Things in Breath of the Wild that really get on my nerves

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So, I'm basically going to explain all of the things in BOTW that really test my limits (ex

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So, I'm basically going to explain all of the things in BOTW that really test my limits (ex. THE FREAKING RAIN!!!!!!)

1. Rain

Like mostly everyone that plays BOTW, I really hate the rain. You can't climb while it's raining (Which makes it extremely annoying when it starts to rain while you're in the middle of climbing a steep cliff), and you can't cook while it's raining because the pot's fire goes out. I realized a little while ago that every time I sit by the fire to make it a certain time of the day, it's always raining after I finish sitting by the fire. That sucks because then the fire goes out, and I can't sit by the fire again, so it can stop raining.

2. The NPC's talk too much in this game

Every time I go to sell something I always have to skip past the shopkeeper's dialogue, and that's really annoying. Seriously, I didn't come here to talk to you, I came here to sell. Also, when you're trying to give an NPC something for a sidequest, you always have to go through the same dialogue to get to the point where you can actually give them the item. Are you going to take the item, or are you going to keep talking like there's no tomorrow?

3. Horses

Dear Zelink, Ocean and Umber (These are my horse's names), I wish you would just listen to me and JUMP OVER THE FREAKING HURDLES! I also wish that you could stop REFUSING TO MOVE WHEN I REACH THE EDGE OF A SMALL CLIFF, THAT YOU COULD EASILY JUMP OVER! Another thing that needs to stop, is the number of times that you die, when I ride into battle. You know, it's way easier to slice monsters in half, and shoot arrows at stuff when I'm actually using you as a get away method (in case things go horribly wrong), instead of having to get away on my own because you died mid-battle.

                                                                                                                           With much love,


4. Night Monsters

Me: I think I'll just take this detour around the enemy camp so I don't have to engage in battle

Stal Monsters: Not Tonight! *appears in front of me and starts to fight*

Me: Uggh! *starts to fight*

Stal Monsters: *dead*

Me: Well, at least those are the only ones that I'll have to fight right now. *turns around, and realizes that the whole enemy camp is running towards me*

Me: Dang it!

5. The Blood Moon rises ONCE AGAIN!

Me: Ha Ha, Lynel, you're going down! I'm almost finished with you!

Lynel: Oh really?

Zelda: The Blood Moon rises once again. Please be careful Link.

*Lynel's health is back completely*

Me: Umm, could you maybe go easy on me? I'm running low on arrows

Lynel: *laughs*

6. I'm going to keep this Cobble Crusher forever!!

Remember that cool weapon that you thought you were going to have forever? Well, sorry to tell you this, but it broke. You can never get it back. Unless you find another one, which sometimes is really hard, depending on the weapon. Oh, your shield just broke too, thanks to that Guardian. Have Fun!

So, that's it for me. You guys can comment on what things get on your nerves when you play this game too. Also, my new book When I'm with You is out now, so check out my profile to find it. See ya next chapter!

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