Chapter 10

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Brendon just asked me to be his girlfriend... Brendon Urie actually just asked ME to be his GIRLFRIEND?! 

Before I say anything I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him smiling the whole time. "Of course Brendon!" I exclaim when we pull away from the kiss. The giant smile on his face is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I can't help but smile too. 

That night we went back to his place and shared his bed like the night before except this time we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I can't imagine myself being happier. 

I wake up and place my arm on to Brendon's side of the bed only to find it empty. When I get up and walk toward the kitchen I hear this breathtaking singing voice. I find Brendon cooking breakfast with headphones in, singing along to my funny valentine by Frank Sinatra. My jaw drops at how amazing he sounds, why did he never tell me he had this..this gift? He still hadn't noticed me so I sat at the counter just watching and listening as he finished the song. When he finished the song I loudly clapped. "Holy fuck Florence May you scared the shit out of me!!" he says after turning around at lightning speed. This makes me laugh. "Why have you never told me you can sing?! that was amazing!" "thanks....and I don't know it never came up i guess" he says while shrugging. "Well you are definitely going to have to sing for me sometime!" I say chuckling. "Anything for my girlfriend" he says with a wink. This made me smile the widest smile. 

He gives me a ride to my shift at Starbucks because my car is still at my mom's house. When i'm ready to get out of the car I lean over and place my lips on Brendon's and he immidialaty kisses back. Something tells me to kiss him a second time so I do. This takes him off guard but he soon reciprocates and puts his hand on the back of my head to deepen the kiss. "goodbye Florence May" he says with a huge smile. "goodbye Brendon" I say also smiling. 

My shift is over but Brendon isn't there to pick me up. I wait for a very uneasy 10 minutes before calling him. His phone goes straight to voicemail and thats when this terrible feeling hits me... something is wrong. After ubering back I see two police cars with flashing lights in parking lot of the building 


After running full speed to Brendon's apartment I walk through the open door and see Brendon sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees and head in his hands. I run over an kneel on the floor in front of him. 

"Brendon! thank god you're ok! whats going on?" I say. He looks up and I can clearly see he is stressed. "The cops like to raid my apartment from time to time..." he says with a hollow chuckle. Now he holds my hands and looks me in the eyes "I need you to listen Florence May... I have stuff in this apartment that they aren't going to be happy to find and when they do they are going to put handcuffs on me and take me to the station. Please don't be afraid and just know i'll be fine ok?" before I can reply a police officer comes in and says to Brendon "stand up and turn around" and when Brendon does they put handcuffs on him "Brendon Urie you are under arrest for possession of marijuana" I see Brendon bow his head in shame. They start walking him out but I run up and wrap my arms around his neck and say "Bren I know who you are. don't forget you have a heart of gold... you are my protector" "I'm sorry Florence May" he says in return and gives me the softest kiss on the cheek. 

We both Have tears in our eyes when the police pull us apart. 

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