Episode 2: Dope

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[Author POV]

Spring has passed and so the first term examination, meaning summer has arrived. Talking about summer, of course it is holiday. College students will have summer break after their final examination in the mid of June and will continue their fall semester in September until mid December.

[My POV]

It was around 8 in the morning when I woke up and started my daily morning business. I was a bit late because i worked on my resume last night after I saw a full time hiring advertisement at Bangtan Group. It is a well-known company that produced good-looking models. The average time for me to wash was around 20 minutes and when I was done, I quickly put on a white long sleeve tucked in to a brown skirt which was about 15 cm above my knees.

Then I put on a natural look make up and combed my hair letting it fall so that I don't look too

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Then I put on a natural look make up and combed my hair letting it fall so that I don't look too... you know. This is a job interview and it is an important business. I grabbed the skirt matching brown coat and my white handbag, putting my not-too-high black heels before I came out of the roof. I inhaled the morning breeze gaining additional energy from nature. "It's not too late to feel the fresh air at this hour right? Hahaha~" I said to myself. I walked around a little and enjoy the view for a while before I let out a heavy sigh. "It's the first day of holiday and I need to find job right away. y/n fighting! I can do it!" i cheered myself up and get ready to go. Everyone anticipate their vacation but not me and my bestfriend Jungkook. I have to find some job in order to get paid so that I can pay for my second semester fee. Meanwhile, Jungkook have to struggle with his trainee life in order to be able to debut next year. I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop when my phone suddenly rang. It said "One text message from Kookie".

Kookie: y/n yah, do you have time today?

y/n: I always have it for you.

Kookie: kyaaaa~ then let's hang out at your place tonight.

y/n: sure! Let's make it special. I'll prepare us something.

Kookie: y/n jjang! Kekekekekekeke

I smiled at the compliment and put my phone back to my handbag. The bus finally arrived and I get in.


"Bangtan Building," I said looking up at the company's silver-painted label. It was absolutely mighty as how it is. I guess it has maybe 4-5 floor by just looking at how tall it was. There was a mini garden on the left where workers could spend their free time and on the right side there was a café. I wonder why they didn't locate the café inside. I was busy admiring the building and its surrounding that I did not realize those in front of me until i bumped into someone's chest. I can tell he was a man because of his falt but hard chest.Before I knew it, something cold spilled onto me making me lifted my head up looking straight into the blonde-haired guy's eyes. He is so handsome. Worldwide handsome to be accurated. Was it because he was wearing black T and a polka dot black tie matching with black slack? Man in black are cool! "Ya! Look what you have done!" the guy scolded harshly as his eyes widened making me flinched and stepped backward. Realizing that I bumped onto a handsome guy holding a cup of coffee in his hand which made him spilled it over his expensive coat and some onto my hands, I quickly bowed and apologized. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-it was an accident. It's my mistake. Please forgive me," I said like a prayer, bowed a few more times. "I'm not that easy-" the guy replied but then I cut him off. "Please, I will do anything for you but please forgive me first," I sounded more like begging. Rising his eyebrow, the guy then smirked. "Anything I want, huh?" he smirked while reaching his hand out. "Then give me your phone," I quickly took my phone out thinking that the guy wanted my phone as the payment. "If my phone is what he want, I don't mind giving it to him. I'll buy a new one when I get paid." I thought. After doing some business with my phone, he gave it back, looking at me with boring eyes. "I kept your number for future use so don't you dare changing your number," he said then leaving me dumbfounded at the entrance of the building. I turned back only to see him entered his white-colored car.

[Author POV]

"Aish look at this shit on my precious shirt aish this is all because of that cutting-me girl aish," Seokjin mumbled, referring on how y/n cut him when he was talking. He hate being cut off when he was talking. "But I still look handsome though," he added with high confident level as he looked at the front mirror to ease himself down.


[My POV]

Finally it was my turn to be interviewed. I entered the room and saw a two interviewers. "Annyeonghaseyo," I greeted with a bow a nervous smile. "Ne, annyeonghaseyo. Please hand in your resume then introduce yourself," I did as what were told. "So in your resume you status is a student. What course are you taking?" and I answered confidently. "We would like to see your make up skill so we prepared a model for you. Just do what you are good at, do not put too much effort or push yourself. Let's see," and a male model entered the room. "Annyeonghaseyo, I am model Min Yoongi," he introduced himself and took a sit. He is so good looking and what's cute was his gummy smile. The interviewer gave me a make-up set and I started to perform. My theme is natural make up. After I was done with that, the interviewer seemed satisfied. They whispered to each other while the other one is writing something on a form. "I can tell that you have a good fashion sense based on how you dressed. We will send you an email within 24 hours to notify whether you are qualified or not. You may take your leave," the interviewer wrapped up and I bowed one last time and stepped out of the room.


Jungkook arrived at my place earlier than I expected. "Eo? Kookie ah! You're here, earlier than I expected," I was busy arranging the table and stools outside surprised by his presence. Jungkook gave me an evil smile and walked toward me. "What time do you expect me to come over?" he asked, putting the plastic bag he was holding on the table. "Around 6..." I replied. "I can't wait to see you so I came here right after the practice. Kekekekekekeke come here you earth angel it's been a long time since I pinch your cheek," Jungkook with his evil smile still plastered on his lips grabbed me on my neck and bent me down. "Ah! Ya hajima! Kookie ah ahahahahahahahaha!" I bursted into laughter although I was trying to be serious. And the war begin. Tickling and kicking here and there. Seeing me panting in my laugh Jungkook stopped, afraid that I might short of oxygen from laughing. "Ya ahahahahaha you ahahahahahahaha you're too much kekekekeke I'll get my revenge back someday kekekekekek ahahahahahaha" I still tried to speak and threat Jungkook. Jungkook chuckled and sat on the stool, taking out the cokes he bought from the plastic bag. I finally get up from the floor and went inside to bring out the food I just ordered. "We will only eat pizza for dinner. Are you okay with it?" I asked as soon as I brought it out and put it on the table. Jungkook nodded in satisfaction. "More than okay since you bought 2 sets," he said and thumbs up. "Ya, why are you always calling me earth angel? I'm curious since the first time you called me that but never got chance to ask you," I started the conversation. Jungkook looked into my eyes and smiled a little. "Well because you always stepped in whenever you saw injustices while others preferred not to be involved. Are you even a human? I've never seen a girl like you before. This is what make you special y/n," Jungkook answered. "Waaaaaa I'm so moved... come here our Kookie let me give you a hug. A hug that nobody ever got from me before," I got up from my seat and hugged Jungkook. "So how was your day?" Jungkook asked as soon as we parted. I told him the whole story about bumping onto a handsome devil and that the interviewer complimented me during the interview. "I really hope I got the job," I sighed and Jungkook patted my shoulder. "Don't give up on hoping," he comforted me. Then we exchange smiles.

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