Chapter 4

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"Hello What can I get for you?" I say to another customer on just another boring day. It has been two weeks of boring days since I looked into the sad eyes of Brendon Urie. It has also been  two weeks of days that I have thought about about the sad eyes Of Brendon Urie. It amazed me just how wrong people were about him. He is not what they say he is. A few days ago my mom and I got in a fight about this vey subject. 

"A friend of mine was at Starbucks and told me what happened with the Urie boy." she told me. "oh yeah? how Bryce was terrible to him?" "No, how you went up and talked to him. You need to be careful honey... he's dangerous" now that made me laugh at just how ridiculous it was. "you have no idea what your talking about mom he's not dangerous' I replied "and how would you know that" she shot back. I didn't want to tell her about how he  saved me in the park so I didn't know what to say. "I just do ok" was all I could manage. "Well just do as I say and stay away from him" she commanded. I then yelled how ridiculous that was and haven't really talked to her since. 

I haven't even spent that much time with him but I've spent more time with him then these people who judge him so I think I know better than they do anyway. 

Other people that were at Starbucks that day have said similar things to what my mom said. "stay  away, he's been in jail" "stay away, don't you know how many girls he's slept with" "stay away, he's just a junkie" "stay away, stay away, stay away" it was so repetitive and tiring. I know the truth. 

It was now dark out and I was locking up Starbuck alone tonight. I closed the door and started walking down the street toward my car. It was when I was walking past an ally I heard some strange noises. I looked down and saw two people fighting. There were fists flying back and forth. The one guy knocked the other one down and got on top of him. He was about to punch the guy on the ground and thats when I saw who was lying there. It was Brendon lying on the ground underneath this huge man, about to get hit. "HEY! STOP!" I yelled walking toward them. The large man was distracted enough for Brendon to hit him hard in the jaw, knocking him out. 

Brendon got up and I saw his face. His hair was a mess, he had a gash on his lip that was bleeding, and a black eye was starting to form. "What are you doing here? you could have gotten hurt! are you crazy?" he said with a sharp tone. "I wanted to help" I stated. "I had it under control!" he said with the same hard expression on his face. "I just didn't want you to get hurt again" I said looking down. He sighed and his face softened "I'm sorry Florence May... I didn't want you to be in danger. I'm not worth that" he said, voice fading out toward the end. He started to walk away but I stepped in front of him and lightly put my hand on his chest to stop him. Obviously my hand was no force to actually keep him from moving he just stopped because I wanted him to. "You're hurt... let me help" I say. I can tell he was about to object but when I looked him in the eyes he agreed. My mom and sister are both out of the house so I took him there. 

"Sit" I told him while pointing at the kitchen counter. I went to go to get supplies. "you don't have to do this" he said when I came back. "But I want to" I said smiling, which made him smile in return. I used rubbing alcohol to clean the cuts on his face and put antiseptic cream on them. I noticed his knuckles were bleeding to, his scars had reopened. So I cleaned those as well and wrapped bandages around them. When I looked at him, sitting there like a wounded puppy, slightly wincing at the sting of the rubbing alcohol, he seemed so soft and innocent. 

He walked with me to the bathroom to help put the supplies away. "Thanks for your help tonight... with everything" he said. I was about to say your welcome when he continued "But this is why you should stay away from me Florence May, you'll get hurt" "what if i don't care?" I replied, crossing my arms. "Well I do" he said, turning around to face the mirror. "Well you can't make my choices" I replied, my voice getting louder. "GOD DAMN IT" Brendon yelled with anger while his fist flew and smashed the mirror into tiny pieces, the sound ringing in my ears. I was in complete shock. "God damn it" he said again now with sorrow dripping from his voice, shaking his head. He started to turn around and face me "You're making it to hard to protect you from myself" he said almost whispering. He walked closer so our chests were almost touching. He lent down and said " I'm dangerous... Please, Florence May, please... Stay away" he looked at me with heavy, pleading eyes. I was still speechless as a watched him walk away. 

Stay away. The list of people that have said these words to me now includes Brendon himself.  

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