Chapter 6

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"favorite color" I ask Brendon. "Black. You?" "Probably purple" I reply.

We are both sitting on Brendon's couch, which is black, his favorite color apparently, playing 20 questions. So far it has been pretty mundane stuff like food, animals, and colors. Their are a few questions that I'm dying to ask but I don't want to upset him...

Brendon must have noticed me thinking and then went ahead and read my thoughts. "Don't be afraid to ask what you want to know. I'm a big boy Florence May... I can take it."  he said laughing. "ok if you're sure... have you really been with as many girls as people say you have?" i say very uneasily. Brendon chuckles "the real question you should be asking is about how many people Iv'e been with" he says simply. I give him a confused look which earns another chuckle from Brendon. "I'm not what you would call 'straight'. The people are right... the list of people i've been with could be considered long. But its not just girls... there are guys on that list as well." he says with a shy smile. 

I have a shocked expression on my face, not because I mind he isn't straight but because I just wasn't expecting it. He laughed at my expression "what... I don't try to hide it" he says. This makes me chuckle "you just caught me off guard thats all. do you parents know?" I ask. 

A sad expression come over his face, and he looks down while nodding "its why they kicked me out..." I instantly felt terrible for asking and even worse for what he had to go through... nobody deserves that. I was about to say how sorry I was when he continued "They were distant from me ever since they found out I was Bi and kicked me out as soon as they could. I guess they didn't like the fact that their son's first kiss was with a boy named Johnny Rickfeild. " he says with a sad laugh, trying to lighten the mood but I can tell by his glossy eyes that it caused him pain. 

"Im so sorry Brendon. I can't believe your own parents did that to you. You didn't deserve that." I say to him while looking him in the eyes. He give a small smile "its alright Florence May I've given up trying to reconcile with them. I don't think I ever can now. If they can't stand me being Bi, they won't be able to stand having a son that was arrested and put in jail for three years for drug possession either." he says "I'm sorry Brendon... jail is not a place for a good person like you" I reply softly. "I'm not a good person Florence May... all the men in that jail with me were bad people... and I was one of the worst." he said looking down. I move over to wrap him in a hug. 

" The best people are the one's with scars Brendon" 

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