Episode 5: Spine Breaker

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[Author POV]

<<<From previous episode

Seokjin was waiting for y/n in his dressing room excitedly, can't wait to see her again. He was happy with the fact that they were holding hands yesterday. He was hoping for more. He wanted to tease her again. He loved it and it amused him. 5 minutes passed by and y/n didn't appear yet so he decided to check her out when he saw her chattering with Park Jimin. He overheard their conversation where Jimin asked her out. He expected y/n to accept the offer but seeing y/n in confusion made him stepped in and claimed that she was his girlfriend. After saving y/n from trouble, he expected her to thanks him at least but y/n's reaction made him disappointed. He was just sulking at the first place but seeing y/n didn't ask anything like she doesn't care, he became frustrated which made him don't feel like eating outside during the lunch time. So, he asked his manager to bring him food but a woman appeared instead. She is ____, female model of the company. She is the try-hard woman and everyone knew she had a big crush on Seokjin including Seokjin himself. Sometimes she would visit Seokjin when he had his photoshoot (like the other day) to cheer him up. Yes, she knew there are a lot of good looking male model in the company but Seokjin was known for his perfection. His charm and smile won her over, even y/n. He mesmerized every person he'd meet. In all company aspirations and projects, his confidence and pride show through, maybe a bit too much. Seokjin is the real-life definition of perfection. He embodied everything successful; charm, intelligence, looks and leadership. And he damn well knew it too. Workers within and outside the company fawned over him, on both professional terms and not so professional terms. He is the prince and that's why she wanted him. She started to temp him and everytime Seokjin resisted, she kept caressing his body until she reached down there, don't wanna give up until he lost in the pleasure she gave him. Done making him cum in her mouth, she leaned in, about to kiss him when suddenly his phone rang.

[My POV}

I felt my heart ached after seeing the scene. "Ahh, why am I like this?" I wondered while patting my chest lightly. After standing a while, I couldn't take it anymore. "How much longer should I wait? As if they can't have it later! The clock is ticking though!" I groaned a little and decided to call him, like I didn't care if they were done or not. "Kim Seokjin ssi, are you in your room? I am heading there right now. I brought the clothes for display and merchandise about 2 hours from now and I should get you ready with your make up so better eat your meal quickly," I quit calling him informally but pretending to be normal, not knowing anything and a bit rushing, letting him aware that they don't have much time to play around. I could heard Seokjin's voice shaking, panting and breathing heavily before he said he was in and somehow it irritated me.

[Author POV]

y/n was on her way to Seokjin's room when she met the bitch she saw earlier. "So, it was her." y/n thought. She really don't wanna greet her so she paced up but still, the bitch stopped her. "So, are you Seokjin's stylist?" she asked with a bitchy looks on her face. y/n held her face straight, trying to prevent her eyes from rolling. "Yes," y/n answered. "Well then, please do your job properly and don't ruin his handsome face. His image is my image meaning we are one, or for you to understand better, he is going to be my fiancé soon. Maybe I should invite you to our engagement ceremony as our stylist. Don't it sound good?" she bragged. This time, y/n can't pretend anymore. "Look, I am not related to any of your business because I'm here to work and why would you tell me about your personal things? Do I look like I care?" y/n said and walked away leaving her in her clenching her fist. "That @#$%^&*. I'm not gonna forgive you! Wait and see," ____ whispered, clenching her teeth. Without knocking, y/n barged in the room and slammed the door making Seokjin jumped in surprise. y/n looked calm but her actions showed she was angry. She decided not to talk to him but others.

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