Which One?

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Your POV

 We all go back to the hotel. They take their showers. Tomorrow is our official hangout day. I can't wait. I'm sitting criss-cross on the huge soft bed in the room. Suddenly, Jin walks through the hotel door with a bunch of plastic boxes. "[Y/N]!" He calls. I raise my head up from my phone. "Jin? What's going on?"

 "I've got food for you." He says, mouth full. I raise my eyebrows and immediately follow him to a small table not too for from the bed I was sitting on. He opened the boxes and I gasped. "All your favorites." He smiles at me. I squealed. "Thanks Jin! You're the best!" I squealed again.

 "Rude." A voice said behind me. I turned around and Jungkook was sitting in a chair next to the bed. He had earphones in his ear but he was looking at me with his eyes. I smiled,

 "Sorry..I meant, Jin you're one of the best." I say slowly. Jungkook gives a small smile and went back to his phone. I turned back around and started eating the food Jin gave me. "See, [Y/N]? If you were my girlfriend, I'd feed you this type of stuff everyday." He blurts. I choke on my food. "What?" I cough. Namjoon was walking by. "You don't want to be with him [Y/N]. He'd feed you too much. You'd grow heavy. If you were with me, you wouldn't have to worry about that." Namjoon pats me on the shoulder.

 Jin looked up at Namjoon. "Don't say that to her, I can feed her all she wants. She loves my food, right [Y/N]?"

 I start to stutter, "Uh..uh-"

 "No she does not. She likes hanging out with me better, right [Y/N]?" Namjoon cuts off.

 "No me." Jin argues.

 "No me!"

 "I'm better right [Y/N]?"

 "No, i'm better right [Y/N]?

 "Uhh..I-uh..I have to use the bathroom!" I shout. I jumped out of my seat and ran to the bathroom. I barged through the door and shut it quickly. My hands still on the door knob. I closed my eyes and sighed. Then, soon I heard footsteps. I turn my face to the right, and see a half-naked Hoseok. Before I could shriek, he ran up and put his hand on my mouth to stop me.

 He only wore a towel. I was trying to stop myself from looking down. So I stared into his eyes. He then uses his other finger and put it over his mouth. Shushing me. I nod slowly. "Okay.." He mumble. He takes his hand from my mouth slowly. "Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry.." I whisper. He smiles and walks away. "That's okay.." He says. I can't believe I just saw Hoseok's abs!!

 I open the door to leave, but before I walk out, I turn back to Hoseok. "Can we not tell the other boys what just happened?" I asked. He nodded as he grabbed another towel and messed with his hair. Then I left.

 I walked slowly back to my seat. "What's wrong [Y/N]? You look traumatized." Jimin asked as he walked into the room. "You have no idea." I shake my head. When I sat back down in my seat, I heard the bathroom door open. Hoseok had a full set of clothes on, but still drying his hair with the smaller towel. He walking pass me, but he suddenly stops and turns around.

 "Oh and [Y/N], when you're walking in the bathroom, make sure i'm not in there next time. Okay?" Then he keeps walking. "What!!" Jimin yelled. Jungkook stood up. "You walked in on him?" He yelled. "Tell me he was wearing clothes!" Jin yelled.

 "Hoseok!" I shouted. He just gave me a smirk and kept walking. "What? You told me not to tell the boys." He shrugged. Great.

 "[Y/N] what happened? Did you walk in on him? Was he wearing clothes?" Namjoon asked. "I mean..he wore a towel.." I mumbled. "That's it! I'm going give Hoseok a talk!" Jungkook started walking in Hoseok's direction. I stood up. "Hey! It wasn't his fault! I walked in on him." I say, pushing Jungkook's chest.


 The next day, we're all getting ready to leave. We're all going shopping. But the boys are acting weird. Pouting, folding arms, ignoring me. They're mad, aren't they. I sat next to Jimin. He had his arms folded. "You're not still mad at me right, Jimin?" I ask. He pouts, "I can't believe you saw Hoseok half-naked." He muttered. I sighed. "Can we move past this? You and me?" I ask again. He moves away from me. And I shrug, "Okay then." He'll regret that later.

 We get to the shop. None of the boys want to talk to me or Hoseok. I just hate it when Taehyung ignores me. It's like a sting in the chest. And it's super quiet when Hoseok doesn't speak. The mall is huge. We're all walking inside, not talking. The boys are talking to each other, trying to make me jealous.

 Suddenly, I feel a hand on mine. It's Yoongi. "Wanna ditch the boys?" He whispers to me. I nodded. Then he grabbed my hand and we sneaked away from them. I laughed as we did. I'm so glad Yoongi wasn't mad at me like the rest of them.

 The first store we went to was a merch store. Filled with teddy bears, perfume, etc. I looked at all the cute bears and came across Ryan the bear. I played with it. "Namjoon would love this." I smile. "Why are you thinking about him, you're with me." Yoongi snarled. "Well sorry.." I say, walking past the bear. I secretly wanted to buy it for him so bad.

 Then, while Yoongi was somewhere else, I came across Kumamon. I smirked. I'm so gonna get this for him. I grabbed the bear and hid it behind my back. I got in line. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. "What are you doing?" He asked. I turned around quickly. "Nothing!" I say. "Well you're in line."

 "Oh, was I?"

 He shook his head. "You idiot. Get out of line." He smiled and pushed me slowly out of the way. As he looked down, he saw the bear and snatched it from my hands. "You were gonna buy this for me!" He told me, taking the bear. "Well yeah! As a surprise." I shrugged. He looked down at the bear, then up to me and smirked. "Let's pay for it together." He put his arm around me and we stood in the line together.

 When we walked out the store, we saw the others walking towards us in the distance. "[Y/N]! Where were you? We were looking for you everywhere!" Taehyung asked as the boys came closer. "I was just with Yoongi." I say and point to him with my thumb. "Did you guys sneak away from us?" Jimin asks. "Why would you do that." Jungkook scoffs. "Well you guys were ignoring her anyway, so we sneaked." Yoongi held my hand.

 "Yeah guys. You all were being mean and Yoongi was the only one willing to talk to me." I say. The boys look down to their feet. "Now if you excuse us, we'll go back to our shopping now." Yoongi says and pulls me away from them. I look back at them. They watched us go.

 Taehyung's POV

 I wish I wasn't such a jerk to [Y/N]. I'm sure the Hoseok thing was just an accident and nothing more. Why was I so jealous? I don't care. I look at the boys. "I'm going follow them." I said, and started walking their way. "You sure about that?" Namjoon asks. "Well, yeah. I want to apologize." I answer. "Me too." Jimin says.

 "Me too." Jungkook says also. I shrug and start walking. And the boys follow me.

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