her in, but was waiting for her confession and—expectedly—an apology. "I've been stupid and childish and selfish and I regret telling you off so much. You didn't deserve it, an neither did Malon."

Nesia inhaled shakily. "You're right. In the end, he is my brother. I don't even know what I'll do without him. Though my boss still hates his guts—"

"Oh, so you're blaming it on your boss now?" Aussie leaned on the doorframe and crossed his arms.

Nesia bit her lip. This was more difficult than she imagined. "No. I... I was—I'm the one who's wrong, I'm sorry, Oz—"

He didn't wait to listen but went back into the house, leaving her outside. Maybe she deserved it. She looked down and let streaks of tears roll down her cheeks slowly, not even bothering to look back up when he returned, his shadow casting upon her.

"If you think you can come here all you want and expect me to forgive you—"

She took a deep breath and braced herself.

"—then you're absolutely right."

She looked up, her eyes finding his. Australia's expression had softened. On his left hand was a towel, which he put on her head and used to ruffle her hair—not exactly trying to dry it, the action was rather a gesture of affection.

Nesia parted her lips and breathed in relief. Abruptly, she rushed to hold him in her arms.

Australia's brain short-circuited briefly before he finally returned her hug. He chuckled. "Hey, 's alright, mate. You're soaking, by the way."

Nesia pulled back immediately. "Shit, sorry, sorry—"

Aussie rolled his eyes playfully. "To hell with it," and brought her back in an embrace.

*inget pembukaan uud hayooo
**!!YOLNGU ;-;
is this an established relationship or friend zone?? no one will ever know

derita anak negeri

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