Suicide Bridge

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Authors note. This chapter is dedicated topotterheadO9 for her suggestion. Again. You guys should check out her story about Shyland. Its FRICKING fantastic so check it out. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Real life things were happening. I should be back for good now.

* Rylands POV*  

“Hey Joslyn, I am heading out. Are we doing those crossover video’s soon with that Shane guy soon?” I ask popping into Joslyn’s office. “Yeah, Shane will be coming in tomorrow” she says looking up at me. “Okay, I will be here early” I say and I shut her door to leave her to an incoming phone call. I head out and groan when I see that my usual route home had a traffic accident on it. I sigh and change my route to go on ‘suicide bridge’. It was an old bridge that was a favorite for people who commit suicide, I

*Rylands POV*  

“Hey Joslyn, I am heading out. Are we doing those crossover video’s soon with that Shane guy soon?” I ask popping into Joslyn’s office. “Yeah, Shane will be coming in tomorrow” she says looking up at me. “Okay, I will be here early” I say and I shut her door to leave her to an incoming phone call. I head out and groan when I see that my usual route home had a traffic accident on it. I sigh and change my route to go on ‘suicide bridge’. It was an old bridge that was a favorite for people who commit suicide. I had never believed that, I figured it was just an urbane legend. I was driving when I saw a figure on the edge and I stopped the car in surprise. Was he about to throw himself off the bridge? The person appeared to be crying. I gasped and knew I couldn’t let him throw himself off a bridge.  I got out, “Are you okay?” I yell out then I mentally slap myself. Of course, he wasn’t okay, he was about to commit suicide. “Leave me alone!” I hear the guy say and I slowly walk up to him. “No! You aren’t going to throw yourself off” I yell and I lunge forward and grab his belt loop yanking him back. He tumbles off the railing and falls on top of me, I gasp when I recognize the guy, it was Shane Dawson the youtuber we were doing a collab with tomorrow. He rolls off me and attempts to get back up on the railing and I tackle him down. He was crying and struggling to escape my clutches but thankfully I was stronger than him. “Your Shane Dawson, right? Why are you trying to commit suicide!” I yell pinning him against my car. He slumps to the ground when he hears his name and I kneel next to him. “Hey, why don’t you tell me why you want to throw yourself off a bridge. I can help” I say as he curls into a ball on the ground “My life sucks” I hear muffled because he had his head between his knees. “I bet it does. Everyone’s life sucks at one point or another. That’s what it means to be alive. Any particular reason your life sucks?” I ask and he pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. I open it up and see a slew of horrible comments about the fact that Shane Dawson had come out as bisexual. Almost all of them were telling him to kill himself. “You listened to the trolls?” I said scrolling through the comments. There was a fair number of them but there were also a lot of people who were supporting him. “Come on, you should get home” I say handing him his phone back, I opened the door and helped him into it. I put child lock on when he wasn’t looking, I didn’t want him making a break for it. I went around to the driver’s seat and started the car again, I looked over at Shane and was astonished at how good looking he was. He had this chiseled scruffy look that was very good looking.  I stopped staring at him and asked him where his place was. It took some coaxing but he finally told me his address and that he had walked to the bridge. We drove to his place in silence and I was amazed at the place. I didn’t show it but it was bigger than anything I had ever lived in by half. I park in his driveway and turn to unbuckle. “Thank you” he says staring straight ahead his eyes looking lost. I get out and walk around to undo his child lock in silence. As he gets out I ask him “Why did you try to do this? You are one of the most loved youtubers of all time” he looks at me and I see a tear streaming down his face. "You have depression, don’t you?” I ask as we walk into his house He collapses onto his couch and I sit down next to him “Yes. I have had mood swings since I was a kid. Sometimes they are easy to handle, sometimes they aren’t. I usually don’t want to throw myself of a bridge.” He says grabbing a pillow and curling up in a ball. His sleeves get pulled up and I see scars on his arms from cutting. I grab his arms and look at them. It looked like there was years’ worth of scars and a dozen new ones. Shane attempts to pull out of my arms and I hold on tighter, “Are these from your coming out video?” I ask tracing them with my hand, Shane nods and shivers. I search around until I found a bathroom with a first aid box and I start to bandage up his arms  "My name is Ryland” I say cleaning out his cuts. He looks up at me “Ryland Adams?” he asks and I nod. He groans and curls up again “Just my luck” he says and I gently take his hand. “What do you mean? Are you talking about the collaboration we were doing tomorrow?” I ask hesitantly. “You are hot, and I agreed to do the Clevver videos because I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get to know you and ask you out.” He says nervously and my jaw drops. He thought I was hot? I come up with a plan and I tilt his head towards me, “Here’s the deal. You let those cuts heal and don’t cut yourself again and I will go on a date with you. Deal?” I say looking him in the eyes, he was handsome and I would not regret making this deal. “Are you being serious?” he asks hesitantly and I smile. “Absolutely serious” I say taking his hand. He looks up at me and I lower my face to his, my eyes flicker down to his lips and I wonder what it would be like to kiss those lips. I hesitantly brush my lips across his, his eyes widen and I smirk. “So, what do you like to watch?” I say nonchalantly picking up his remote and flipping on Netflix. “How about Beauty & the Briefcase” I say pulling it up. “The truth is that everybody has issues” he says channeling his inner Hilary Duff. I smile wistfully and put it on. “FYI, you aren’t getting rid of me for a long time. I am not leaving you alone tonight. Not after you tried to throw yourself off a bridge” I say as the opening credits come on.  

We spend all night watching movies and talking. Eventually he falls asleep and curls up on my shoulder. My heart skips a beat when I feel him take my hand and I look down. Had I already fallen in love with him? Was love at first sight possible? I had known immediately upon seeing Shane on that bridge I couldn’t let him fall. I had felt it in my bones. Maybe I had known instinctively who it was? I shake my head and slowly start to drift. I couldn’t wait till Shane woke up. I wanted to get to know him even more.  

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