Uno *Rylands POV*

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"Uno! No! We don't poop on the couch! Come on. Outside!" I say opening the door to the back porch. Uno looks at me pleadingly, "No. We don't do that. Out." I say sternly. "Oh, come on. How can you resist those puppy dog eyes?" Shane asks coming down the stairs. "Easily when he is pooping on the couch. You are doing a conspiracy theory video?" I ask looking at his shirt. He was wearing his red shirt with triangles on it that he always wore when he was doing a conspiracy video. "Yes. I have more Starbucks conspiracy theories. Oh, and Zendaya is the hidden love child of Eminem and Beyonce. You doing a cheat day episode?" he asks while grabbing the mail from his side table and thumbing through it. "Yeah. It going to be interesting. I am doing it with Lily." I say as I open the back door to let Uno in. To my surprise he doesn't bound in and crash into things, I look out and don't see him anywhere. "Uno? Where you at?" I say pulling my shoes on to go look for him. "What's wrong?" Shane says coming up behind me. "Uno isn't responding" I say and I walk out looking for him.

I finally find him laying on his side behind a devil's thorn bush, with a red tinged foam around his mouth. "Shane! Somethings wrong with Uno!" I yell kneeling down next to him. Uno half-heartedly wags his tail before throwing up his breakfast, which was mixed with what looked like blood. I hear Shane come up behind me "Oh no, Uno! What's wrong buddy!". "I think we should take him to the vet" I say picking him up gently. "I will get his records" Shane says as I walk Uno to my car and set him down in the backseat. I rush inside and grab my keys, phone, wallet, and a blanket (just in case Uno pukes again). I check Cheeto to see if he is sick also; he wasn't. Then I join Shane in the car

We drive in silence to the vet, both of us worried about Uno who was currently asleep in the backseat drooling blood all over the blanket. I text Lily *Uno is sick. Can't come in today. Can we film CD tomorrow?* before putting my phone away and pulling into a parking spot. "You got Uno?" Shane asks giving me a kiss on the cheek which I turn into and kiss him deeply. "Yep. You go on in and get him registered." I say after we break apart. I get out and open up the backdoor and see Uno look up at me a pleading look in his eyes. "I got you Uno. Don't worry." I say picking him up and cradling him in my arms. I walk into the building and immediately get shown to one of the patient rooms. I set Uno down on the table and pet him gently. A lady comes in who I assume is from the front desk and says "Miss. Livescu will be with you in a moment. She is just cleaning up from an emergency surgery" she says and I sit down next to Shane. "Was the surgery successful?" I ask curiously, I immediately know it wasn't. "No, poor thing. Her name was Saffron. She had a mast cell cancer and it got to her vital organs. Her family is going to be devastated when they are told" she says with a sad face. Her eyes water slightly and I look at Uno worriedly. I didn't want to lose him. I felt sad for the family who lost their dog today, but I selfishly didn't want to join them. "Don't worry Ryland. Uno will be fine." Shane says taking my hand. The lady leaves and I get up and start pacing anxiously. I remembered when we had gotten Uno. Shane hadn't wanted a dog that was too big. He had wanted another chihuahua like Corny (though he would never admit it). It was love at first sight when we saw Uno. He was so tiny and he could be held easily in our hands. He had grown a lot since then. The door opens and Miss. Livescu (presumably) comes in, "Now, who do we have here? Uno Dawson." She says pulling out a few tools from a drawer. "Is he going to be okay?" Shane asks worriedly. We don't get the answer to that question for about ten minutes, as she poked and prodded, feeling Uno's heartbeat and inspecting his muzzle. "He will be fine" she says finally and Shane and I collapsed into ourselves with relief. "It looks like he ingested acid, and I don't mean stomach acid" she says and she starts rubbing her eyebrows. "Acid? Where would he get Acid?" I ask using my free hand to pet Uno's fur. "There is some lunatic poisoning dogs lately. He puts the acid in the outdoor water bowl. We haven't been able to catch him because it's not illegal to poison dogs. Police can't do a thing unless it graduated to poisoning humans." She says pulling a piece of paper from her desk and writing on it. "This is a prescription for antibiotics. He will be fine. Give him one pill a day and feed him only wet food for ten days then slowly mix dry food into it. Bring his outside water bowl inside and everything should be okay. Any question?" she asks handing us the prescription. "Yeah! Who the hell would poison my dog? If someone poisoned Uno by putting acid in his water bowl that means someone snuck into our backyard!" Shane says adamantly putting his hand on mine other one and petting Uno with it. "I honestly don't know. There is nothing I can do about it Mr. Dawson. Sometimes you can't bring justice to everyone. Uno will be fine. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a cat with diarrhea and likely worms, and a turtle who swallowed six marbles. You can get your prescription filled on the way out." she says amiably leaving the room. "Can you get the prescription while I get Uno to the car?" I ask Shane, who was still seething about the idea that someone had poisoned Uno. "Got it" he says, he gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks out the door. I pick up Uno who was looking better by the minute. "Come on lumpy" I say walking out to the car and placing him in the back. I walk back inside and run into Shane. "Ready to go?" I ask right as Shane says "Got the prescription". I give him a kiss and we pop into the car. "At least Uno will be okay." I say relieved. "Yeah. At least Uno will be okay."

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