Video Shoot

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 You took a ride to the location where Taehyung had told you. The place was very big, and there were people outside. So it would be a bit difficult to sneak in. But you didn't want to stay at the hotel.

 When you got out the car, you sneaked past two guys and went through a window. You were in a room that seemed like a bathroom. The...boys bathroom. You ran out of the room when you realized it. Then you were in a hallway, looked around a bit, then started going one way.

 The more you walked, the more noise you heard. You slowly followed the voices. You were crouched by a corner, and then you saw the boys. Standing around their shoot and talking with directors. Taehyung was nearest you. You were behind him. So you stood up straight, and wrapped your hands around his mouth and pulled him back to you.

 When he stopped and saw you, he held his hand over his heart. "Oh my gosh [Y/N]! You almost gave me a heart attack." He whispers. You laughed. "Sorry."

 "Okay, over here.." Taehyung uses his hands and held your arms to pull you to another spot. "This is the perfect place for surprising the guys." Taehyung says behind you. He brought you to a small spot where the boys couldn't see you, you could see them. "The directors are going to take a break in a few seconds, come out when I give the signal." He says. "What's the signal?" You asked, tilting your head.

 Taehyung looked down like he was thinking. Then he made a heart with his fingers. "When I do this towards you, then you come out." He gave you a smirkish look. You nodded.

 Taehyung then went back to the boys and you watched them.

 Jungkook's POV

 "What're you doing?" I asked Taehyung. "None of your business." Taehyung smiles. The directors leave for their break, while the rest practice their lines.

 Taehyung has a suspicious smile. "Did you just have a phone call with [Y/N]? Is that why you're so happy?" I pushed Taehyung in the shoulder. "No." He then smiled really widely. "I don't believe you."

 "I didn't talk to [Y/N] on the phone. I swear." Taehyung puts his hands behind his back. "Well, [Y/N]'s mine so don't try anything." I smirked.

 Taehyung's smile turned into a frown. He had his eyebrows raised and his eyes looked to the right. "Say cheese!" A voice to the right said. I turned and it was [Y/N]! Holding up a camera. "[Y/N]!! How did you get here?" Hoseok greets with a smile. "Yeah, aren't there people outside?" Namjoon asked, looking up from the paper in his hands.

 "I sneaked!" [Y/N] says like it's an accomplishment. "Ohh..[Y/N]'s gone bad." Jin said. I backed away and turned away. I can't believe I just said that to Taehyung. I hope she didn't hear. Because if she did, I'd die. I couldn't leave just yet, so I sat on a box away from the others. Looking back on my idiot life.

 She was playing around with the others for a while, then she looked at me and started walking my way. I sighed. She sat next to me. "Hey Jungkook!" She says like nothing happened. I looked at her and nodded and then looked away quickly.

 "Something wrong? Do I have something on my face?" She asks, getting closer to me. I can't speak. Where are my words? She's just so close to me.

 "Jungkook?" She asks again. "Y-Yes.." I say almost like a whisper. "What's wrong, you can tell me." She puts her hand on mine. I close my eyes. Breath..breath..

 "Uh...I just..uh..I have to go!" I get up from the box and make my way to the boys bathroom. I didn't even look back at her. I needed to catch my breath.

 When I got to the bathroom, I walked around in circles. "Okay..just pretend it never happened. Just go back to the way it was. She did not hear a thing. Right?" I talk to myself.

 Your POV

 Jungkook's acting really weird. And only around me. I sat there on the box alone, thinking about it. Hoseok sits next to me. "What's wrong [Y/N]?" He asked. I shook my head, "Nothing. Just thinking that's all." I say. "About what?" Hoseok puts his hand around my arm.

 "...About how I am going to beat you at the showers when all this is over." I bunch my lips together. He laughs, "You wish." He says.

 We both stand up. "[Y/N]." Yoongi calls me from the side. "Yes?" I ask. "The directors will be back soon, you should go." He had his hands in his pockets. "I wanna hang out for a little more." I shrug. "You can dress up as our main character!" Taehyung said. "Great idea Tae. The directors won't notice that the main girl had gotten shorter, cuter, and weirder." Yoongi said sarcastically.

 "Am I cute to you?" I ask him and he looked at me like he's tongue-tied. Then I put up two peace signs and make an aeygo face. "Am I cute?" I ask in an aeygo voice. "That's it, you need to leave." Yoongi walked towards me and used his hand to slowly push me out. I laughed and so did the others. He smiled, even though he probably didn't want to.

 "What was that? Was that a smile?" I point at his lips. "No." He says. "Aww c'mon! Lemme see that gummy smile." I whine. He shakes his head.

 "Aww..pwease?" I pout. "Don't do that." He shakes his head at me, I put my up fists and smushed them up my cheeks and pout even harder. "Pwetty pwease?" I say in aeygo voice. Yoongi stares at me for a second, looks away, then looks back at me. But this time, with a gummy smile. "Yay!" I jump up. He put up peace sign and still smiled.

 "You never asked for my smile like that.." Taehyung pouted and folded his arms. I walked towards him. "Aww..your smile matter too, oppa." I smile and say. He still pouts. I sigh and hug him. "Smile for me oppa." I say. Then, I start to tickle him. And there his beautiful smile appears. "Okay okay!" He laughs.

 Soon, Jungkook walks back in. We all look at him. "The directors are going to be back. I just saw them." He pointed with his thumb. "Okay." I nodded. "Promise we'll be back before you know it." Namjoon smiles at me. "Yeah. Hopefully." I say. "Aww [Y/N]." Jimin comes and hug me. I happily accept the hug. Then I make my way out.

 As I leave the building, I put my hands in my pockets. I was outside. Walking. When I felt a hand on my shoulder. "[Y/N]?" The voice asked. I turned around.



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