Date Night-Escape Room (Part One)

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This chapter is dedicated to @ReganSheehy for her suggestion. I am open to all suggestions and if you suggest an idea and you are also a Shyland writer (Or anything with Shane in it) I will promote your book in my chapter. Anyway thank you Regan. 

*Shane Pov*

I looked down at the computer screen and contemplated my choices. It was my week to plan date night and the prospects were looking grim. "Laser Tag or bowling.... Hmm" I mutter under my breath looking down the list of date night activities in the greater LA area. I stop when I see the perfect idea, an escape room. 'Do you have what it takes, to escape the room! Five escape rooms. Five levels. One hour of fun!' the advertisement said and I didn't doubt it. I would be fun if we could film it but upon further research I found out there was no filming in the escape rooms to prevent people from filming the puzzle. I reserve us an intermediate room for Wednesday evening because they were booked almost completely full every other night. I pick up my phone *Date night moved to Wednesday. You aren't filming are you?* I text Ryland as I shut my marble covered laptop. I go to the kitchen for something to drink when I hear my phone ding *Nope. Any clue as to what we are doing?* he texts and immediately text back *Spoilers* with a little gif River Song next to it. I wouldn't admit it but Ryland was a huge fan of Doctor Who and had roped me into watching all ten seasons with him; I had sadly liked it and now eagerly awaited news of the next Doctor. I set my phone down ad start removing ingredients from the fridge, I had a quesadilla cake to build.

*Wednesday Evening*

"Soo, where are we going?" Ryland says as he gets into the passenger seat and buckles in. I thought it was cute how Ryland always bucked in no matter what the circumstances. "We are going to solve a puzzle than we are going out to eat" I say cryptically. "We are going to an escape room, aren't we?" he says as I pull out of the driveway. "How did you guess?" I say pouting. "Drew told me last night. For what its worth I think you being mysterious these last few days was cute" he says kissing me on the cheek. I take his hand with my free one and circle the back of his hands with my thumb making him smile. "I am going to kill Drew" I said merging onto the highway. "Nah, don't kill Drew. You know he and Garrett can't keep secrets to save their lives. Plus, I bribed him." Ryland reply's looking down at his phone. "What could you have possibly bribed Drew with?" I asked as I pulled into the escape room's parking lot. "Lily's number" he says nonchalantly. I gaped at him "You traded Lily's number for information. You know she is going to kill you right?" I said laughing as I put the car into park. "Yeah that's what Drew thought too. Except for the fact that I bribed Lily by giving her Drew's number a few days prior" he says as we get out of the car. "You little devil!" I say playfully taking his hand and walking into the building.

"You guys reserved room 3, but this room is generally meant to be solved by one person" the lady who ran the escape rooms says as she leads us down a hallway. "I will need a name for the two on you. Preferably just one name?" she says looking back and forth between Ryland and I, I look at Ryland and I can see he was think what I was thinking "Shyland" we say at the same time; referring to our 'ship' name that my fans were obsessed with. "Is that S-H-Y-L-A-N-D?" she asks putting it into her phone. "Yeah" I say as Ryland gets a text and pull out his phone to turn it off. "Okay. Now, the puzzle will take about an hour to finish, you have a fifteen-minute buffer time because we need to get in there to reset before the next people show up. If you fail to complete it within that time you we are not held responsible and you are advised to choose a lower level next time. Will you please sign these wavers" she says holding out a pen and paper to Ryland and I. We sign the papers and she hands us blind folds. "Please put these on" she says her hand on the doorknob of the door marked 'Room 3' "Ohh. Kinky" I say raising my eyebrows as I put the blindfold on Ryland and he put mine on. I hear Ryland laugh and I grab his hand while we are lead into the mystery room by the lady. Suddenly, we hear the door close and automated says from above "Welcome to escape room. Please remove your blindfolds. Your first clue if north. You have one hour."

We remove our blindfolds and look around. We appeared to be in a bedroom. There was a bed with a quilt on it. A dresser with clothes in it and a jewelry stand with different pieces of jewelry scattered around. In fact, the whole place looked ransacked. "Well someone was in a hurry" I say looking around and stepping gingerly over a suspicious looking stain. "They are watching us." Rayland says pointing to a camera sitting in the top corner or the room hidden behind a weirdly placed chandelier. "probably don't want us thinking the bed looks comfy and deciding to make out on it" I say raising my eyebrows suggestively. "It does look comfy" he says drawing me in and kissing me hurriedly. I slid my hands down his waist and fiddle with the loops in his jeans. As his mouth moves to my neck and clavicle I whisper in his ear "I think we have a puzzle to solve" and gently separate myself from him with a wink that assures him when we got home there would be more kissing. "Okay so what does our first clue mean... North?" Ryland says and I pull out my phone and download a compass app. "North is that way" I say pointing to the chandelier side of the room, "Whatever our next clue is it's in that side of the room" I finish and we set of searching.

We spend about ten minutes searching for our next clue and found nothing that screamed 'CLUE'. "I can't be wrong about the directions, can I?" I say pulling my phone out and double checking the direction. Ryland looks at me questioningly and I sigh. Maybe I should have gone with laser tag after all. I collapse onto the bed in frustration and feel a crinkle underneath me. "I think I found a clue" I say pulling a piece of crumpled paper out from under me. Upon further investigation, I find it isn't paper, but some sort of thin cardboard. With an arrow pointing upwards on it. "What does that mean?" Ryland asks, sitting down next to me. I hold it up and tilt my head. "No idea" I say then I noticed where exactly the arrow seemed to be pointing. "Ryland. Do you think the clue is in the chandelier?" I say standing up walking under it. I examined it from all angles until I saw a shadow cast upon the wall by something obscuring the light. "There" Ryland and I say at the same time. "One of us could probably grab it if we stood on the dresser" I say looking a little closer. "I got it" Ryland says as he steps up onto the dresser and reaches for the chandelier. "Be careful" I say moving over to steady the dresser. The dresser barely moved under Rylands weight though and I looked closer at it. It was anchored to the wall and floor. Obviously, it was meant for people to stand on it. "Shane!" Ryland yells and I look up, my investigations into the dresser had knocked it off balance, and Ryland was currently hanging on to the chandelier with only a toe left on the dresser. "Ryland!" I say as I grab ahold of his legs and help him down. "Thanks" he says as he sits back down on the bed. I look up at the chandelier and am thankful to see we didn't damage it when Ryland ended up almost hanging from it. "What was the clue?" I ask sitting down next to him. Ryland holds it up for me to see, it was a cellphone.

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