Chapter 3

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Its been a week since I last saw Brendon Urie, and a week that I have had nothing else on my mind. I wanted to get to know him more; I can tell there is much more to him than what people say. I think about this on my day off while I walk through the park. I climb over the tree and make my way to the river, it a nice day so I wanted to swim.

 I stop dead in my tracks when see none other than Brendon Urie lying by the edge of the river in his bathing suit. I feel my heart race as I walk up to him. "I guess you had the same idea" I say as I sit down next to him. He sits up when he notices my presence and God does he look beautiful. His shirtless body is toned and glistening with water and wet strands of his hair gently falls into his face. 

"Florence May" he says with a smile when he sees its me. I find it endearing that he use my full name it just seems right and natural coming from him. I was about to say something when his hands distract me; they are beautiful, strong, and smooth apart from a large amount of scars spreading across his knuckles. 

He notices me looking at them "its hard to punch somebody without getting hurt yourself" he says with a hallow chuckle while hiding his hands in his lap. I look up at him and see sorrow cloud his warms eyes while he says "I hope you know I would never hurt you Florence May." He must have mistaken my look of worry for one of fear, I'm not afraid of Brendon Urie. I reach out and hold one of his hands in mine " I know you won't hurt me. I was just worried... about you being hurt" I say trailing off toward the end. When look at him I see 50% shock and 50% joy. " Its ok I've had worse" he says gesturing to a large scar his on his side. I take my hand back from his and gently brush over the scar with my fingertips. I give him a questioning look "a guy brought a knife to a fist fight" he states while shrugging his shoulders. Now looking I can see quite a few scars around his body. I graze my thumb over one cutting through his eyebrow, causing his eyes to flutter closed at the touch "what happened here?" I asked. "I got a bottled smashed across my head in a bar fight" he replies now looking down at his lap. "I'm sorry you got hurt like this, " I say gesturing to his scars" "you should have seen the other guys... its always worse for them" a moment of silence goes by before I ask, "why do you fight?" "It feels right and because I can" he states simply. After this we talk some more and swim a bit. We end the day with him planning to come see me during my sift at Starbucks tomorrow.


I'm eagerly waiting Brendon's visit while trying to pay attention to people's orders. Just has my shift is about to end my heart skips a beat when I see him walk through the door and come towards me. He has on the most beautiful smile while approaching the counter. He is about the say something when the unthinkable happens. 

Bryce Tanner, the quarterback of the football team, comes up and pours his drink on Brendon's head while saying "no one wants you here you criminal" with pure venom in his voice.

 Everyone is shocked, no one would dare do something like that they were all to scared to even talk to Brendon. What happen next is in slow motion. I see Brendon's fists clench, his knuckles become white and the scars on them more visible. His face shows pure anger. I see a look of fear  and regret come over Bryce's face at the sight of Brendon like this. I know what's going to happen next, Brendon could drop Bryce with his eyes closed despite Bryce being larger, I saw it happen with the man who tried to attack me the first time I meet Brendon.

 I can't let it happen now because everyone watching will use it as proof that Brendon is a terrible person. So I cross the counter and stand in-between Bryce and Brendon. I face Brendon and reach up and place my hands on his shoulders "he's not worth it, I know you are more than this Brendon" I say while looking into his hard eyes. His expression doesn't change and I can feel the tense muscles in his shoulders. "Brendon please... for me?" His face softens, he nods and leaves while shooting Bryce a look that could kill. things go back to normal and I painfully finish the next 20 minutes of my shift worrying about Brendon. 

The second I got off of work I needed to go find Brendon and I knew exactly where he would be. I climb over the oh so familiar tree and make my way toward the river. I see Brendon leaning against a tree taking a last puff of a cigarette before crushing it under his boot. I don't say anything I just walk up and wrap my arms around him in a tight hug that he soon reciprocates. Our arms are warped around each other, his chin resting on my head. We stay like this for what seems like forever and a blink of an eye at the same. When we begin to pull away our faces linger close to each other and I see Brendon looking back and forth between my eyes and lips. I begin to lean in closing my eyes, then my heart breaks in more ways than one.

 "I can't" Brendon says while pulling away "why?" I say looking down, sorrow in my voice. "They're right, there're all right about me... I've been in jail, I used to deal drugs, I'm violent. I'm a violent, broken, and full of scars, with no real home and no family. I'm just a criminal." I look at him in shock not sure what to say. He then says "I can't because you're to good for me Florence May" while brushing the back of his hand along my check, his eyes glossy. This is my last view of him before he turns and walks away. 

It was then I knew Brendon Urie the "bad boy" was nothing more than a sad boy. 

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