Chapter 7

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It happened... Brendon Urie asked me out on a date. 

It was after I tried to comfort him when he told me about his parents kicking him out. He looked me In the eyes with a small, shy smile on his full lips. "Florence May... would you um.. do you uh... do you want to go out to dinner with me?" I was shocked. partly because I never thought he would ask and partly because I had never seen him nervous before. Brendon Urie was... scared. Like I would actually say no. "I would love that" I said with a smile. 

So now I'm getting ready. I put on a knee length dress that was black with red roses and black heels with straps. For my makeup I did a simple black winged eyeliner and red lipstick. My hair was pulled back into a lose up-do. 

Brendon texted me that he was on his way so I decided to wait for him outside. When I was about to open the door my mom said "you look beautiful honey where are you going" "oh just out... with Brendon" I said with a straight face. She became angry "No defiantly not. You will not go out with that... that criminal Florence May I.. blah blah blah" I tuned her out because hearing my full name made my think about how Brendon only calls my by my full name and how sweet I find it coming from him. "Mom" I cut her off "I'm 18 I do not need your permission" I said and made my way out the door. 

Then Brendon pulled up in a black Dodge challenger. He got out and I had to keep my jaw from dropping. He was still wearing all black and his leather jacket like usual but his shirt had buttons and a collar and his black skinny jeans had no rips in them. His hair was pulled back with just a single piece falling to his face. He looked beautiful. 

" You look Beautiful Florence May" he said with a smile as he was walking toward me. "so do you" I said blushing. This made him smile even more. He opened my door and we went on our way. 

"Im happy you agreed to go out with me tonight Florence May" Brendon said when we sat down.  "I was worried you'd say no" he continued "of course I was going to say yes. Why wouldn't I?" i asked "because I'm well... me. and I've never really been the dating type... just a blur of one night stands." he say bowing his head in shame toward the end. "so you never had a girlfriend?"... "or Boyfriend?" I add with a smile. He softly smiles back "No I haven't... all the people I've been with have never been as amazing as you are Florence May" this made me Blush "Thanks. and I could say the same to you Brendon" I reply. 

We talk some more and order our food then Brendon left for the bathroom. When he was gone Bryce walked into the restaurant and smirked when he saw me. He started walking over. "well hello Florence" he says smirking. "Hi Bryce" I reply in the most uninterested tone " Why  don't I keep you company?" he asks "Um... no thanks. I'll pass" I say "Come on Florence. lets have some fun" he says. I then see Brendon walking Back from the bathroom. oh shit. 

"Bryce it would be best if you left" I said trying to get him to leave before Brendon came back "and why would That be?" he asked "Because she's here with me" Brendon said with a dark voice. Bryce now looked scared. "Urie" was what Bryce managed to say while swallowing with fear. "Hi Bryce. You hear to pour another drink on my head you fucking insignificant jock strap" Brendon said with a dark smirk. "I can talk to who I want" Bryce said regaining confidence. "She didn't seam interested in talking to a fucking teen movie stereotype... sorry man" Brendon replied. "oh come on Urie. there's no harm. I was just shopping for some new arm candy" Bryce said smugly. This made Brendon snap. I saw his eyes go dark and his face harden. He pull his arm back ready to punch the lights out of Bryce. 

By now we had gotten the attention of the people around us in the restaurant so I couldn't let that happen. I softly held his arm and pulled it back. He looked at me and he face softened. "Go now Bryce. You can never win this fight so stop trying" I say and Bryce left, defeated. I face Brendon and Got closer to him. he started to talk a mile a minute"Im so sorry Florence May. I should control myself. He just made me so angry. This is why you shouldn't be around..." I cut him off by Place my arms around his neck and my lips onto his full, very soft ones. He was shocked at first but he soon started to kiss me back and put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. People were watching and I wasn't caring. "what was that for" he says smiling as we pull away. "For protecting me Brendon" I say with a certain smile. 

I was on clouds nine, ten, and eleven. This turned out to be a beautiful night. 

Until I got home. 

A/N : Hey! your (not so) fabulous author hear. I hope this story is at least ok-ish so far! and if anyone is actually reading this, would you be able to comment something or vote so i know I'm not just writing this for myself lol. Any way if you are reading thanks and I love you!

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