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 Your POV

 It's almost time for BTS performance. I am so excited for my boys. I secretly return back to the hotel and put on a new outfit. No way i'm going to their big performance in a baggy t-shirt and jeans. I put on grey dress which was above knee. Black converses, and socks. I put my hair in a cute stylish bun at the top, with shiny earrings.

 I don't think the boys ever seen me in a dress before. That's sad. Well, new era, new me.

 I hitch a taxi back to the concert. And I see thousands of armies in front of the stadium, waiting to get in. I gasp at the sight. "Wow..!" I say in awe. "Here?" The taxi-man asked. "No keep going." I said and pointed around the stadium corner. I had V.I.P tickets, of course.

 The man drove to the back of the stadium, and I got out. Only a few people were here. The armies who had backstage passes. Lucky them. But I get to see BTS in person with my own assigned seat. They even wrote my name on it.

 When I got in, it was so noisy. I could hear screams from the audience already. "[Y/N]?" A lady asks. She looked small but very mature at the same time. "Yes?" I ask. "This way please." She turns around, leading me to my seat. I followed her. My seat was front row, and I knew I was going to get a clear view of the boys. So excited!!

 I sat down in my seat and two other girls were sitting next to me. I sat with my legs crossed and on my phone till the music started.

 Jimin's POV

 I'm in the back waiting for the music to start. We already warmed-up our voices, so let's get started. The lights went down low. My heart was beating fast as I heard the screams of a thousand armies. Then the music started. Namjoon was first. He started it off.

 Then, the rest came up and followed him. So did I.

 When I first hit the stage, I looked at all the armies in the audience. They were screaming the lyrics. Then my part came up. I was singing, until I heard a familiar voice scream my name. "Jimin!!" I heard it, then I looked to where it came from. Then I saw [Y/N] in the crowd not too far from us. What was she wearing?!!

 I almost stumbled when I saw her. She was so beautiful. When did she change outfits?? I heard her gasp when she saw me almost stumble. But I got back up very quickly. Wow. [Y/N] is actually a beautiful human being. I can't blame Jungkook for having a crush on her.

 When did she get so pretty? I never noticed. Maybe it was probably because I was blinded by our friendship and only saw her in one way. I don't know. All I know is i'm shook.


 The concert was really long. I couldn't wait for it to end so I could see [Y/N]. But I had to perform for my armies. So I did just that. I did my best. But I kept staring at [Y/N] in the crowd. Why does she have to be so beautiful? I don't know anymore.

 But when it all was finally over, we reached backstage. We were out of breath. "Good job guys..!" Namjoon claps. "Did you see [Y/N]?" Taehyung asks. "Yeah, she was so pretty!" Hoseok answers. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Hoseok." Yoongi puts his hands in his pockets.

 "[Y/N] was definitely checking me out when I did my main move." Jungkook said cockily. "You don't know that." I blurt. "Yeah right! Did you see her face when I did my move?" Taehyung asked. "What..was your move exactly, Taehyung?" Namjoon asked, tilting his head. "The thing!" Taehyung voice crack a little. We all laugh at him.

 "You guys wish. [Y/N] was looking dead at me with I did my flip." I put my hands behind my back. "No she was not. I was right there!" Jungkook nudge me in the shoulder. He needs to stop doing that. He does not know his own strength. I stumbled over a bit.

 "Changing subject...Jimin! What was that stumbling on stage!" Jin cut us off. "Yeah Jimin, what was that?" Yoongi asked, looking over to me. "I was..nervous. From the crowd that's all." I lie.

 "Jimin. We've been on stage more times that i'm too lazy to count. I'm sure you're over it." Yoongi snap. "Was it [Y/N]?" Jungkook asks and looks at me. He smirked. I nudge him in the shoulder. It didn't seem like it did much damage. Hmph.

 "No! Just leave it alone!" I say to the boys. "Leave what alone?" A voice says behind Namjoon. We look and it's her. [Y/N]. Standing there looking as beautiful as ever. "[Y/N]!! Where did you come from!" Hoseok asks with a wide smile. "Oh from that hall over there. I'm not sure if i'm actually allowed to be here, so.." She gave a cute, bubbly smile and shrugged. I shook my head.

 "Don't worry. You're our [Y/N], no one is gonna kick you out." Namjoon put his hand on her shoulder. What? Why is he doing that? Why? Is that really necessary?

 "Okay, guys! Your concert was so awesome! So cool! Your voices was so beautiful and perfect and matched everything so perfectly and just so perfect and-"

 "Someone is fangirling again." Taehyung bunched his lips together. [Y/N] scoffed, "I am not." She put her hands on her hips. He shook his head and walked up closer to her, "Don't worry about it, come here and tell me about what you liked." Taehyung put his arm around [Y/N] and they began walking in a different direction. I ran after them.

 "Whoa, whoa, whoa..! Okay..let's..not get ahead of ourselves here. We're all supposed to be hanging out with [Y/N]." I say, glaring directly at Taehyung. The others behind us agree with me. Taehyung mouths the words, "Jealous?"

 I keep glaring at him. He smirks. "Okay fine."

 [Y/N] walks closer to me. "What was that all about?" She asks, using her thumb to point back at Taehyung. "Just Taehyung being selfish. He knows how much we all wanna hang out with you." I say, now walking with her. "Did you see my flip?" I ask, turning my head to her.

 "Of course! I could not keep my eyes off of you!" She says and smiles. I blush. I look down at my feet. "Me neither.." I mutter. She looks at me confused. "No! I mean, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. It'd be weird if my eyes were on myself." I stupidly said. [Y/N] laugh at my stupidity.

 I turned my head the other way and gave myself face-palm. So embarrassing..

 But we continued to walk. "Jimin you're so weird!" She smiles and nudge me in the shoulder. Okay what is with that? Is my shoulder a punching bag to some people or..

 Agh..but I couldn't mind with her. She can do whatever she likes and I'd be fine with it. I laughed, hesitantly. "Don't worry, I don't mind weird." She says and leans her head on my shoulder. My heart drops. Why does she do this to me?

 "Hey, let's take a picture!" I say. We both stop and face each other. I take my phone out of my back pocket and held it up. [Y/N] was really close to me. So I thought, why not put my arm around her? So I did. She used a hand to make a peace sign, and so did I. Then I took that picture. That's gonna be my lock screen for a while. "Oh..! It's a good one!" I say looking down at it. [Y/N] stands next to me and looks at it too.

 "'re so cute Jimin." She blurts. My head immediately shot up. I looked at her with a shocked face. "Did you just call me cute?" I ask. She laughs. I can't lie, it was a cute laugh.

 "What? You guys call me beautiful all the time." She truthfully says. I blush and look back at the camera. "Did I just make you blush just now?" She asks. My smile turns into a frown. "No you did not." I say, looking at her.

 "You so did blush!" She raise her eyebrows and points at me. "Shhh..!" I shush her and walked up close. She laughed. "I'll remember that Park Jimin." She smiles. I feel embarrassed and as awkward as Jin. "Let's go back, okay?" I say, trying to avoid what just happened. I can't believe she saw me do it! FML.



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