Chapter 8

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Going home was a rude awakening from the dream that was my date with Brendon. 

After Brendon dropped me off he left and I went inside. My mom was waiting for me. "Florence what did I tell you about going out with that boy?" she said, angry. "Mom he is not a bad person" I say, trying to stay calm. "oh don't be naive Florence, he is a criminal and a junkie. He is dangerous to be around, I forbid it" she said, raising her voice even more. Now is when I start yelling "I'm 18 mom! I'm an adult that can make her own decisions!". "well then you are old enough to live be yourself then." she say, now hauntingly calm. "...what?... mom..." I say, tears threatening to fall. "You heard me Florence, pack your bag. I love you, this is for your own good." she says, voice thick with emotion. I'm speechless and just go to my room and fill a duffle bag with anything I may need, not knowing what to do. I leave and look at my mom in the eyes one last time before I walk out the door. 

I now find myself standing alone on the sidewalk with a duffle bag and nowhere to go... 

So I call Brendon. "Hello Florence May" he says in a cheering tone. I'm still speechless so all he can hear is the sound of my light sobs through phone. "Florence May whats wrong?" concern clear in his voice. "Brendon... I..." I say through tears, unable to form a sentence. "I'm on my way" he says, and I can already hear him starting his car. A few minutes later he pulls up just like hours before, only this time under much different circumstances. 

He gets out and practically runs toward me, and without saying a word wraps me in a tight hug. When he pulls away he points to my duffle bag while saying "Your mom? she..." He stops when he sees me nod my head. I look up at him with tears filling my eyes. I can see his heart shatter right then. He hugs me once again, even tighter and whispers in my ear "I'll alway be hear to protect you Florence you want to come and stay with me?" I immediately nod my head without breaking from the hug. "Ok Florence May. Anything you need". He carries my duffle to the car but not before taking his leather jacket off and putting it around my shoulders. It instantly comforts me. 

When we get to his place he puts my duffle into the bedroom while I sit on the couch. "Do you want to talk about it" he says, sitting down next to me "oh my mom just went fucking insane thats all..." i say, now bitter. "What happened Florence May... you are worrying me" he says, concern clear in his voice. I'm conflicted, I need to tell him the truth but I know it will hurt him. I know he is just a sad boy that has been hurt too many times and knowing that my mom kicked me out for refusing to stop seeing him will hurt him more. But I need to tell the truth so with great hesitation I do. "she uh, she wasn't too happy that I went out with you. When I came back she told me that I wasn't allowed to see you anymore. When I refused she kicked me out." I see him bow his head in sadness. "my fault... its my fault" he whispers to himself. I put a finger under his chin and made him face me. " No Brendon. It was my choice, my fault. I chose you Brendon and I wouldn't have it any other way. I chose my protector." I say with a reassuring smile. I feel his soft lips being placed gently on mine and we shared a sweet, passionate kiss. 

After watching some T.V we both get tired. "You go ahead and take the bed Florence May. I'll take the couch." he says with a smile. "I can't Brendon, It's your house. I'll take the couch." he just gave  a: don't fuck with me I'm serious look in response. "Ok fine you win... Beebo" I say with a smirk. 

I toss around in Brendon's empty bed for hours, unable to go to sleep because I can't stop thinking about my mom. I finally get up and tiptoe into the living room. I see Brendon fast asleep. He looks so innocent and peaceful. Hair the cutest kind of messy and his mouth slightly open, softly snoring. I laugh to myself at how anyone could be afraid of this sleeping beauty. 

"Brendon?" I whisper. nothing. "Brendon?". nothing. "Beebo?" I whisper slightly louder. "Huh?" he exclaims, shooting upright. "I'm sorry Brendon... I just didn't want to be alone... would you share the bed with me?" I say shyly. "Of course Florence May." he says with a tired smile. He lays down on his back next to me and I turn on my side, my back facing him. "Brendon?" I whisper "hmm?" he replies. "hold me?". With out saying anything he fits his Body around mine and hangs his arm over my stomach, pulling me closer to him. I smile and drift off into the best sleep I have ever had.  

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