Just Smile And Wave

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 "Wanna sit with us..?" She asked. No...No..No..

 "Sure!" He smiles. I grit my teeth. I'm sure the other boys did the same. He sat really close next to [Y/N]. Jimin scooted a bit over from him.

 And from that point on, Eunwoo and [Y/N] started talking and laughing while me and the boys silently watched. Until Yoongi finally cut in,

 "Where do you work?" Yoongi asked, before putting a chip in his mouth. Everyone stared at Yoongi for a second. Even Eunwoo. Until he answered,

 "Uh..i'm temporarily unemployed. But it looks like the coffee shop job that I applied for is coming along." Eunwoo smiled. "Why the coffee job..?" Taehyung asked. I smirked. I knew what the boys were doing.

 "Well..it's in the middle of the shops so I can..meet new people." Eunwoo smiled again. "You sure that's the reason? Nothing else..?" Namjoon tilts his head. He bunches his lips to the side. "Uhhm.."

 [Y/N] leaned into her seat. "Uh, Eunwoo! Why don't you tell the boys how we met. I think they'd like to hear the story from you!" She cut in. What is she doing.

 "Oh! Right!" Eunwoo points his finger up. We all eat and watch him. He continues, "Well, I was casually walking down the street that day.."

 Casually..? More like stalking her, I bet..

 "..and I looked over, and I saw her sitting at a small table outside the shop alone. She looked a bit down, so I walked over.."

 Yeah. To take advantage of her.

 "..and after that we talked! She told me about you guys too..!" Eunwoo explains. "Really..?" Hoseok raises his eyebrows. "..What does [Y/N] say about us..?" Hoseok continued and smiled. "Well, she told me that you all have been friends for a long while.."

 Damn right.

 "..she also told me about your fanclub. And I know you have many." He said. I nodded. "Yup. All over the world." I brag. He looked at me, then he rested his head on his palm and his elbow on the table.

 "Uhm..she actually told me that your fanclub is attacking her on twitte-"

 "New subject!!!!" [Y/N] looked like she'd seen a ghost. She covered Eunwoo's mouth with her palm.

 "Wait. What did you say..?" Namjoon asked. We all looked at them. "Oh..you didn't know?" Eunwoo asked, slowly and gently putting [Y/N]'s hand down from his mouth.

 "[Y/N]. You never told us Army was attacking you on twitter." Jin said, in a caring way. [Y/N] sighed and crouched in her seat. Then she stuck her hair behind her ear. "I didn't want you guys to worry about it." She said, almost mumbling it.

 "Well it's very serious if it's making you upset, [Y/N]." Jin told again. She kept her head down. I wish I was sitting directly next to her so I could put my arm around her. But something else happened that made me very upset. Eunwoo leaned into her face and placed his thumb on her chin to lift her face up.

 My blood boiled.

 "I'm sorry.." He said in an aeygo-ish voice. "It's okay Eunwoo. Now I don't have to worry about hiding it anymore." She smiled beautifully. I'm sick of this.

 "I think i'm full." I blurt. "Me too." Taehyung agrees. "Me too!" Hoseok pushes his food away from him.

 "Let's go back to the room..! Or at least go somewhere else." Jimin rolled his eyes. Me and the rest of the boys stood up so fast it made our chairs creak. "[Y/N]? You comin?" Namjoon asked. She stared at the boys for a second, then she bunched her lips together.

 "Nah. I think i'll hang out with Eunwoo more." She said. I rolled my eyes and grit my teeth. "Fine then." Yoongi said, then we all slowly left.

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