Chapter 5

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"I'm dangerous... please, Florence May, please... stay away." These famous last words from Brendon Urie have been ringing in my head head for the past month. 

I've been living on autopilot ever since that night. Not even my mom's anger at me for the broken mirror could bring me out of my funk. I lied to her of course. 

Maybe tonight things will change. Tonight I'm going to a house party with Mia. I get ready in dark Skinny Jeans, white t-shirt, and red converse. and I put a baseball cap on instead of doing my hair. I'm causal because I have no one to impress. 

The night goes on. and on and on and on. I lose Mia around my 6th shot of vodka. 

This house isn't far from mine so I decide to walk back home. I stumble the way down the street toward my house. I think I hear footsteps behind me but put it of as the vodka playing tricks on me. 

I stumble some more until I start to fall. I hear someone running up behind me while fall and end up  falling into their arms. I turn around to see round chocolate eye staring back at me " W-whatt ar-ee *hiccup* youuu do-inng here? You could've gott-en huuurt! Aree yooou *hiccup* crazyyy?" I say mocking what he said to me in the ally a month ago. "Haha Florence May really clever" he say sarcastically "Are you drunk?" he asks. "Maybeee" I reply he laughs and tells me to come with him and he'll take me home. "Buttt Y-ou're danger- dangerousss though *hiccup* aren't youuu?" I say with a raised eyebrow. "Yes I am.... but you're in more danger walking out here drunk off of your fucking mind than you are with me" he firmly states. "fineee. take *hiccup*" I say while gesturing for him to pick me up. He smiles and picks me up bridal style and carries me to his car. "nooo ho-me. mom. meee dr-drunkk. no good" I say after he buckled me in. He thinks about this "its ok Florence May i'll take you to my place" he says. "Th-thanks Bren-brendo-don." "Heyyy *hiccup* wh-what yourrr mid-middle name" I feel the need to ask. "its Boyd" he says laughing. "Bren-ndon Boyyy-d... tooo harrrd.... You beebo *hiccup* now. He laughs and gives me a look of affection. "what ever you want Florence May" he says back. I had now fallen asleep in the passenger seat. 

I wake up with the sun stinging my eyes before I even open them. "Ughhh" I mange to say while opening my eyes. It is then i realized that I'm not in my house

what the fuck. 

I smell bacon and eggs and my stomach starts to growl so I decide to investigate. I walk out to see none other than Brendon Urie standing in the kitchen, right he picked me up didn't he. His hair is sticking up in weird angles but it looks... cute. He is wearing black sweatpants, a black t-shirt, and has glasses on the bridge of his nose. 

"Hey Florence May" he says with a soft smile. "do you want some advil?" "ugh yes please Brendon" I reply. "huh.. so I'm not Beebo anymore?" he asks laughing while passing me the pills and a glass of water. "um what is a Beebo" I ask while swallowing the pills. "While last night you ask me what my middle name is and When i told you it was Boyd, you thought Brendon Boyd was to hard to say so you changed my name to Beebo" he says laughing "oh my god I'm so sorry. thats really humiliating" I say while face palming. "haha Its fine. like I said last night, What ever you want Florence May."

We eat a delicious breakfast. Damn he can cook too.

"Ok I should take you back now. You shouldn't be hanging around with me" he finally says. "what if i don't want to go?" I say with crossed arms. He sighs "Not again Florence May, I kinda like all my mirrors" he says laughing. "Well if you were so dangerous why did you helped me last night." I state simply. I look in his eyes and I can tell he is giving in. 

I can also tell I'm going to spend the entire day with Brendon (or should I say Beebo) Urie and its going to be... interesting.  

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