Chapter 1

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"He has been to jail" "have you seen his tattoos?" "I feel sorry for his parents" I was sitting in the backseat of the car listening to this conversation between my mom and my sister. They were talking about Brendon Urie; the so-called town fuck up, the "bad kid". He's a couple of years older then me and he dropped out of school two years before he was supposed to graduate so I knew of him but never overlapped with him in school. I like to try and not judge people with out knowing them but the stories I have heard got me intimidated by him. 

"Florence we're here" we reached my mom's friend Beth's house. My sister Rose came because her best friend is Beth's daughter. Why did I come? I got dragged... like usual. " I'm just going walk to the park down the street" I say while we walk toward the door and I get a brief nod from my mom as she crossed the threshold into the house. 

So I start my trek to the park excited because I know this secluded part of the park by a river that is peaceful and always empty. A big tree fell over and blocked the pathway so there is this decently sized piece of the park that no one goes to. I climb over the tree and start to see the river but that's not all, to my surprise I see a person siting there by the river. I walk closer and breath out in complete shock when I see the person that is there is Brendon Urie. He is wearing black skinny jeans, a black and white striped shirt, a leather jacket, and boots. His dark almost black hair is softly pull back and I can see a few pieces have fallen down in front of his face. I watch him look at the water while he is smoking a cigarette. 

Two things prevent me from going up to him. The first is my intimidation; the second and more important is he just looks so peaceful and serine I don't want to disturb him. Seeing him like this, almost angelic, it's hard to believe the things people say about him are true. I decided to sit under a tree far enough away so I don't disturb him.

 I am deep in thought when I here rustling in the trees behind me. A large man comes up in front of me with a knife "get up and don't make a sound or this will be a lot worse" he says with venom in his voice. " I nod and do what he says I'm in to much fear and shock to do any thing else. He puts the knife close to my neck and pushes me up against the tree.

 I close my eyes in preparation for what is going to come next but the only thing I hear is a loud thump and the crunch of leaves. I open my eyes and see Brendon Urie in front of me looking down at my bloodied attacker with anger all over his face " get up and leave or this will be a lot worse" Brendon says, his voice smooth but deep with anger. My attacker eagerly took this opportunity to run away. The man was larger then Brendon but he stood there like it was nothing to take him down. This and the anger in his eyes made me even more intimidated of him.

 "Thank you so much Brendon" I manage to say through the shock. "You know my name but I don't know yours" he said, his smirk giving it a hint of sarcasm. "I... I'm Florence May" I stutter, still in shock.

"Well Florence May of course I was going to help you I'm not an evil guy" his tone made it seem like he wasn't sure of this statement "I know you're not" I say in return he looks at me, his large chocolate eyes soften has he says "you're the only one who thinks that" he says before walking away. It was in that moment when his warm eyes melted into my blue ones that I knew there was more to Brendon Urie then the stories I have heard.  

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