NetherNesia // Hold On to the Memories.

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requested by pindakaaspecel
satu buku didominasi pairing Netherlands, mIHUN MAAP,,,]

The sound of a thunder jolts Nesia awake from her nightmare. She looks around in shock and disorientation, but her surroundings stayed the same from when she had been resting: an abandoned weapon warehouse that has been stripped clean.

Outside, one droplet of acidic water after another hits the ground. Despite the rain, it's terribly hot inside.  She rises, unbalanced. How long has she been resting?

The door opened and she squinted at the sudden brightness. An unmistakable silhouette of her brother marches in wearing an army jacket and combat boots, his hair still wet from the shower he must've took earlier.

"They asked me to get you," Malaysia pouts.

Nesia sneers at him. "Are you sure you didn't came here by yourself?"

He scrunches his nose. "You slept for eighteen hours. They thought you were dead."

"I'll be better off that way."

"We ran out of clean water. You can't clean up now."

Nesia can't remember the last time she took a shower. "I don't mind."

He made a face of disapproval. "You smell."

"You suck," she grins as she passes him on her way out.

The nations finishes their purposeless meeting for this afternoon. Nesia smiles somberly. Even at the end of the world, her friends doesn't stop joking around and arguing in pointlessness. Which is a good thing, she suppose, as though the entire mankind has been wiped out clean off the earth, and it's just a matter of time the nations will disappear one after the other at a fast rate, they still pretend like they'll all be fine.

Her eyes catches a certain blond walking out of the room. She tails him in silence and he leads her to the balcony, a glass surface hanging by steel ropes with a view of empty grounds and grey clouds. They're in the middle of nowhere—the end of earth.

He leans at the railing and she joins him, but her presence doesn't surprise him, as if he knows she'd be there anyway. None of them said anything before Nesia breaks the silence with a question.

"How much longer do you think before we're gone?"

He answers without looking at her. "Not long."

"Are you not afraid?" In a different situation, Nesia would've been terrified to ask these questions, but like he said, they probably won't last much longer anyways, so she pours her heart out to everyone—saying what she wants to say. Doing what she wants to do. Living her lasts.  It takes her by surprise the man beside her has insurmountable self-control not to do so.

A 'no' is what she get as a short answer. She stares at the distance, where more grey thunderstorms gathers. "Why are we doing this?"

"Be more specific, please."

"Hiding from the natural disasters. Even though we know we won't survive."

"If you want to get out there and challenge a tornado, be my guest."

His answer doesn't hurt her one bit.

He responses her silence with a further explanation. "Mankind—why did they leave? Because for them, they still have a long journey." The cold wind blows his blonde hair. Nesia tightens her jacket. "But us—we're bound to this earth. This planet is what made us. We can't leave, it's not our choice to."

She inhales the stormy air deeply. "Why protect ourselves, though?"

Netherlands turns to her. His face is one if frustration, like an adult's impatience when explaining something simple to a child. "Because, Indonesia, even though we're physically immortal and undying, we don't want to catch plagues nor experience suffocation nor feel pain—we don't want to suffer. How do we as landmasses survive without people and governments?"

"Do you believe we'll go to heaven when we die? Or a place, at least? As nations?"

He's silent for the longest time. "I've no idea."

She purses her lips. "If you could follow mankind to live in space, though, would you?"

He seems to be thinking. "No, I wouldn't." She didn't get the chance to ask why, as the first drop of rain drops on the glass balcony.

"It'll flood again." Netherlands murmurs. He sounds so sure. Maybe he's had too much experience of it, and the thought aches inside Nesia's head. His eyes looks glassy and restless, she wants to tell him that he should get some sleep and everything will be okay, but it'd be a lie.

As they both get inside, Nesia caught his arm. "These days might be our last. Please talk to me more, I would like to hear more of you." The firmness in her voice surprised not only him but herself. The slightest glint of smile shines from his eyes.

That night she does what she's most terrified to do. She approaches him before she went to sleep, drawled to him how much he means to her and that she thanks him for everything. He responds with a 'thank you for your honesty'. It hurts, but she decides it's better to get it out before either of them die. She ends up staying up all night chatting with him, and nothing else matters.

A week after, it starts: screams of excruciating agony fills the hideout. Starting from the smallest nations, one by one breaks down, turning into dust. It was, after all, what they were made of.

Nesia pities a certain Russian. He'll be there all alone when he disappear, with no one to cry to or to offer comfort. But she was there when each of her friends lie in despair. It always overwhelms her with sorrow, telling them they did so well, but she does it anyway. When her turn comes, she knows, the remaining survivors will be there for her.

She rests her arms against the balcony railing. She misses Netherlands' presence beside her. She misses her brother. She's bitter against whoever is responsible for taking her loves away. She's bitter on her existence itself. She wipes aways her tears, and it falls on the glass below her, just like the last time he stood there with her bombarding him with questions.

Memories floods her head, and she grins in pain. Her life is a tragedy.

Russia closes the Southeast Asian's eyelids, though her body starts to crumple into dust, as if to make it look like she's only sleeping.

"Don't worry about her," he whispers to a weeping China, "she's just going to meet her  love." He then stares into empty space and murmurs, "I wonder how much she has been missing Sukarno. Must've been more than I think."

before u ask why the ending sucks i ran out of ideas i finished this in like 5 hours when no one is teaching in my class lmaoo but like i rlly ship Sukarno & Indonesia bUT SUKARNO & HATTA THO!!!!!! a flying ship (a spaceship?)

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