Someone New

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 It was the next morning. You woke up in your own bed that the boys let you sleep in while they slept on the floor or the chairs. But you sat up, and the boys were still sleeping so you took out your phone. You stared at the screen. You went straight to twitter for any updates on your favorite K-stars. When you stumbled on BTS twitter account. You raised your eyebrows. "Wow..they actually post a lot of things about me.." You mumbled. You continued to scroll down and saw more and more pictures of you. Even some short videos. Then you saw a picture of Yoongi and yourself when you were at the food court in the mall. "What? I didn't even know he took that!" You whisper-shouted.

 You tapped the photo. But made the mistake of scrolling to the comments on the photo. "What the.." You mumbled to yourself. You saw horrible comments about you. Comments like,

 How dare that trash hangout with Yoongi. He should be with me instead.


 I bet she doesn't even know anything about him that we do. She doesn't deserve him.

 I bet they're dating. She needs to back off.

 Stay away from Sugaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

 She's not even looking at the camera, so rude.

 Why does Suga even try with her.

 She's not even a real ARMY!!

 Is Min Suga into ugly girls? Or....

 You put your hand over your mouth. "Why are they saying such things about me..?" You mumbled. After seeing more hateful comments, you shut your phone off and grabbed the pillow you laid on and smashed your face in it. Muffled screaming came from it. When you were finished, you felt down all of a sudden. You didn't want to wake up the boys, but you didn't want to stay either. So you got out of bed and put on some clothes to go to the nearby coffee shop.

 And so you did. It was a sunny morning. You sat at a small table on the outside of the shop. And you ordered your coffee and waited silently. You sighed as you stared at your surroundings. "It must be hard to be famous. Especially being friends with a famous person." You told yourself. You sighed again. "Hello." A voice said in front of you. You looked up and saw a man standing in front of you. "Hi..?" You said more as a question. The man was very handsome indeed. He had more of a cute smile though. "You seemed lonely.." The man bunched his lips to the side.

 "Oh..i'm fine.." You lied. "You sure..?" He asked. You sighed and looked down at your table. "Don't worry! I'm not some weirdo. I'm just..trying to help or at least, cheer you up!" He smiles. "Thank you." You smile.

 He sits down in front or you. "Oh! My name is Eunwoo!" He said, raising his eyebrows. You laughed. "[Y/N]." You put the hair behind your ear. "Well, [Y/N] is a really nice name. So, what's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head.

 "Okay so, I have these friends. And let's say they're..somewhat popular. And they're so popular that many other girls like me, may or may have not have a crush on these boys. And it's hard because they get so jealous and start saying awful things about me just because i'm close with them. It sucks." You explain.

 Eunwoo nods, "Right. And you're just feeling down because of it?" He asked. You lower your shoulders. "Yeah. A bit. But I don't hate them or anything like that. It's just...hard."

 "Who's these famous boys you're talking about? I might know them." Eunwoo asked. You looked up at him with raised eyebrows. "Uh..uh.."

 "Haha! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone or anything. I know what it's like, trust me." He says. "Well, they're actually..BTS." You shyly say. "Really? Wow! Aren't they known internationally?"

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