The Perfect Guy

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 "Haha! Did he fall for it?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.
Taehyung had sat on a towel, while also wrapped in one because he wasn't allowed to go back in. He snarled, "Because of your stupid prank i'm not allowed back in the water!"
"Yeah but did he fall for it?"

 Taehyung rolled his eyes. "He's a jerk. He acts so mature like he knows everything." Taehyung went on. "Does [Y/N] think so too?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung shook his head. "No. She still likes him a lot."

 Jungkook groaned, "What will it take for her to get over him? A bullet to his head?"
"Whoa, you got dark quick." Taehyung looked up at him. Jungkook shrugged.

Later on, everyone decided to go out to eat.
Eunwoo recommended this wooden restaurant with a lot of windows. Since it was near the beach, everyone there had swimsuits on. Except for the workers of course.

 They all sat at a big family table and waited for their food that they ordered not too long ago. [Y/N] sat next to Eunwoo as expected. They looked into each others eyes dreamily. The boys could've thrown up in their own mouth. Namjoon was the unfortunate one sitting directly in front of them. He cringed at the sight. But they were too lost in each others eyes to notice.

 Yoongi muttered curses, while Jungkook tried to keep himself distracted with his phone under the table. Playing a piano game. And Taehyung watched him play.

 Namjoon put his hands together and leaned in the table. He cleared his throat. "So!" He broke the silence. [Y/N] and Eunwoo looked at him.

 "Tell us all about yourself." Namjoon's eyes on Eunwoo.
Eunwoo smiled at [Y/N] for a second, then went back to Namjoon. "Well, i'm a singer. I had an outgoing career since I was 16 years old. But the fame life was hard, and certain things happened that made me quit." He looked down.

 "What was it?" Taehyung blurts.

 Everyone eye-balls him. He looks. "What?" He then says.
Eunwoo sighs. "No it's okay. It rumors actually. I was set up by a few enemies back then. There was too many fakes pretending to be my friends. So I let everything go. But it's fine. Because if I haven't, I wouldn't have met this beautiful girl right here." He put his arm around her.

 [Y/N] blushes.

 Taehyung grit his teeth. "Did they have a reason to do that?" He asks. Everyone glares at him again. "What??" He spread his hands out. Eunwoo shook his head, "I don't know actually. I think they were just jealous." He then nods.

 The boys look at each other. Then at Eunwoo.
"So, what do you like about [Y/N]?" Hoseok asks. "Well first, she's so beautiful. I was taken aback when I first saw her sitting at the coffee shop. She might not know it, but she's stunning.." Eunwoo didn't hesitate to answer quickly.

 [Y/N] blushed. Her heart was firing up inside.

 "Way to go Hoseok. You started something.." Jimin whispered to him.
"Sorry. I regret asking now." Hoseok whispered back.

 "Second, she has such an outgoing personality. I can tell she has a caring heart. Plus, [Y/N] is so playful and fun! She never fails to make me smile." He says, looking at [Y/N] when he was done. Yoongi creased his eyebrows. He was disgusted at the sight of them. She's supposed to be mine, and mine only. He thought to himself.

 It was really dark outside. Everyone was leaving to go home. The boys were getting in the truck they came in. But [Y/N].
"You coming? Or you're just gonna sleep outside.." Jimin joked. She sighed softly. "Uh, i'm just gonna go with Eunwoo for a bit, okay?" She points behind her.

 "But- But.." Jimin stuttered. She smiled. "That's okay with you guys?"

 Everyone groaned 'Yes' all except for Taehyung. Who groaned a 'No' in a low tone. [Y/N] smiled, not hearing Taehyung. "Thanks! You guys are the best!" [Y/N] went up and hugged Jimin. He gasped at the sudden move. Then he slowly hugged her back. "N-No problem [Y/N].." He said with mixed emotions.

 [Y/N] backed away and smiled. "My little mochi." She joked. Jimin laughed but also hating the fact that she's leaving.

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 [Y/N] finally had walked away to Eunwoo.
And Jimin had shut the door. Also still watching her go through the window.

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