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"I remember seeing you grow up all those years back. You used to be a microorganism and now you're a giant! I'm flustered everytime I see you on the stage because you've worked so hard since then. On stage, you were Jeon Jungkook. But off-stage, you were my little baby. We'd run around together like children and get ourselves into trouble. You're everything a girl could ask for. You're protective, but soft and sweet on the inside. And you're so bright. I want to be with you..knowing we'd never grow up. That'd we be young forever. Jeon's you."
Jungkook was shocked. He would've never expected for you to actually choose him. But he was so happy at the same time. Jungkook had stepped up to you. He was close over you. He smiled, then took both of your hands in his. "I love you.." You whispered. He smiled, "I love you more.."


"I feel like you always have my back're so kind and funny. You're always looking at me with those eyes and I always blush. The more I think about it, the more I become attracted to you. You pull me into you when we have eye contact. You're not afraid to show your feelings for me, and I don't wanna hold back anymore. I finally want us to be together. To hold you, to love you finally without any restraints. With every touch, I become like a magnet. Like I want more of you every single day. But..all I know right now is that it's only you. Park Jimin.."
He looked up at you.
"'s you.." You said softly. He looked at you with a gaze. A gaze with stars in his eyes. He smiled, "And it's you.." He said almost like a whisper. Everything around him disappeared to the point that it's only you. And you forever.


"I don't know how i'm supposed to start this..I uhm..I feel so full when you're around. When you're at my side I feel like the happiest girl on the planet. Your smile, everything about you is so unique and I often catch myself fantasizing about you. I'm so nervous around you. I can't keep my eyes off of you everyday and every night. Your voice gives me chills. You're eyes glisten anywhere you go. When you're nervous, it's the cutest thing ever, and with ever passing minute with you around me, I feel warm in my heart. Every puzzle piece of you, I want to put together. And I can look forward to every day when it's with you..every passing second would be so important because..i'd be with you..Kim Taehyung.." You smiled.
His jaw dropped. In his mind, he was thinking that it was him? Really him? You chose him? His dreams..the thing he's always wanted for years..finally happened.
He walked up to you and smiled, "[Y/N]..? Is it really me..?" He asked. You took his hands in yours, "'s always been you Taehyung." You smiled.
Not being to hold himself back, Taehyung leaned in and kissed you on the lips.


"You're so happy. You make me smile just by being around me. But, you're not happy everyday 24/7. Sometimes you have insecurities and worries and I just want to discover every single bit so I can tell you everytime that you're so special to me. All the time, i'm so happy around you. I look at the world in an entirely different way when you're at my side. I want you to know just how I feel..all the time. I feel like you really bring out the best in me and I in yourself. You're like the 8th wonder of the world and..the day when you told me you'll always protect me, I really felt warm and safe around you so..there can't be anyone else other than you, Jung Hoseok."
He looked up at you with those sparkling eyes. He stepped up and stood in front of you. "And there's only you..[Y/N]..only you.." He said softly.

Then you two clasp in a tight hug.


"There's no words to explain the feelings that surge my body whenever i'm around you. Sometimes you pretend to be tough around me and unbreakable, but I know you. I know you're the same softie I met back in 2013 who smiled at the world. Who smiled at me. And just the memory gives me butterflies all over. Now here we are, and I see that same smile from all those years ago. And it seems, I'll never get tired of it. I'd want to see that smile every, single, day, for the rest of my life. And I don't know if i'm going too far, but Min Yoongi, I want to make so many memories with you. Forever."
He was already standing in front of you as he walked closer mid-confession. He just knew that look in your eyes. Yoongi had a smile on his face. It was soft, almost like a grin. "Nothing can ever be too far with you.." He put his thumb on your chin, "...because I want to make memories with you too, [Y/N]. Forever."


"I feel like you know me more than I know myself. You understand me and my feelings. If I beat myself up about something, you'd reassure me that I was smart and would make the right decision. But even when I break, you know exactly when, and you comfort me. It surprises me how quickly you catch on but that just explains how much you've paid attention over the years. When I look at you..I can see your insecurities too. Your worries, your feelings. And you've always helped me so much to the point that, I want to do the same thing for you. I want to be around you all the time, to be there to tell you, it'll be alright. You're alright. I'm here. And wherever I go from this point on, Kim Namjoon, I want to have you by my side." You smiled.

Namjoon was so shocked but at the same time excited. So excited he laughed, "I'm so happy..!" He said mid-laugh.
Being as hyper-active as he was, he hugged you tight and swung you around, erupting squeals and giggles from you both.


"You're so gentle. Soft. Beautiful. You're the one to take care of me. If I was feeling sad, you'd know exactly how to cheer me up. At all times, you're there when no one else is. I feel like I can go to you for everything. I can talk to you about everything. You'd always have an open ear. At most times, I want to hug and cuddle with you everyday. Your smile brights up my morning and I can't help but blush everytime you speak to me. It's like the man of my dreams is standing in front of me. You're kind, humble, and everything in between. I couldn't help but have a crush on you all those years back. Those feelings only grew stronger and latched on tighter. Everyday, it's like i'm falling for you more and more. Kim Seokjin, I want to be with you."

Jin came and faced you. He placed his fingers softly around your jaw, then kissed your forehead gently.
"Well [Y/N], you've got me."


sincerely from,


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