Episode 7: Save Me

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[Author POV]

That night, y/n was feeling down so she decided to stay outside for a while to feel the night breeze. As she was enjoying the night view of Seoul city, she got a text message from Jungkook.

Kookie: y/n ah, I met with Seokjin hyung today and we ate together.

y/n: you did?

Kookie: yep. From what I see, he's a warm-hearted person.

y/n: is that how you think he is?

Kookie: yes. y/n ah, maybe you should make up with him so no one will get hurt.

y/n: I'll try.

y/n sighed heavily and entered her room, hoping to get a good night sleep. She didn't know that she was actually being watched. A black-winged angel was sitting on the balcony, waiting for the right time to meet her.

It was around 2 am when everyone should be in a deep sleep but not y/n. Once again, after 2 years, y/n was being alarmed in the middle of the night. But this time, she noticed subtle energies and vibrations. She grabbed the umbrella from beneath her desk for safety. She turned around and saw a black-winged angel sitting on her bed, smiling at her. 

y/n gasped in shocked that she dropped the umbrella she was holding

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y/n gasped in shocked that she dropped the umbrella she was holding. "Archangel type Alpha, V." he introduced himself. His voice was deep. "Seems like you've improved a lot lately, Earth Angel." He added which made y/n experience a double shock. "Wh-what do you mean by that?" she asked. "You are an Earth Angel. Maybe you don't remember previously, you lowered your vibration in order to be born as physical human being. You are the 9th dimensional Angelic incarnated into physical form," V explained. y/n was completely speechless. "So, did you know what's your mission is?" V asked, just to make sure that her divine truth is already awaken. y/n shook her head at the question. V was silent for a moment. "Then I'll come see you again," he said, spreading his wings and vanished. y/n was shocked to know that she was actually an earth angel. Now that she thought about it, it was obviously proved. Yes, it's true. But being an Earth Angel doesn't mean she was perfect, it doesn't mean she was an angel and it doesn't even that she was saint like. Like all of humanity, she made mistakes, experience challenges, and feel disconnected at times. "But what is my mission?" y/n wondered and she somehow had a bad feeling about it. "It must be a hard one," she thought and closed her eyes, trying to sleep again.

The next day, y/n was a bit late because of the improper sleep. She was trying to catch time so she rushed toward the Bangtan Group building without noticing a car running toward her. She heard Seokjin's voice warning her from the entrance but she was too late to realize that she was going to be hitted by the car. y/n was panic that she froze but then she felt herself being pushed harshly to the ground and all she could hear was the sound of the car crashing onto something. When she opened her eyes, she saw Seokjin lying on the ground, bleeding.

[____ POV]

After a long miserable wait in her car, ____ finally smiled in delight when saw her prey. 


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"So, she was a bit late today, huh? Maybe you should just rest on the hospital bed so that you don't have to be late to go to work again. No?" she monologue to herself as if she was talking to y/n. She pressed on the pedal and drove toward y/n who was rushing towarad the building. She was about to hit her when Seokjin suddenly appeared out of nowhere, pushing y/n aside. ____ was in total shock so she pressed the break pedal as hard as she could, trying to stop her car so that she don't hit Seokjin but failed.

[Kim Seokjin POV]

Seokjin was walking back and forth in his room, can't take his eyes off from the wall clock. "Why is she late? Did she absent today? She should've told me then. Did she hate me that much?" Seokjin wondered by himself. "No, I have to make up with her today. If she don't come, I'll go to her place." He thought and rushed to the entrance. Then he saw a familiar girl in  bluepink rushing toward the entrance. He smiled that she came to work today but then it faded when he saw a familiar car approaching her from the left where he stood. He ran toward her and called her out loud to make sure she could hear him. "y/n watch out!!!" he cried but it just made her frozed in panic. He have no choice so he pushed her as hard as he could but he didn't manage to escape and get knocked by the car.

[My POV]

Yes, she did. She hitted him. She couldn't run away. If she stepped out of her car, she'll get caught. But if she stayed there, she'll be reported. Finally ____ decided to reverse her car as far as she could to hide herself then she ran away. y/n can't believe what she saw and ran toward Seokjin. "Seokjin ssi," she called him but he didn't react. "S-Seokjin ssi..," she called his name again as tears started ti ran down her cheeks. Someone already called the ambulance and in a mean time, it arrived and brought Seokjin to the nearby hospital. y/n was there too, accompanying him. She couldn't help but cried. "Seokjin ssi, why did you do that? You can just let it be. I was going to make up with you today but-," she couldn't continue because she was crying.


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