Collar Full by Panic! At The Disco

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 Thanks for reading! This chapter is dedicated to @shoey_shyland for her? (Don't know if its a he/she) suggestion of the song Collar Full by Panic! At The Disco. Before she suggested this song I had only ever heard the Joey Graceffa version so hearing this version and thinking of Shyland was amazing. You guys should check out her? book I'm Sorry its not a Shyland fanfic its a Shoey fanfic but its amazing! As always! Thanks for reading. You guys are awesome and I love reading your comments. So comment away! Anyway! Thanks! Bye!

*Shane's Pov*

"We've waited so damn long, we're sick and tired

I won't leave any doubt or stone unturned

I've got a collar full of chemistry from your company"

-Monday Afternoon-

"So, I have an idea" Ryland says coming into the side room. I was on our elliptical and sweating my ass off working out. I tried to work out at least three times a week, often after I did food videos for YouTube. I slowed down and grabbed a towel to dry off the sweat, "What's your idea?" I say looking down at my shirt. It was soaked in sweat. I pulled it off and threw it aside, I used to never take off my shirt around anyone, but Ryland was one of the few people I trusted to see me without my shirt on. "There are these ballroom lessons at a dance studio in midtown. It's a three week course and I have always wanted to learn ballroom." He says and I step down next to him and take his hand. "You know dancing isn't really my thing" I say hesitantly, he places his free hand on my bare chest and I cave. I knew I wasn't going to win, Ryland had a way of making me want to do anything for him. And vice versa. "Wait... We are both male? Are we going to be finding woman to dance with?" I ask grabbing at his belt loops. I pull him in closer to me as he replies "I don't want to dance with a woman. I want to dance with you. My boyfriend. I already talked with the teacher. She says gay couples come in there all the time. She can teach us" he says placing his other hand on my chest. He starts twirling the hair there and I roll my eyes. Ryland always liked to twirl my chest hair. It was weird but who was I to judge. I pull him in for a kiss but he pulls back. I look at him questioningly. "You want to kiss me? You go take a shower. You are all sweaty" he says with a grin. I snort and pull him in for a kiss anyway. "I love you" I say when we pull apart. "And I love you, Pig. But go get a shower if you want anything else from me." He says and I start walking towards the bathroom to jump into the shower.

"So maybe tonight I'll be the libertine

Show me your love, your love

Gimme more but it's not enough

Show me your love, your love

Before the world catches up"

-Thursday Evening-

"Ladies and Gents. Please put your hands on either your partners hips or shoulders" the teacher said and I turned to Ryland. I immediately put my hands on Rylands hips and he puts his on my shoulders. I raise my eyebrows suggestively and move my hands up and down his hips. He shots me a stern look and I stop. "Okay. Being serious." I say as the teacher starts showing us the basics. "We will be learning a simple four step waltz today." The teacher say's getting into position with her partner. She slowly shows up the move and then shows us each side in more detail. "Now, I would like you to try. But keep in mind this is your first time so it may not be as graceful as you might like" she says and I look at Ryland in fear. "Its fine Shane. It's a simple waltz, you'll do perfect" he says and I calm down. "I will do a simple waltz right into your bedroom" I say raising my eyebrows suggestively. He rolls his eyes and we start to slowly walk through the steps. Left foot, Left foot, Right foot, Right foot. I say over and over in my mind. Slowly we start to get the hang of it. "Yes, Queen! We are actually good at this!" I say surprised and Ryland smiles his most adorable smile. It was the one I loved most because it showed all his teeth. He usually tried to hide his teeth whenever he could by only half smiling because he was self-conscious about his canines. I bit my lip and look around, all the other couples were struggling with the steps except for a few lucky ones who had nailed it and were whirling about the room. The teacher was helping a couple on the other side of the room. After ascertaining that nobody was looking I slid my hands further down his hips and grabbed his belt loops pulling him closer to me. I kissed his cheek moving my lips down his neck making him shiver. "Shane-" he says but he was cut off when the teacher call class to attention. "Alright. It seems you guys have already grasped the basics. Next week we will start focusing on more complicated steps and perfecting the four-step waltz. I suggest you all work with your partner once or twice during the week. Class dismissed." She says and Ryland turns to me. "You are such a tease" he says grabbing my hand. I lean in and whisper in his ear "What? Did I have you SHOOK!" I say emphasizing the last words. He jumps and then slaps my arm in surprise. "Shane!" he says and he laughs. I laugh with him, "Want to go to Target and get that Oreo ice cream you love?" he says as we walk out and I look at him. "Have I ever said no?" I say seriously. "No" he says while taking out the keys to the jeep. "Let's go get some Oreos"

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