Episode 16: So Far Away [Final Episode]

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[My POV]

I woke up at the cold morning and saw Jungkook lying on the floor, sleeping. We are at the rooftop. I looked at the entire room and it was empty. "Right, Seokjin oppa was gone. He was no longer here," I thought. I tried to be strong but I can't help it. "Seokjin ah," I whispered his name, making Jungkook woke up due to my voice. I was sure he didn't sleep well because of me. "y/n ah, are you okay?" he asked as he reached me. "I-I," I tried to talk but my voice cracked. "I miss him," I stated. As soon as I said that, I cried. I can't handle my emotion. I really missed him. I wanna see him. I missed him so much. Jungkook patted me on my shoulder. He comforted me. He rested my head on his chest. "Shh, be strong y/n. Be strong," he said.

[Author POV]

Jungkook finally knew that y/n was an Earth Angel whose duty is to guide those awakening and ascension soul back to heaven with the help of Archangel. And Seokjin was one of those awakening and ascension soul. He still can't believe that Seokjin was an ascension angel after all this time. He can't believe that y/n was an Earth Angel all this time too. He began to write lyrics besides being focus on his dancing and singing. He will turned the story into songs. And he hope by listening to his song, he could inspire people with love and hope.


[My POV]

I was no longer living at the rooftop since Seokjin previously moved my things to his apartment. I was tidying our room when I found something in the drawer. A letter and a few bank book. I opened the letter and it read;

"Jagiya, it's me." And tears started filling my swollen eyes. "How are you doing? I hope you are fine. Jagiya, maybe I'm already gone when you read this letter. But I hope it will not hurt you. I was writing this letter at 4 in the dawn. I woke up earlier because of the pain on my back. I think my wings are growing soon. Alarmed that today may be our last day, i set up everything." "So he knew..." I murmured as tears rolling down my cheeks. "First of all, I want to apologize for not being able to stay with you till the end of our life but I am grateful for being able to spend some times with you, creating memories with you. I'm glad that you are my first and my last love. Maybe i'm not your first but promise me I will be and your last. Jagi, please remember me, always." "Of course i do, pabo." I cried. "Cuz I'm gonna watch you from above, jagi. I will be your guardian angel. Although we are so far away, our heart are still connected by invisible thread. Trust me jagi, trust our love because that's what I'm doing. Jagi, take care, be healthy and strong. Jagi fighting! I love you y/n.

Your life partner,

Kim Seokjin."
"I love you too oppa. Forever." I said between my cry. I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down. Once i was a bit okay, I checked the bank books. Each were labelled college, food, clothes, rent. "Aish this person..." I sighed at what Seokjin did to me. "He left his house and car for me and now what? Money. This is too much. Aish," I talked to myself.


The second semester begin and it was autum, my favourite season. I was walking along Namiseom (Nami Island) alone. "It'd be nice if Seokjin were here." I sighed.

I took out a pink polaroid camera

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I took out a pink polaroid camera. Yes, it was Seokjin's. I carried it everywhere. I learned that memories are important so I started doing things like this. There was a lot of passers by so I asked them to take a picture of mine with the autum background. Done, I thanked the kind kid and pulled the photo to check it out. My eyes popped out when I saw someone who I had been craving for standing on my right side, wearing the same red collared white shirt tucked in a black slack, the same pinkish hair, the same eyes, nose and lips, smiling happily looking at the camera. My heart broke, it ached at first but then it was replaced with this kind of peaceful feeling. "He was by my side all this time," I said, my voice was cracking. His wings didn't show but as soon as the peaceful feeling filled me, I felt warm air blowing me. Then a beautiful white feather fell to the ground. I picked it up, tears of happiness dropped from my right eyes. I am not going to let the pain last any longer. I'm gonna live my life like there is no tomorrow. I can't wait to meet him soon. I will meet him soon. "Only around 60 years more to go, Seokjin oppa..."

The End

[Again, I shed tears at the part when you saw Seokjin in the polaroid photo. 😭]

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