My Hearteu

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 After we had to wait 2000 years for Namjoon to get ready and the rest of the boys, we finally made our way to go pick up some breakfast. We went all the way down and reached the food court in the hotel.

 We all ordered at different places. I ordered an egg omelet because why not. Taehyung decided to do the same. Even though he'd never eaten one before.

 Then we sat at this huge table that could fit all of us. I sat next to Jungkook and Jimin this time.

 "So. How'd you guys sleep..?" I ask, cutting up my omelet. They looked at each other before answering. "Oh! Good!" Taehyung put his thumbs up. "Great!" Jimin smiled. "Like a baby." Yoongi said.

 "Okie dokie then." I smile and look down at my food. "[Y/N]! I wanna learn more about this Eunwoo guy again." Taehyung says, leaning to me.

 "Nope. I am no longer going to talk about him anymore." I raise both of my hands and shake my head. "Why not? You don't like him anymore?" Jin asks, before taking a big bite of his food. "No. I just know you guys are going to talk about him again." I say. They nod. "Well I didn't say anything about him. You can tell me." Namjoon smiles.


 My eyes avert behind Namjoon and my eyebrows raise. I gasp. "What is it?" Namjoon asked and turns around to see what I see. "That's him!" I point behind him. The boys turn their heads so fast their necks might as well be broken.

 "Where? There's like a ton of guys over there." Yoongi asks. "Hold on!" I say, getting up from my seat. I walk over to Eunwoo impatiently. I wanted him to see me. "Eunwoo!" I raise my hand and waves. He turns around and look at me with a shocked face first, then he gives the cutest smile ever.

 Yoongi's POV

 Ew. Look at how he's smiling at her. Unnecessary. Di-Did they just hug? This is unbelievable. He's acting like they've been friends for years.

 It was quiet at the table. Me and the boys just stare at them. Not even saying anything. I had a thought of what was going through their minds.

 Jungkook's POV

 How dare he? He looks weak. Flabby arms or whatever. I bet I could totally beat him in everything he thinks he's good at. Why's he so skinny. What's his deal? Who gave him permission to hug [Y/N]. I sure didn't.

 I'm way stronger than him, I bet.

 Jimin's POV

 Wow. He looks taller than me. No wonder she likes him. He looks like he was born yesterday. [Y/N] should know better. He can't make her smile like me. Right?

 Look at the way he hugs her. I can hug her even tighter. She said she'll always have me. Take that Eunwoo.

 Taehyung's POV

 Oh. There he is. I thought he'd be more handsome like me. Yoongi was right when he said that he wasn't worth her time. Wait. Is that...? IS HE WEARING GUCCI???

 No way. I could totally rock those shoes better than him. He doesn't even know. But he trying to copy my style? He so wants to be me.

 Namjoon's POV

 I feel like punching him right now. Is this really who [Y/N] was talking about? I'm embarrassed. I'm disappointed. I wanna go and curse him out in English. But [Y/N] would know exactly what i'm saying. Dang.

 Look at his height. I could crush him like a piece of paper right now. Why is he hugging her? He got no jams.

 Jin's POV

 Is that the one [Y/N] was talking about? What is he doing here? Was he following us? He not even handsome. I'd like to shove a whole spoonful of Kimchi in his face. Maybe then he'll stop smiling at [Y/N] like that. It makes me uncomfortable.

 But wait..why is she smiling at him like that? Like I didn't just feed her a while ago. That traitor [Y/N]. She can't show him her beautiful smile like that to him. It's rude to ugly people.

 Hoseok's POV

 [Y/N]!!!!!!! Why you do this to me? I can't believe she just ditched us to hug some skinny pabo!! She's supposed to be mine!! I bet he can't even dance like me. I can show off right now. He can't take my skills.

 I feel like pulling [Y/N]'s hand and taking her away from that guy. He's not supposed to hug her like that!!! It's extremely weird and rude! I can't believe she stuck up for him. He's not even worth a breath. I bet she likes me more than him. I'll show him.

 Your POV

 "Hey guys! This is Eunwoo..!"

 "Oh hi! Nice to meet you!" All the boys smile and wave. I'm glad their finally being nice. I had already took him to our table. We both stood in front of the boys. "Is this the BTS group you were talking about?' Eunwoo points at them.

 I nod. "Mhm." I say. "Well..pleasure to meet you all!" Eunwoo smiles at the boys. I see the look on Jungkook's face. He's smiling! I'm so happy the boys like him!

 Jungkook's POV

 I wanna shove my phone down his throat.


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