Chapter 59

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I walked inside and I remembered I had a knife strapped to my leg for some protection. I took deep breaths as I noticed other people around. A lot of red dresses and a few while ones like myself.

"You must be thinking on joining us".
I looked around and saw a woman dressed in red with long black hair.

"I was thinking on it. I just wanted to look at it first".

"I understand but darling you really should consider I mean you are so beautiful. You have such beauty and you look even greater than me. The goddess might even give you a special position which the appearance of your beauty helps. The goddess likes pretty things".

"I'll think about it", I said and walked on.

I walked around a bit just waiting. I wanted to get this done and back to the guys.

"Alright gather around everyone it's almost time. And we have new people. Especially a girl named Evelyn".

I look up and see who they call this goddess and okay yeah she was pretty. She was really pretty. She had long blonde hair. Green eyes. And she wore a silver dress. A moon necklace was around her neck. It was glowing purple.


"I'm just here to observe".

"Oh darling. Aren't you just a precious little thing. I know why you're really here and it's not going to work hun. I'm a lot smarter than a couple of hunters."

I was slammed against a chair. And tied up. I saw her near me.

"Don't touch me".
I tried to move but I couldn't. I was scared but I couldn't let it show. I had to be strong.
'Just think of Dean. Just think of him', I kept thinking to myself.

"Just sit here pumpkin. I'm sure your precious Winchester boys will rescue you. Or will they?"

She touched her necklace and leaned down.

"It's such a shame your not here to join you could've done so many good things here".

I just glared at her and she laughed. She started speaking in a different language while holding her necklace.

Hell, I was screwed. I couldn't fight it no matter how hard I tried. It was pointless. Her eyes were purple as she placed her lips on mine and right before I was out I heard voices and saw a glimpse of Dean standing over me.


Saving Myself #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now