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 You and BTS have been very good friends for a while. You all first met on the streets. When they were passing out flyers for their concert, they ran into you. You happily accepted their invitation. So you have been supporting them ever since they debuted. You went to every concert, you even rode around places with them. Sometimes you can even sleep over at the hotels their in.

 But soon enough, all the members started having feelings for you. And this started recently. They'll start making competitions and fight over you. But also, try to steal your heart.


 You're in an airport bathroom and on the phone with J-Hope. You're going to surprise the group.

 Your POV

 "Yeah Hoseok, my plane got delayed. I won't be there till the next flight." I lie. "Aww.." J-Hope says over the line. "..But we're already at the airport, [Y/N]" I sighed at Hoseok's response. But secretly, i'm almost bursting out with laughter. He has no idea.

 I covered my mouth to hold my laugh. "Well we're standing out here waiting for you, [Y/N]! Can't you just swim here or something?" Jin ask, grabbing the phone out of J-Hope's hand. "I told you guys already, my flight is for tomorrow." I lie again. I hear a sigh. "You know we can't be here tomorrow, right?" Jin asked.

 I wanted to laugh so hard, but part of me was sad for him. He thinks i'm not there. I grab my suitcase to walk out the bathroom and surprise them. "Yeah I know..Hey guys, I have to go. Talk to you later?" I hold the phone with my shoulder so I can grab my bags. Jin gave another sigh, "Okay..see you later [Y/N]." Then he hung up.

 Jin gave the phone back to J-Hope. "What did she say?" Namjoon asked. He shook his head, "She's not coming." He said, lowering his shoulders. "Her flight didn't make it?" Jungkook asked. Jin shrugged. "Nope." J-Hope answers for him. "Aww..I really wanted to see her.." Taehyung pouted.

 "Yeah, it's been a while.." Jimin said. "Let's go.." Yoongi shakes his head and starts walking towards the exit. The others followed him.

 This was my chance. I went up and sneaked behind them. "Going to leave so soon..?" I put my hands on my hips. The boys turned around. "..I didn't even get a hug." I continue. Their eyes grow big. "[Y/N]!!!" Hoseok shouted and ran after me with open arms. I immediately hugged him back.

 "Ah..! [Y/N] scared me." Taehyung breathed out and walked to me with open arms. I hugged him too. Soon, they all came and gave me tight hugs. Except Yoongi. When the hug was over, I look over to him. I walked up to him. He had a blank expression. "Don't play like that, know you miss me." I taunt and hit him in the shoulder.

 "You lied." He simply said, and turned around. "Oh c'mon! I wanted to surprise you!" I smile and shout. I feel hands on both my shoulders.

 "Don't worry about him, [Y/N]..he misses you very much." Namjoon said behind me. I turned around to the others. "So! Ready to go?" I ask. "Yeah!" They all shout.


 The car ride was super fun. Singing songs on the radio, talking to the boys. I was sitting next to Jungkook and Jimin. Jin was driving, and Namjoon sat next to him. "[Y/N], how long are you staying?" Jimin asked me. "For a very long time. I heard you guys released your new song. I saw the music video." I smile. "Of course you did. I bet you listen to it everyday." Yoongi blurted.

 I tilted my head, "Yes you're so right Yoongi. I listen to it all the time, any chance I can get." I say sarcastically. He chuckles.

 "So [Y/N], what did you think of it..?" Jungkook asks beside me. "I thought it was amazing! I mean, the gun shots, the new hair colors, the outfits, the dance mov-"

 "Looks like someone's fangirling back there." Jin looks at me through his mirror. I bunch my lips to the side. "No..i'm just saying.." I smile.

 Then I raise an eyebrow, "Wait..if you're bulletproof boy did you get shot in the video..?" I ask. Most of them made thinking faces. "Leave that to our Army." Namjoon says, keeping his eyes on the road.

 I held my head down, "I'm an Army too.." I mumble.


 We get to the place where we're staying for the night. I gotta say, it was huge. It looked super expensive. The boys put on their face masks, so did I. I don't know, I just do it so I could cool. We all got out the car. Jimin had grabbed my suitcase for me. I smiled at him, but I don't think he could see it.

 We all walked inside together. The room was really far up. It seemed like we were on the elevator forever. But when it stopped, we all stepped out and went through the long hallway to the room.

 Namjoon did the key thingy to open up, and then he opened the door for us to go inside. "Wow..!" I said in awe. The room was big. "I could do cartwheels in here.." I said, looking around. "Please don't." Yoongi blurted, dropping his bags on a bed. Jungkook plopped his bags down and got straight on his phone. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

 I sat my bags nearby the bed. "Hey! Wanna go live with us, [Y/N]?" Taehyung asked, showing me his phone. "Sure." I say. "Just lemme take my shower first." I nod. He nods too.

 "Beat you there!" Hoseok suddenly shouts. I raise my head up, "Wait wh-"

 Next thing I know I'm racing Hoseok to the bathroom. We push each other to the side and try our best to reach it. But unfortunately, Hoseok reaches it first and runs in. I groan, "Aw.."

 Jimin laughs behind me. "Okay I got one!" Jin suddenly yells. The boys groan. "Please Jin. No." Yoongi puts his hand in front of Jin.

 "I'll listen." I say, and sit on the edge of the bed by Jin. Yoongi and Jimin sighs. Jin tries to hold in his laugh,

 "Why did the little boy fall asleep on the chandelier..?" Jin asks. I tilt my head and look up. "Why?" I ask.

 "Because he was a light sleeper!"

 Jin burst into laughter. I guess I laughed with him. I'm not sure Jimin wanted to, but he ended up laughing too. I was laughing at Jin's own laugh instead of his joke.

 Probably because his laugh is funnier than the joke. Namjoon shook his head. "You guys are weird.." Namjoon scratched his head. It was quiet for a second. All of a sudden,

 "Oh I get it!" Taehyung shouted.

 We all started laughing again.

 And soon, Hoseok was out of the shower and I went next. I couldn't wait for all the fun we were going to have. My shower wasn't too long. When I was finished, I got out and put on my clothes. I then walked out and put the clothes I had on before into my bag. "Alright! Almost going live!" Taehyung says and lifts his phone up.

 "Wait!" I say, and fix my hair. "Ready [Y/N]?" Taehyung looks at me. I nod. I walk behind him and stare at myself in the camera.

 "!" He yells. he then waves at the camera. "Hello Army!" I smile. Jimin comes on side of me. "Hey Army.." it almost sounded like a whisper. But i'm sure they heard. "Woah..! Look at those comments!" I say, pointing at the screen. A bunch of comments were showing up so fast to the point where you can't even get to one word.

 "Ohh...they're asking about you, [Y/N]." Taehyung says. "What?" I look closer at the screen with curious eyes. "One of them asked, 'Who is that?'" Jimin points.

 "All of them are asking that." I raise my eyebrows. Taehyung smiled, "Army, this is the beautiful [Y/N] here, she's our best friend forever. See? She's so pretty, huh?" Taehyung puts his palm under my chin.

 I blushed a bit, "Thanks, Tae."

 Jimin stared at me and Taehyung. But I kept smiling at the camera.

 Little did I know, there was a small war going on.

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