A Dance to Remember (Part 1)

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Link can't dance

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Link can't dance. That basically sums up this whole one-shot. This is a Zelink by the way, that totalZeldafollower requested

Link and Zelda stood in the ruin of Mabe Village at exactly 3:00 am. The moon was no where in sight, so the sky was pitch black. The only source of light was coming from a few lanterns that Zelda had set around her and Link a few minutes back. The night brought a breeze too, making the ruins seem even more empty than it appeared. Link didn't want to be here at all. He'd rather be sleeping in his warm and cozy bed, with Wolf Link snuggled up next to him, but no. Zelda insisted that he join her here, so he could 'teach' her how to dance.

"Zelda!" Link said, looking very annoyed. "I already know how to dance! In fact, I'm a pro!"

"Prove it." Zelda said, crossing her arms.

Link started to do a series of cringe-worthy dance moves. One involved putting a hand on his hip while jerking the other one to the side, while the other consisted of bending over and putting a hand on his chin, while doing squats.

"See!" Link grinned, and put his hands on his hips.

"Yep you just proved to me that you need at least 3 months of dancing lessons." Zelda said sighing. "But since we don't have that kind of time, I have to teach you right now."

To celebrate the completion of Hyrule castle (it was refurbished, and rebuilt), Zelda was hosting a gala in the sanctum (Just pretend that it's way bigger than it looks). The gala was at 6:30 pm, but they had to start getting ready at 4:30 pm, leaving Zelda only 13 hours and 30 minutes to attempt to teach Link how to dance properly.

Zelda held a hand out for Link to grab. When he reluctantly grabbed it, she pulled him close to her, and put one of his hands on her waist.

"Let's start by learning ballroom dancing, since we'll be doing this type of dance at the gala." Zelda put one of her hands on Link's back, while leaving the other in his hand.

Link blushed at how close they were. "Are you sure that this is the position that were supposed to be in?"

Zelda gave Link a look that said, "Of course this is you idiot! "

"Okay, so what do we do now?" Link asked.

"I WAS getting to that part!" Zelda said, annoyed. "Before you so rudely decided to question my knowledge about a subject that I spent a year practicing."


Zelda sighed. "So, try stepping in a square formation, while staying in this position."

Link tried to step in a square in a square formation, but he ended up stepping on Zelda's boots multiple times. Zelda winced.

"Z-Zelda, I'm-" Link started, with an apologetic expression.

"-No, it's okay." Zelda interrupted. "This is your first time, so don't worry about it!"

Time Skip, to about 4:00pm. (brought to you by Link in a dancing competition)

After 13 hours of stepping of stepping on Zelda's foot, and apologizing, Link still couldn't dance.

"Look Link," Zelda started, as she put a hand on his shoulder. "It's almost time to go to the gala, and you're dancing skill has only slightly improved. Because of that, I'll be fine if you don't want to attend."

"But Zelda," Link said surprised. "It wouldn't be very polite if I didn't show up, especially since I saved Hyrule and all."

"It's okay, I'll just make up an excuse." Zelda said reassuringly. "Now, come on, we should get back to the Castle."

Link held his head down. He could kill a giant spider looking monster that almost took over Hyrule, but yet he couldn't dance. That was pretty embarrassing.

"Zelda?" Zelda turned to look at Link. "I think I'll stay back for a few minutes, you can keep going."

"Uh, If you say so." Zelda whistled her horse over, and they took off."

"I really hope that Zelda doesn't tell the other champions about my fault."  Link thought to himself. "She wouldn't do that though, would she?"

Link sat on the steps of a damaged house, feeling like a failure.


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